/** * The Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing plugin injects editing at a cell level for a Grid. Only a single * cell will be editable at a time. The field that will be used for the editor is defined at the * {@link Ext.grid.column.Column#editor editor}. The editor can be a field instance or a field configuration. * * If an editor is not specified for a particular column then that cell will not be editable and it will * be skipped when activated via the mouse or the keyboard. * * The editor may be shared for each column in the grid, or a different one may be specified for each column. * An appropriate field type should be chosen to match the data structure that it will be editing. For example, * to edit a date, it would be useful to specify {@link Ext.form.field.Date} as the editor. * * ## Example * * A grid with editor for the name and the email columns: * * @example * Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', { * storeId: 'simpsonsStore', * fields:[ 'name', 'email', 'phone'], * data: [ * { name: 'Lisa', email: 'lisa@simpsons.com', phone: '555-111-1224' }, * { name: 'Bart', email: 'bart@simpsons.com', phone: '555-222-1234' }, * { name: 'Homer', email: 'homer@simpsons.com', phone: '555-222-1244' }, * { name: 'Marge', email: 'marge@simpsons.com', phone: '555-222-1254' } * ] * }); * * Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', { * title: 'Simpsons', * store: Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup('simpsonsStore'), * columns: [ * {header: 'Name', dataIndex: 'name', editor: 'textfield'}, * {header: 'Email', dataIndex: 'email', flex:1, * editor: { * xtype: 'textfield', * allowBlank: false * } * }, * {header: 'Phone', dataIndex: 'phone'} * ], * selModel: 'cellmodel', * plugins: { * ptype: 'cellediting', * clicksToEdit: 1 * }, * height: 200, * width: 400, * renderTo: Ext.getBody() * }); * * This requires a little explanation. We're passing in `store` and `columns` as normal, but * we also specify a {@link Ext.grid.column.Column#field field} on two of our columns. For the * Name column we just want a default textfield to edit the value, so we specify 'textfield'. * For the Email column we customized the editor slightly by passing allowBlank: false, which * will provide inline validation. * * To support cell editing, we also specified that the grid should use the 'cellmodel' * {@link Ext.grid.Panel#selModel selModel}, and created an instance of the CellEditing plugin, * which we configured to activate each editor after a single click. * */Ext.define('Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing', { alias: 'plugin.cellediting', extend: 'Ext.grid.plugin.Editing', requires: ['Ext.grid.CellEditor', 'Ext.util.DelayedTask'], lockableScope: 'both', /** * @event beforeedit * Fires before cell editing is triggered. Return false from event handler to stop the editing. * * @param {Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing} editor * @param {Object} context An editing context event with the following properties: * @param {Ext.grid.Panel} context.grid The owning grid Panel. * @param {Ext.data.Model} context.record The record being edited. * @param {String} context.field The name of the field being edited. * @param {Mixed} context.value The field's current value. * @param {HTMLElement} context.row The grid row element. * @param {Ext.grid.column.Column} context.column The {@link Ext.grid.column.Column} Column} being edited. * @param {Number} context.rowIdx The index of the row being edited. * @param {Number} context.colIdx The index of the column being edited. * @param {Boolean} context.cancel Set this to `true` to cancel the edit or return false from your handler. */ /** * @event edit * Fires after a cell is edited. Usage example: * * grid.on('edit', function(editor, e) { * // commit the changes right after editing finished * e.record.commit(); * }); * * @param {Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing} editor * @param {Object} context An editing context with the following properties: * @param {Ext.grid.Panel} context.grid The owning grid Panel. * @param {Ext.data.Model} context.record The record being edited. * @param {String} context.field The name of the field being edited. * @param {Mixed} context.value The field's current value. * @param {HTMLElement} context.row The grid row element. * @param {Ext.grid.column.Column} context.column The {@link Ext.grid.column.Column} Column} being edited. * @param {Number} context.rowIdx The index of the row being edited. * @param {Number} context.colIdx The index of the column being edited. * @param {Mixed} context.originalValue The original value before being edited. */ /** * @event validateedit * Fires after a cell is edited, but before the value is set in the record. * There are three possible outcomes when handling