/** * The Modern Grid's ViewOptions plugin produces a menu that slides in from the right * (by default) when you longpress on the grid headers. The menu displays the column * header names which represents the order of the grid's columns. This allows users to * easily reorder the grid's columns by reordering the rows. Items may be dragged by * grabbing the furthest left side of the row and moving the item vertically. * * Once the columns are ordered to your liking, you may then close the menu by tapping the * "Done" button. * * @example * var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', { * fields: ['name', 'email', 'phone'], * data: [{ * name: 'Lisa', * email: 'lisa@simpsons.com', * phone: '555-111-1224' * }, { * name: 'Bart', * email: 'bart@simpsons.com', * phone: '555-111-1234' * }, { * name: 'Homer', * email: 'homer@simpsons.com', * phone: '555-222-1244' * }, { * name: 'Marge', * email: 'marge@simpsons.com', * phone: '555-222-1254' * }] * }); * * Ext.create('Ext.grid.Grid', { * store: store, * plugins: [{ * type: 'gridviewoptions' * }], * columns: [{ * text: 'Name', * dataIndex: 'name', * width: 200 * }, { * text: 'Email', * dataIndex: 'email', * width: 250 * }, { * text: 'Phone', * dataIndex: 'phone', * width: 120 * }], * fullscreen: true * }); * * Developers may modify the menu and its contents by overriding {@link #sheet} and * {@link #columnList} respectively. * */Ext.define('Ext.grid.plugin.ViewOptions', { extend: 'Ext.plugin.Abstract', alias: 'plugin.gridviewoptions', requires: [ 'Ext.field.Toggle', 'Ext.dataview.NestedList', 'Ext.dataview.plugin.SortableList' ], config: { /** * @private */ grid: null, /** * The width of the menu */ sheetWidth: 320, /** * The configuration of the menu */ sheet: { cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'gridviewoptions', xtype: 'sheet', items: [{ docked: 'top', xtype: 'titlebar', title: 'Customize', items: { xtype: 'button', text: 'Done', ui: 'action', align: 'right', role: 'donebutton' } }], hidden: true, hideOnMaskTap: true, enter: 'right', exit: 'right', modal: true, right: 0, layout: 'fit', stretchY: true }, /** * The column's configuration */ columnList: { xtype: 'nestedlist', title: 'Columns', listConfig: { plugins: [{ type: 'sortablelist', source: { handle: '.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'column-options-sortablehandle' } }], mode: 'MULTI', infinite: true, itemConfig: { tools: null, cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'column-options-item' }, itemTpl: [ '<div class="' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'column-options-itemwrap<tpl if="hidden"> {hiddenCls}</tpl>', '<tpl if="grouped"> {groupedCls}</tpl>">', '<div class="' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'column-options-sortablehandle ' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'font-icon"></div>', '<tpl if="header">', '<div class="' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'column-options-folder ' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'font-icon"></div>', '<tpl else>', '<div class="' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'column-options-leaf ' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'font-icon"></div>', '</tpl>', '<div class="' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'column-options-text">{text}</div>', '<tpl if="groupable && dataIndex">', '<div class="' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'column-options-groupindicator ' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'font-icon"></div>', '</tpl>', '<tpl if="hideable">', '<div class="' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'column-options-visibleindicator ' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'font-icon"></div>', '</tpl>', '</div>' ], triggerEvent: null, bufferSize: 1, minimumBufferSize: 1 }, store: { type: 'tree', fields: [ 'id', 'text', 'dataIndex', 'header', 'hidden', 'hiddenCls', 'hideable', 'grouped', 'groupedCls', 'groupable' ], root: { text: 'Columns' } }, clearSelectionOnListChange: false }, /** * The CSS class responsible for displaying the visibility indicator. */ visibleIndicatorSelector: '.