/** * @docauthor Tommy Maintz <tommy@sencha.com> * * A mixin which allows a data component to be sorted. This is used by e.g. {@link Ext.data.Store} and {@link Ext.data.TreeStore}. * * **NOTE**: This mixin is mainly for internal use and most users should not need to use it directly. It * is more likely you will want to use one of the component classes that import this mixin, such as * {@link Ext.data.Store} or {@link Ext.data.TreeStore}. */Ext.define("Ext.util.Sortable", { /** * @property {Boolean} isSortable * `true` in this class to identify an object as an instantiated Sortable, or subclass thereof. */ isSortable: true, $configPrefixed: false, $configStrict: false, config: { /** * @cfg {Ext.util.Sorter[]/Object[]} sorters * The initial set of {@link Ext.util.Sorter Sorters}. * * sorters: [{ * property: 'age', * direction: 'DESC' * }, { * property: 'firstName', * direction: 'ASC' * }] */ sorters: null }, /** * @cfg {String} defaultSortDirection * The default sort direction to use if one is not specified. */ defaultSortDirection: "ASC", requires: [ 'Ext.util.Sorter' ], /** * @event beforesort * Fires before a sort occurs. * @param {Ext.util.Sortable} me This object. * @param {Ext.util.Sorter[]} sorters The collection of Sorters being used to generate the comparator function. */ /** * @cfg {Number} [multiSortLimit=3] * The maximum number of sorters which may be applied to this Sortable when using the "multi" insertion position * when adding sorters. * * New sorters added using the "multi" insertion position are inserted at the top of the sorters list becoming the * new primary sort key. * * If the sorters collection has grown to longer then **`multiSortLimit`**, then the it is trimmed. * */ multiSortLimit: 3, statics: { /** * Creates a single comparator function which encapsulates the passed Sorter array. * @param {Ext.util.Sorter[]} sorters The sorter set for which to create a comparator function * @return {Function} a function, which when passed two comparable objects returns the result * of the whole sorter comparator functions. */ createComparator: function(sorters) { return sorters && sorters.length ? function(r1, r2) { var result = sorters[0].sort(r1, r2), length = sorters.length, i = 1; // While we have not established a comparison value, // loop through subsequent sorters asking for a comparison value for (; !result && i < length; i++) { result = sorters[i].sort.call(this, r1, r2); } return result; }: function() { return 0; }; } }, /** * @cfg {String} sortRoot * The property in each item that contains the data to sort. */ applySorters: function(sorters) { var me = this, sortersCollection = me.getSorters() || new Ext.util.MixedCollection(false, Ext.returnId); // We have been configured with a non-default value. if (sorters) { sortersCollection.addAll(me.decodeSorters(sorters)); } return sortersCollection; }, /** * Updates the sorters collection and triggers sorting of this Sortable. Example usage: * * //sort by a single field * myStore.sort('myField', 'DESC'); * * //sorting by multiple fields * myStore.sort([{ * property : 'age', * direction: 'ASC' * }, { * property : 'name', * direction: 'DESC' * }]); * * Classes which use this mixin must implement a **`soSort`** method which accepts a comparator function computed from * the full sorter set which performs the sort in an implementation-specific way. * * When passing a single string argument to sort, Store maintains a ASC/DESC toggler per field, so this code: * * store.sort('myField'); * store.sort('myField'); * * Is equivalent to this code, because Store handles the toggling automatically: * * store.sort('myField', 'ASC'); * store.sort('myField', 'DESC'); * * @param {String/Ext.util.Sorter[]} [sorters] Either a string name of one of the fields in this Store's configured {@link Ext.data.Model Model}, or an array of sorter configurations. * @param {String} [direction="ASC"] The overall direction to sort the data by. * @param {String} [insertionPosition="replace"] Where to put the new sorter in the collection of sorters. * This may take the following values: * * * `replace` : This means that the new sorter(s) becomes the sole sorter set for this Sortable. This is the most useful call mode * to programatically sort by multiple fields. * * * `prepend` : This means that the new sorters are inserted as the primary sorters, unchanged, and the sorter list length must be controlled by the developer. * * * `multi` : This is mainly useful for implementing intuitive "Sort by this" user interfaces such as the {@link Ext.grid.Panel GridPanel}'s column sorting UI. * * This mode is only supported when passing a property name and a direction. * * This means that the new sorter is becomes the primary sorter. If the sorter was **already** the