the validateedit event: * * - Return `true` - Return true to commit the change to the underlying record and * hide the editor * - Return 'false' - Return false to prevent 1) the edit from being committed to * the underlying record and 2) the editor from hiding / blurring. * - Set context.cancel: true and return `false` - Set the context param's cancel property * to true and returning false will 1) prevent the edit from being committed to * the underlying record but _will_ allow the edit to hide once blurred. * * In the following example, entering 10 in the editor field and tabbing out / * blurring the editor field will result in the the editor remaining focused as the * required validation criteria has not been met. * * grid.on('validateedit', function(editor, context) { * if (context.value < 10) { * return false; * } * }); * * If we modify the previous example by setting context.cancel to true then changing * the editor value from 2 to 10 and tabbing out of the field will result in the * editor hiding and the grid cell retaining the initial value of 2. * * grid.on('validateedit', function(editor, context) { * if (context.value < 10) { * context.cancel = true; * return false; * } * }); * * Below is a usage example showing how to remove the red triangle (dirty-record * indicator) from some records (not all). By observing the grid's validateedit * event, it can be cancelled if the edit occurs on a targeted row (for example) and * then setting the field's new value in the Record directly: * * grid.on('validateedit', function(editor, e) { * var myTargetRow = 6; * * if (e.row == myTargetRow) { * e.cancel = true; * e.record.data[e.field] = e.value; * } * }); * * @param {Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing} editor * @param {Object} context An editing context with the following properties: * @param {Ext.grid.Panel} context.grid The owning grid Panel. * @param {Ext.data.Model} context.record The record being edited. * @param {String} context.field The name of the field being edited. * @param {Mixed} context.value The field's current value. * @param {HTMLElement} context.row The grid row element. * @param {Ext.grid.column.Column} context.column The * {@link Ext.grid.column.Column} Column} being * edited. * @param {Number} context.rowIdx The index of the row being edited. * @param {Number} context.colIdx The index of the column being * edited. * @param {Mixed} context.originalValue The original value before * being edited. * @param {Boolean} context.cancel Set this to `true` to cancel the * edit or return false from your handler (see the * method description for additional details). */ /** * @event canceledit * Fires when the user started editing a cell but then cancelled the edit. * @param {Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing} editor * @param {Object} context An edit event with the following properties: * @param {Ext.grid.Panel} context.grid The owning grid Panel. * @param {Ext.data.Model} context.record The record being edited. * @param {String} context.field The name of the field being edited. * @param {Mixed} context.value The field's current value. * @param {HTMLElement} context.row The grid row element. * @param {Ext.grid.column.Column} context.column The {@link Ext.grid.column.Column} Column} being edited. * @param {Number} context.rowIdx The index of the row being edited. * @param {Number} context.colIdx The index of the column being edited. * @param {Mixed} context.originalValue The original value before being edited. */ init: function(grid) { var me = this, lockingPartner = me.lockingPartner; me.callParent(arguments); // Share editor apparatus with lockingPartner because columns may move from side to side if (lockingPartner) { if (lockingPartner.editors) { me.editors = lockingPartner.editors; } else { me.editors = lockingPartner.editors = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(false, function(editor) { return editor.editorId; }); } } else { me.editors = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(false, function(editor) { return editor.editorId; }); } }, // Ensure editors are cleaned up. beforeGridHeaderDestroy: function(headerCt) { var me = this, columns = me.grid.getColumnManager().getColumns(), len = columns.length, i, column, editor; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { column = columns[i]; // Try to get the CellEditor which contains the field to destroy the whole assembly editor = me.editors.getByKey(column.getItemId()); // Failing that, the field has not yet been accessed to add to the CellEditor, but must still be destroyed if (!editor) { // If we have an editor, it will wrap the field which will be destroyed. editor = column.editor || column.field; } // Destroy the CellEditor or field Ext.destroy(editor); me.removeFieldAccessors(column); } }, onReconfigure: function(grid, store, columns){ // Only reconfigure editors if passed a new set of columns if (columns) { this.editors.clear(); } this.callParent(); }, /** * @private * Component calls destroy on all its plugins at destroy time. */ destroy: function() { var me = this; if (me.editors) { me.editors.each(Ext.destroy, Ext); me.editors.clear(); } me.callParent(arguments); }, // @private // Template method called from base class's initEvents initCancelTriggers: function() { var me = this, grid = me.grid; me.mon(grid, { columnresize: me.cancelEdit, columnmove: me.cancelEdit, scope: me }); }, isCellEditable: function(record, columnHeader) { var me = this, context = me.getEditingContext(record, columnHeader); if (me.grid.view.isVisible(true) && context) { columnHeader = context.column; record = context.record; if (columnHeader && me.getEditor(record, columnHeader)) { return true; } } }, /** * Starts editing the specified record, using the specified Column definition to define which field is being edited. * @param {Ext.data.Model/Number} record The Store data record which backs the row to be edited, or index of the record. * @param {Ext.grid.column.Column/Number} columnHeader The Column object defining the column to be edited, or index of the column. * @return {Boolean} `true` if editing was started, `false` otherwise. */ startEdit: function(record, columnHeader, /* private */ context) { var me = this, useCurrentActiveEditor, currentActiveEditor, newEditor, view; if (!context) { me.preventBeforeCheck = true; context = me.callParent(arguments); delete me.preventBeforeCheck; if (context === false) { return false; } } // Cancel editing if EditingContext could not be found (possibly because record has been deleted by an intervening listener), // or if the grid view is not currently visible if (context && context.view.isVisible(true)) { view = context.view; record = context.record; columnHeader = context.column; if (columnHeader && !columnHeader.getEditor(record)) { return false; } currentActiveEditor = me.getActiveEditor(); newEditor = me.getEditor(record, columnHeader); // Complete any outstanding edit now. The editor will remain visible if there is a new editor to take its place. // We will hide it only *after* the next editor has acquired focus so as to retain focus within the Panel. if (currentActiveEditor) { useCurrentActiveEditor = newEditor === currentActiveEditor; me.completeEdit(!!newEditor); // We'll know if the edit has been aborted (such as in a beforecomplete listener on the editor) // by the fact that `editing` is still true. In this case, we need to exit early before the current // context is swapped out for the next context. We also need to cancel the edit if something else // removed our row, like a store filter. // See EXTJS-10378 and EXTJS-19396 if (me.editing) { return false; } else if (!view.getRow(context.record)) { currentActiveEditor.hide(); return false; } } // If there is an editor for this column, // allow vetoing, or setting a new editor *before* we call getEditor if (me.beforeEdit(context) === false || me.fireEvent('beforeedit', me, context) === false || context.cancel) { return; } // Switch to new context *after* completing the current edit me.context = context; // Recapture the editor. The beforeedit listener is allowed to replace the field. newEditor = me.getEditor(record, context.column); // Whether we are going to edit or not, ensure the edit cell is scrolled into view view.scrollCellIntoView(view.getCell(record, columnHeader)); if (newEditor) { if (useCurrentActiveEditor) { // We have left the editor visible. The editing flag is still set. // Clear the flag now so that when its startEdit calls completeEdit, it does not repeat a cycle of completion on the basis that it thinks // it is still editing. newEditor.editing = false; if (Ext.isIE) { // If the editor was already in use on another cell when we began editing, // as is the case when editing a single-column grid and using the tab // key to move the editor, we need to set a flag that tells the editor // not to cancel editing in its blur handler (see Ext.Editor#onFieldBlur). // This is needed because in IE the blur event fires AFTER the new // editor has already been shown. See EXTJSIV-9878 newEditor.selectSameEditor = true; } } me.showEditor(newEditor, context, context.value); // Hide the last editor *after* focusing the new one so that focus doesn't fly out of the encapsulating Panel if (currentActiveEditor && !useCurrentActiveEditor) { currentActiveEditor.hide(); } return true; } return false; } }, showEditor: function(ed, context, value) { var me = this, record = context.record, view = context.view, columnHeader = context.column, sm = view.getSelectionModel(), selectMode; // Context is for another view. // This can happen in a lockable grid where there