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'column-options-visibleindicator', /** * The CSS class responsible for displaying the grouping indicator. */ groupIndicatorSelector: '.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'column-options-groupindicator' }, /** * @private */ _hiddenColumnCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'column-options-hidden', /** * @private */ _groupedColumnCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'column-options-grouped', init: function(grid) { this.setGrid(grid); }, updateGrid: function(grid, oldGrid) { if (oldGrid) { oldGrid.getHeaderContainer().renderElement.un({ contextmenu: 'onHeaderContextMenu', longpress: 'onHeaderLongPress', scope: this }); oldGrid.un({ columnadd: 'onColumnAdd', columnmove: 'onColumnMove', columnremove: 'onColumnRemove', columnhide: 'onColumnHide', columnshow: 'onColumnShow', scope: this }); } if (grid) { grid.getHeaderContainer().renderElement.on({ contextmenu: 'onHeaderContextMenu', longpress: 'onHeaderLongPress', scope: this }); } }, applySheet: function(sheet) { if (sheet && !sheet.isComponent) { sheet = Ext.factory(sheet, Ext.Sheet); } return sheet; }, applyColumnList: function(list) { if (list && !list.isComponent) { list = Ext.factory(list, Ext.Container); } return list; }, updateColumnList: function(list) { if (list) { list.on({ listchange: 'onListChange', scope: this }); // For each item in the nested list, we want to handle the reorder list.on('dragsort', 'onColumnReorder', this, { delegate: '> list' }); this.attachTapListeners(); } }, updateSheet: function(sheet) { sheet.setWidth(this.getSheetWidth()); sheet.add(this.getColumnList()); sheet.on('hide', 'onSheetHide', this); }, onDoneButtonTap: function() { this.getSheet().hide(); }, onColumnReorder: function(list, row, newIndex) { var column = Ext.getCmp(row.getRecord().get('id')), parent = column.getParent(), siblings = parent.getInnerItems(), i, ln, sibling; for (i = 0, ln = newIndex; i < ln; i++) { sibling = siblings[i]; if (!sibling.isHeaderGroup && sibling.getIgnore()) { newIndex += 1; } } this.isMoving = true; parent.insert(newIndex, column); this.isMoving = false; }, attachTapListeners: function() { var activeList = this.getColumnList().getActiveItem(); if (!activeList.hasAttachedTapListeners) { activeList.onBefore({ childtap: 'onListChildTap', scope: this }); activeList.hasAttachedTapListeners = true; } }, onListChange: function(nestedList, list) { var store = list.getStore(), activeNode = store.getNode(), records = activeNode.childNodes, ln = records.length, i, column, record; for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) { record = records[i]; column = Ext.getCmp(record.getId()); record.set('hidden', column.isHidden()); } this.attachTapListeners(); }, onListChildTap: function(list, location) { var me = this, handled = false, e = location.event; if (Ext.fly(e.target).is(me.getVisibleIndicatorSelector())) { me.onVisibleIndicatorTap(location.row, location.record); handled = true; } else if (Ext.fly(e.target).is(me.getGroupIndicatorSelector())) { me.onGroupIndicatorTap(location.row, location.record); handled = true; } return !handled; }, onVisibleIndicatorTap: function(row, record) { var hidden = !record.get('hidden'), column = Ext.getCmp(record.get('id')); column.setHidden(hidden); record.set('hidden', hidden); }, onGroupIndicatorTap: function(row, record) { var me = this, grouped = !record.get('grouped'), store = me.getGrid().getStore(); // Clear everything this.getListRoot().cascade(function(node) { node.set('grouped', false); }); if (grouped) { store.setGrouper({ property: record.get('dataIndex') }); record.set('grouped', true); } else { store.setGrouper(null); } }, onColumnHide: function(headerContainer, column) { var nestedList = this.getColumnList(), activeList = nestedList.getActiveItem(), store = activeList.getStore(), record = store.getById(column.getId()); if (record) { record.set('hidden', true); } }, onColumnShow: function(headerContainer, column) { var nestedList = this.getColumnList(), activeList = nestedList.getActiveItem(), store = activeList.getStore(), record = store.getById(column.getId()); if (record) { record.set('hidden', false); } }, onColumnAdd: function(grid, column) { if (column.getIgnore() || this.isMoving) { return; } var me = this, nestedList = me.getColumnList(), mainHeaderCt = grid.getHeaderContainer(), header = column.getParent(), store = nestedList.getStore(), parentNode = store.getRoot(), hiddenCls = me._hiddenColumnCls, isGridGrouped = grid.getGrouped(), grouper = grid.getStore().getGrouper(), dataIndex = column.getDataIndex(), data = { id: column.getId(), text: column.getText(), groupable: isGridGrouped && column.getGroupable(), hidden: column.isHidden(), hiddenCls: hiddenCls, hideable: column.getHideable(), grouped: !!(isGridGrouped && grouper && grouper.getProperty() === dataIndex), groupedCls: me._groupedColumnCls, dataIndex: column.getDataIndex(), leaf: true }, idx, headerNode; if (header !== mainHeaderCt) { headerNode = parentNode.findChild('id', header.getId()); if (!headerNode) { idx = header.getParent().indexOf(header); headerNode = parentNode.insertChild(idx, { groupable: false, header: true, hidden: header.isHidden(), hiddenCls: hiddenCls, id: header.getId(), text: header.getText() }); } idx = header.indexOf(column); parentNode = headerNode; } else { idx = mainHeaderCt.indexOf(column); } parentNode.insertChild(idx, data); }, onColumnMove: function(headerContainer, column, header) { this.onColumnRemove(headerContainer, column); this.onColumnAdd(headerContainer, column, header); }, onColumnRemove: function(headerContainer, column) { if (column.getIgnore() || this.isMoving) { return; } var root = this.getListRoot(), record = root.findChild('id', column.getId(), true); if (record) { record.parentNode.removeChild(record, true); } }, onHeaderContextMenu: function(e) { // Stop context menu from being triggered by a longpress e.preventDefault(); }, onHeaderLongPress: function(e) { if (!this.getSheet().isVisible()) { this.showViewOptions(); } }, hideViewOptions: function() { var me = this, sheet = me.getSheet(); me.getGrid().getHeaderContainer().setSortable(me.cachedSortable); delete me.cachedSortable; sheet.hide(); }, onSheetHide: function() { this.hideViewOptions(); }, showViewOptions: function() { var me = this, sheet = me.getSheet(), header; me.setup(); if (!sheet.isVisible()) { // Since we may have shown the header in response to a longpress we don't // want the succeeding "tap" to trigger column sorting, so we temporarily // disable sort-on-tap while the ViewOptions are shown header = me.getGrid().getHeaderContainer(); me.cachedSortable = header.getSortable(); header.setSortable(false); me.updateListInfo(); sheet.show(); } }, privates: { getListRoot: function() { return this.getColumnList().getStore().getRoot(); }, setup: function() { var me = this, grid = me.getGrid(), sheet, root; if (me.doneSetup) { return; } me.doneSetup = true; root = this.getListRoot(); root.removeAll(); grid.getColumns().forEach(function(leaf) { me.onColumnAdd(grid, leaf); }); // Don't track the events until the first show, it's easier to // build it from scratch. grid.on({ columnadd: 'onColumnAdd', columnmove: 'onColumnMove', columnremove: 'onColumnRemove', columnhide: 'onColumnHide', columnshow: 'onColumnShow', scope: me }); sheet = me.getSheet(); sheet.down('button[role=donebutton]').on({ tap: 'onDoneButtonTap', scope: me }); }, updateListInfo: function() { var grid = this.getGrid(), store = grid.getStore(), grouper = store.getGrouper(), isGridGrouped = grid.getGrouped(), grouperProp = grouper && grouper.getProperty(); this.getColumnList().getStore().getRoot().cascade(function(node) { var grouped = false, dataIndex; if (isGridGrouped) { dataIndex = node.get('dataIndex'); grouped = dataIndex && dataIndex === grouperProp; } node.set('grouped', dataIndex && grouped); }); } }});