/** * @docauthor Robert Dougan <rob@sencha.com> * * Single radio field. Similar to checkbox, but automatically handles making sure only one radio is checked * at a time within a group of radios with the same name. * * # Labeling * * In addition to the {@link Ext.form.Labelable standard field labeling options}, radio buttons * may be given an optional {@link #boxLabel} which will be displayed immediately to the right of the input. Also * see {@link Ext.form.RadioGroup} for a convenient method of grouping related radio buttons. * * # Values * * The main value of a Radio field is a boolean, indicating whether or not the radio is checked. * * The following values will check the radio: * * - `true` * - `'true'` * - `'1'` * - `'on'` * * Any other value will uncheck it. * * In addition to the main boolean value, you may also specify a separate {@link #inputValue}. This will be sent * as the parameter value when the form is {@link Ext.form.Basic#submit submitted}. You will want to set this * value if you have multiple radio buttons with the same {@link #name}, as is almost always the case. * * # Example usage * * @example * Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', { * title : 'Order Form', * width : 300, * bodyPadding: 10, * renderTo : Ext.getBody(), * items: [ * { * xtype : 'fieldcontainer', * fieldLabel : 'Size', * defaultType: 'radiofield', * defaults: { * flex: 1 * }, * layout: 'hbox', * items: [ * { * boxLabel : 'M', * name : 'size', * inputValue: 'm', * id : 'radio1' * }, { * boxLabel : 'L', * name : 'size', * inputValue: 'l', * id : 'radio2' * }, { * boxLabel : 'XL', * name : 'size', * inputValue: 'xl', * id : 'radio3' * } * ] * }, * { * xtype : 'fieldcontainer', * fieldLabel : 'Color', * defaultType: 'radiofield', * defaults: { * flex: 1 * }, * layout: 'hbox', * items: [ * { * boxLabel : 'Blue', * name : 'color', * inputValue: 'blue', * id : 'radio4' * }, { * boxLabel : 'Grey', * name : 'color', * inputValue: 'grey', * id : 'radio5' * }, { * boxLabel : 'Black', * name : 'color', * inputValue: 'black', * id : 'radio6' * } * ] * } * ], * bbar: [ * { * text: 'Smaller Size', * handler: function() { * var radio1 = Ext.getCmp('radio1'), * radio2 = Ext.getCmp('radio2'), * radio3 = Ext.getCmp('radio3'); * * //if L is selected, change to M * if (radio2.getValue()) { * radio1.setValue(true); * return; * } * * //if XL is selected, change to L * if (radio3.getValue()) { * radio2.setValue(true); * return; * } * * //if nothing is set, set size to S * radio1.setValue(true); * } * }, * { * text: 'Larger Size', * handler: function() { * var radio1 = Ext.getCmp('radio1'), * radio2 = Ext.getCmp('radio2'), * radio3 = Ext.getCmp('radio3'); * * //if M is selected, change to L * if (radio1.getValue()) { * radio2.setValue(true); * return; * } * * //if L is selected, change to XL * if (radio2.getValue()) { * radio3.setValue(true); * return; * } * * //if nothing is set, set size to XL * radio3.setValue(true); * } * }, * '-', * { * text: 'Select color', * menu: { * indent: false, * items: [ * { * text: 'Blue', * handler: function() { * var radio = Ext.getCmp('radio4'); * radio.setValue(true); * } * }, * { * text: 'Grey', * handler: function() { * var radio = Ext.getCmp('radio5'); * radio.setValue(true); * } * }, * { * text: 'Black', * handler: function() { * var radio = Ext.getCmp('radio6'); * radio.setValue(true); * } * } * ] * } * } * ] * }); */Ext.define('Ext.form.field.Radio', { extend:'Ext.form.field.Checkbox', alias: ['widget.radiofield', 'widget.radio'], alternateClassName: 'Ext.form.Radio', requires: ['Ext.form.RadioManager'], /** * @property {Boolean} isRadio * `true` in this class to identify an object as an instantiated Radio, or subclass thereof. */ isRadio: true, /** * @cfg {String} uncheckedValue * @private */ // private inputType: 'radio', ariaRole: 'radio', // Radios are naturally focusable but they need to participate in RadioGroups // which are focusable containers; we set tabIndex to >= 0 here to make that work tabIndex: 0, formId: null, /** * If this radio is part of a group, it will return the selected value * @return {String} */ getGroupValue: function() { var selected = this.getManager().getChecked(this.name, this.getFormId()); return selected ? selected.inputValue : null; }, /** * @private * Handle click on the radio button */ onBoxClick: function() { var me = this; if (!me.disabled && !me.readOnly) { this.setValue(true); } }, onRemoved: function(){ this.callParent(arguments); this.formId = null; }, /** * Sets either the checked/unchecked status of this Radio, or, if a string value is passed, checks a sibling Radio * of the same name whose value is the value specified. * @param {String/Boolean} value Checked value, or the value of the sibling radio button to check. * @return {Ext.form.field.Radio} this */ setValue: function(value) { var me = this, container, active; if (Ext.isBoolean(value)) { me.callParent(arguments); } else { active = me.getManager().getWithValue(me.name, value, me.getFormId()).getAt(0); if (active) { active.setValue(true); } } return me; }, /** * Returns the submit value for the checkbox which can be used when submitting forms. * @return {Boolean/Object} True if checked, null if not. */ getSubmitValue: function() { return this.checked ? this.inputValue : null; }, getModelData: function() { var o = this.callParent(arguments); if (o) { o[this.getName()] = this.getSubmitValue(); } return o; }, // inherit docs onChange: function(newVal, oldVal) { var me = this, r, rLen, radio, radios; me.callParent(arguments); if (newVal) { radios = me.getManager().getByName(me.name, me.getFormId()).items; rLen = radios.length; for (r = 0; r < rLen; r++) { radio = radios[r]; if (radio !== me) { radio.setValue(false); } } } }, // inherit docs getManager: function() { return Ext.form.RadioManager; }});