are two grids, each with a separate Editing plugin if (!columnHeader.up(me.view.ownerCt)) { return me.lockingPartner.showEditor(ed, me.lockingPartner.getEditingContext(record, columnHeader), value); } me.setEditingContext(context); // We focus the cell before beginning the edit. // In 99% of cases, this will be a no-op because editing will have been triggered // by ENTER when a cell is focused, or by clicking a cell which will focus it. // But programmatic startEdit calls MUST first focus the Panel, otherwise, // the focusenter event caused by focusing the editor field will attempt // to delegate focus to a descendant cell, and that will terminate editing. // Keep existing records (see EXTJSIV-7897)! selectMode = sm.getSelectionMode(); if (!sm.isCellSelected(view, record, columnHeader) && (selectMode !== 'MULTI' || !sm.getSelection().length || (sm.getSelection().length === 1 && sm.isSelected(record)))) { sm.selectByPosition({ row: record, column: columnHeader, view: view }, selectMode === 'MULTI'); } // We must ensure the lastFocused is consistent in the View. if (!view.cellFocused) { view.getNavigationModel().setPosition(context, null, null, null, true); } // The lastFocused position will be set above, // Now we must temporarily clear the current focus position during the edit. // Otherwise a refresh during edit will kill the editor by restoring focus. view.getNavigationModel().setPosition(); ed.startEdit(view.getCell(record, columnHeader), value, context); // Set contextual information if we began editing (can be vetoed by events) if (ed.editing) { me.setActiveEditor(ed); me.setActiveRecord(record); me.setActiveColumn(columnHeader); me.editing = true; me.scroll = view.el.getScroll(); } // Restore focus if we did not begin editing else { view.getNavigationModel().setPosition(context, null, null, null, true); } }, completeEdit: function(remainVisible) { var activeEd = this.getActiveEditor(); if (activeEd) { activeEd.completeEdit(remainVisible); } }, // internal getters/setters setEditingContext: function(context) { this.context = context; if (this.lockingPartner) { this.lockingPartner.context = context; } }, setActiveEditor: function(ed) { this.activeEditor = ed; if (this.lockingPartner) { this.lockingPartner.activeEditor = ed; } }, getActiveEditor: function() { return this.activeEditor; }, setActiveColumn: function(column) { this.activeColumn = column; if (this.lockingPartner) { this.lockingPartner.activeColumn = column; } }, getActiveColumn: function() { return this.activeColumn; }, setActiveRecord: function(record) { this.activeRecord = record; if (this.lockingPartner) { this.lockingPartner.activeRecord = record; } }, getActiveRecord: function() { return this.activeRecord; }, getEditor: function (record, column) { return this.getCachedEditor(column.getItemId(), record, column); }, getCachedEditor: function(editorId, record, column) { var me = this, editors = me.editors, editor = editors.getByKey(editorId), // Add to view editorOwner = column.getView(); if (!editor) { editor = column.getEditor(record); if (!editor) { return false; } // Allow them to specify a CellEditor in the Column if (editor instanceof Ext.grid.CellEditor) { editor.floating = true; } // But if it's just a Field, wrap it. else { editor = new Ext.grid.CellEditor({ floating: true, editorId: editorId, field: editor }); } // Add the Editor as a floating child of the grid // Prevent this field from being included in an Ext.form.Basic // collection, if the grid happens to be used inside a form editor.field.excludeForm = true; // If the editor is new to this view, then link it to the view, and ensure it tells us about its life cycle. if (editor.ownerCmp !== editorOwner) { editor.ownerCmp = editorOwner; editor.on({ scope: me, specialkey: me.onSpecialKey, complete: me.onEditComplete, canceledit: me.cancelEdit }); column.on('removed', me.onColumnRemoved, me); } editors.add(editor); } if (column.isTreeColumn) { editor.isForTree = column.isTreeColumn; editor.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tree-cell-editor'); } // Set the owning grid. // This needs to be kept up to date because in a Lockable assembly, an editor // needs to swap sides if the column is moved across. editor.setGrid(me.grid); // Keep upward pointer correct for each use - editors are shared between locking sides editor.editingPlugin = me; return editor; }, onColumnRemoved: function(column) { var me = this, context = me.context, editor, // Editor is owned by top level grid if we are editing one side of a locking system editorOwner = column.getView(); // If the column was being edited, when plucked out of the grid, cancel the edit. if (context && context.column === column) { me.cancelEdit(); } // Remove the CellEditor of that column from the grid, and no longer listen for events from