primary sorter, the direction * of sort is toggled if no direction parameter is specified. * * The number of sorters maintained is limited by the {@link #multiSortLimit} configuration. * * * `append` : This means that the new sorter becomes the last sorter. * @return {Ext.util.Sorter[]} The new sorters. */ sort: function(sorters, direction, insertionPosition, doSort) { var me = this, sorter, overFlow, currentSorters = me.getSorters(); if (!currentSorters) { me.setSorters(null); currentSorters = me.getSorters(); } if (Ext.isArray(sorters)) { doSort = insertionPosition; insertionPosition = direction; } else if (Ext.isObject(sorters)) { sorters = [sorters]; doSort = insertionPosition; insertionPosition = direction; } else if (Ext.isString(sorters)) { sorter = currentSorters.get(sorters); if (!sorter) { sorter = { property : sorters, direction: direction }; } else if (direction == null) { sorter.toggle(); } else { sorter.setDirection(direction); } sorters = [sorter]; } if (sorters && sorters.length) { sorters = me.decodeSorters(sorters); switch (insertionPosition) { // multi sorting means always inserting the specified sorters // at the top. // If we are asked to sort by what is already the primary sorter // then toggle its direction. case "multi": // Insert the new sorter at the beginning. currentSorters.insert(0, sorters[0]); // If we now are oversize, trim our sorters collection overFlow = currentSorters.getCount() - me.multiSortLimit; if (overFlow > 0) { currentSorters.removeRange(me.multiSortLimit, overFlow); } break; case "prepend" : currentSorters.insert(0, sorters); break; case "append" : currentSorters.addAll(sorters); break; case undefined: case null: case "replace": currentSorters.clear(); currentSorters.addAll(sorters); break; default: //<debug> Ext.Error.raise('Sorter insertion point must be "multi", "prepend", "append" or "replace"'); //</debug> } } if (doSort !== false) { me.fireEvent('beforesort', me, sorters); me.onBeforeSort(sorters); if (me.getSorterCount()) { // Sort using a generated sorter function which combines all of the Sorters passed me.doSort(me.generateComparator()); } } return sorters; }, /** * @protected * Returns the number of Sorters which apply to this Sortable. * * May be overridden in subclasses. {@link Ext.data.Store Store} in particlar overrides * this because its groupers must contribute to the sorter count so that the sort method above executes doSort. */ getSorterCount: function( ){ return this.getSorters().items.length; }, /** * Returns a comparator function which compares two items and returns -1, 0, or 1 depending * on the currently defined set of {@link #cfg-sorters}. * * If there are no {@link #cfg-sorters} defined, it returns a function which returns `0` meaning * that no sorting will occur. */ generateComparator: function() { var sorters = this.getSorters().getRange(); return sorters.length ? this.createComparator(sorters) : this.emptyComparator; }, emptyComparator: function(){ return 0; }, onBeforeSort: Ext.emptyFn, /** * @private * Normalizes an array of sorter objects, ensuring that they are all Ext.util.Sorter instances * @param {Object[]} sorters The sorters array * @return {Ext.util.Sorter[]} Array of Ext.util.Sorter objects */ decodeSorters: function(sorters) { if (!Ext.isArray(sorters)) { if (sorters === undefined) { sorters = []; } else { sorters = [sorters]; } } var length = sorters.length, Sorter = Ext.util.Sorter, model = this.getModel ? this.getModel() : this.model, field, config, i; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { config = sorters[i]; if (!(config instanceof Sorter)) { if (Ext.isString(config)) { config = { property: config }; } Ext.applyIf(config, { root : this.sortRoot, direction: "ASC" }); //support for 3.x style sorters where a function can be defined as 'fn' if (config.fn) { config.sorterFn = config.fn; } //support a function to be passed as a sorter definition if (typeof config == 'function') { config = { sorterFn: config }; } // ensure sortType gets pushed on if necessary if (model && !config.transform) { field = model.getField(config.property); config.transform = field && field.sortType !== Ext.identityFn ? field.sortType : undefined; } sorters[i] = new Ext.util.Sorter(config); } } return sorters; }, /** * Gets the first sorter from the sorters collection, excluding * any groupers that may be in place * @protected * @return {Ext.util.Sorter} The sorter, null if none exist */ getFirstSorter: function(){ var sorters = this.getSorters().items, len = sorters.length, i = 0, sorter; for (; i < len; ++i) { sorter = sorters[i]; if (!sorter.isGrouper) { return sorter; } } return null; }}, function() { // Reference the static implementation in prototype this.prototype.createComparator = this.createComparator;});