it. column.un('removed', me.onColumnRemoved, me); if (column.getEditor && (editor = column.getEditor()) && editor.ownerCmp === editorOwner) { editor.ownerCmp = null; editor.un({ scope: me, specialkey: me.onSpecialKey, complete: me.onEditComplete, canceledit: me.cancelEdit }); } }, setColumnField: function(column, field) { var ed = this.editors.getByKey(column.getItemId()); Ext.destroy(ed, column.field); this.editors.removeAtKey(column.getItemId()); this.callParent(arguments); }, /** * Gets the cell (td) for a particular record and column. * @param {Ext.data.Model} record * @param {Ext.grid.column.Column} column * @private */ getCell: function(record, column) { return this.grid.getView().getCell(record, column); }, /** * Called from the specialkey event of an active editor when a control key is pressed * @param {Ext.form.field.Field} ed The Editor * @param {HTMLElement} field The Editor's input field * @param {Ext.event.Event} e the key event. * */ onSpecialKey: function(ed, field, e) { var context = this.context, sm; if (e.getKey() === e.TAB) { e.stopEvent(); e.position = context; if (ed) { // Allow the field to act on tabs before onEditorTab, which ends // up calling completeEdit. This is useful for picker type fields. ed.onEditorTab(e); } sm = ed.getRefOwner().getSelectionModel(); // The row being edited could have moved due to column sorting // so we need to update it's position context.setRow(context.record); return sm.onEditorTab(ed.editingPlugin, e); } }, onEditComplete: function(ed, value, startValue) { var me = this, activeColumn = me.getActiveColumn(), activeEd = me.getActiveEditor(), context = me.context, preserveCurrentSelection = null, view, record, sm; if (activeEd) { view = context.view; record = context.record; me.setActiveEditor(null); me.setActiveColumn(null); me.setActiveRecord(null); context.value = value; // Only update the record if the new value is different than the // startValue. When the view refreshes its el will gain focus if (!record.isEqual(value, startValue)) { record.set(activeColumn.dataIndex, value); // Changing the record may impact the position context.rowIdx = view.indexOf(record); } // Restore focus back to the view only if we are focused (eg, pressed ENTER, not tabbed or clicked out). // In IE and Edge, hiding the editor will throw focus back to the view so we can't check // if it is focused after hiding. See CellEditor.onHide(). if (activeEd.el.contains(Ext.Element.getActiveElement()) || activeEd.currentlyFocused) { sm = view.getSelectionModel(); preserveCurrentSelection = sm.getSelectionMode() === 'MULTI' && (sm.getSelection().length > 1 || !sm.isSelected(record)); view.getNavigationModel().setPosition(context, null, null, null, preserveCurrentSelection); activeEd.currentlyFocused = null; } me.fireEvent('edit', me, context); me.editing = false; } }, /** * Cancels any active editing. */ cancelEdit: function() { var me = this, context = me.context, activeEd = me.getActiveEditor(), view, sm, record, preserveCurrentSelection, field; if (activeEd && !activeEd.isDestroyed) { me.setActiveEditor(null); me.setActiveColumn(null); me.setActiveRecord(null); view = context.view; field = activeEd.field; if (field) { me.context.value = 'editedValue' in activeEd ? activeEd.editedValue : activeEd.getValue(); } // Restore focus back to the view only if we are focused (eg, pressed ESC). if (activeEd.el.contains(Ext.Element.getActiveElement())) { sm = view.getSelectionModel(); preserveCurrentSelection = sm.getSelectionMode() === 'MULTI' && (sm.getSelection().length > 1 || !sm.isSelected(record)); if (field) { activeEd.cancelEdit(); } view.getNavigationModel().setPosition(context, null, null, null, preserveCurrentSelection); } // Editing flag cleared in superclass me.callParent(arguments); return; } // If we aren't editing, return true to allow the event to bubble return true; }, /** * Starts editing by position (row/column) * @param {Object} position A position with keys of row and column. * Example usage: * * cellEditing.startEditByPosition({ * row: 3, * column: 2 * }); */ startEditByPosition: function(position) { var me = this, cm = me.grid.getColumnManager(), index; // If a raw {row:0, column:0} object passed. // The historic API is that column indices INCLUDE hidden columns, so use getColumnManager. if (!position.isCellContext) { position = new Ext.grid.CellContext(me.view).setPosition(position.row, me.grid.getColumnManager().getColumns()[position.column]); } // Coerce the edit column to the closest visible column. This typically // only needs to be done when called programmatically, since the position // is handled by walkCells, which is called before this is invoked. index = cm.getHeaderIndex(position.column); position.column = cm.getVisibleHeaderClosestToIndex(index); return me.startEdit(position.record, position.column); }});