/** * A selection model for {@link Ext.grid.Panel grids} which allows you to select data in * a spreadsheet-like manner. * * Supported features: * * - Single / Range / Multiple individual row selection. * - Single / Range cell selection. * - Column selection by click selecting column headers. * - Select / deselect all by clicking in the top-left, header. * - Adds row number column to enable row selection. * - Optionally you can enable row selection using checkboxes * * # Example usage * * @example * var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', { * fields: ['name', 'email', 'phone'], * data: [ * { name: 'Lisa', email: 'lisa@simpsons.com', phone: '555-111-1224' }, * { name: 'Bart', email: 'bart@simpsons.com', phone: '555-222-1234' }, * { name: 'Homer', email: 'homer@simpsons.com', phone: '555-222-1244' }, * { name: 'Marge', email: 'marge@simpsons.com', phone: '555-222-1254' } * ] * }); * * Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', { * title: 'Simpsons', * store: store, * width: 400, * renderTo: Ext.getBody(), * columns: [ * { text: 'Name', dataIndex: 'name' }, * { text: 'Email', dataIndex: 'email', flex: 1 }, * { text: 'Phone', dataIndex: 'phone' } * ], * selModel: { * type: 'spreadsheet' * } * }); * * # Using {@link Ext.data.BufferedStore}s * It is very important to remember that a {@link Ext.data.BufferedStore} does *not* contain the * full dataset. The purpose of a BufferedStore is to only hold in the client, a range of * pages from the dataset that corresponds with what is currently visible in the grid * (plus a few pages above and below the visible range to allow fast scrolling). * * When using "select all" rows and a BufferedStore, an `allSelected` flag is set, and so all * records which are read into the client side cache will thenceforth be selected, and will * be rendered as selected in the grid. * * *But records which have not been read into the cache will obviously not be available * when interrogating selected records. As you scroll through the dataset, and more * pages are read from the server, they will become available to add to the selection.* * * @since 5.1.0 */Ext.define('Ext.grid.selection.SpreadsheetModel', { extend: 'Ext.selection.Model', requires: [ 'Ext.grid.selection.Selection', 'Ext.grid.selection.Cells', 'Ext.grid.selection.Rows', 'Ext.grid.selection.Columns', 'Ext.grid.selection.SelectionExtender' // TODO: cmd-auto-dependency ], alias: 'selection.spreadsheet', isSpreadsheetModel: true, config: { /** * @cfg {Boolean} [columnSelect=false] * Set to `true` to enable selection of columns. * * **NOTE**: This will remove sorting on header click and instead provide column * selection and deselection. Sorting is still available via column header menu. */ columnSelect: { $value: false, lazy: true }, /** * @cfg {Boolean} [cellSelect=true] * Set to `true` to enable selection of individual cells or a single rectangular * range of cells. This will provide cell range selection using click, and * potentially drag to select a rectangular range. You can also use "SHIFT + arrow" * key navigation to select a range of cells. */ cellSelect: { $value: true, lazy: true }, /** * @cfg {Boolean} [rowSelect=true] * Set to `true` to enable selection of rows by clicking on a row number column. * * *Note*: This feature will add the row number as the first column. */ rowSelect: { $value: true, lazy: true }, /** * @cfg {Boolean} [dragSelect=true] * Set to `true` to enables cell range selection by cell dragging. */ dragSelect: { $value: true, lazy: true }, /** * @cfg {Ext.grid.selection.Selection} [selected] * Pass an instance of one of the subclasses of {@link Ext.grid.selection.Selection}. */ selected: null, /** * @cfg {String} extensible * This configures whether this selection model is to implement a mouse based dragging gesture to extend a *contiguous* selection. * * Note that if there are multiple, discontiguous selected rows or columns, selection extension is not available. * * If set, then the bottom right corner of the contiguous selection will display a drag handle. By dragging this, an extension area * may be defined into which the selection is extended. * * Upon the end of the drag, the {@link Ext.panel.Table#beforeselectionextend beforeselectionextend} event will be fired though the * encapsulating grid. Event handlers may manipulate the store data in any way. * * Possible values for this configuration are * * - `"x"` Only allow extending the block to the left or right. * - `"y"` Only allow extending the block above or below. * - `"xy"` Allow extending the block in both dimensions. * - `"both"` Allow extending the block in both dimensions. * - `true` Allow extending the block in both dimensions. * - `false` Disable the extensible feature * - `null` Disable the extensible feature * * It's important to notice that setting this to `"both"`, `"xy"` or `true` will allow you to extend the selection in both * directions, but only one direction at a time. It will NOT be possible to drag it diagonally. */ extensible: { $value: true, lazy: true } }, /** * @event selectionchange * Fired *by the grid* after the selection changes. Return `false` to veto the selection extension. * * Note that the behavior of selectionchange is different in Ext 6.x vs. Ext 5. In Ext 6.x, if rows * are being selected, a block of records is passed as the second parameter. In Ext 5, the selection * object was passed. * * * @param {Ext.grid.Panel} grid The grid whose selection has changed. * @param {Ext.grid.selection.Selection} selection A subclass of * {@link Ext.grid.selection.Selection} describing the new selection. */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} checkboxSelect [checkboxSelect=false] * Enables selection of the row via clicking on checkbox. Note: this feature will add * new column at position specified by {@link #checkboxColumnIndex}. */ checkboxSelect: false, /** * @cfg {Number/String} [checkboxColumnIndex=0] * The index at which to insert the checkbox column. * Supported values are a numeric index, and the strings 'first' and 'last'. Only valid when set * *before* render. */ checkboxColumnIndex: 0, /** * @cfg {Boolean} [showHeaderCheckbox=true] * Configure as `false` to not display the header checkbox at the top of the checkbox column * when {@link #checkboxSelect} is set. */ showHeaderCheckbox: true, /** * @cfg {String} [checkColumnHeaderText] * Displays the configured text in the check column's header. * * if {@link #cfg-showHeaderCheckbox} is `true`, the text is shown *above* the checkbox. * @since 6.0.1 */ checkColumnHeaderText: null, /** * @cfg {Number/String} [checkboxHeaderWidth=24] * Width of checkbox column. */ checkboxHeaderWidth: 24, /** * @cfg {Number/String} [rowNumbererHeaderWidth=46] * Width of row numbering column. */ rowNumbererHeaderWidth: 46, columnSelectCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'ssm-column-select', rowNumbererHeaderCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'ssm-row-numberer-hd', tdCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-cell-special ' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'selmodel-column', /** * @method getCount * This method is not supported by SpreadsheetModel. * * To interrogate the selection use {@link #cfg!selected}'s getter, which will return an instance of one * of the three selection types, or `null` if no selection. * * The three selection types are: * * * {@link Ext.grid.selection.Rows} * * {@link Ext.grid.selection.Columns} * * {@link Ext.grid.selection.Cells} */ /** * @method getSelectionMode * This method is not supported by SpreadsheetModel. */ /** * @method setSelectionMode * This method is not supported by SpreadsheetModel. */ /** * @method setLocked * This method is not currently supported by SpreadsheetModel. */ /** * @method isLocked * This method is not currently supported by SpreadsheetModel. */ /** * @method isRangeSelected * This method is not supported by SpreadsheetModel. * * To interrogate the selection use {@link #cfg!selected}'s getter, which will return an instance of one * of the three selection types, or `null` if no selection. * * The three selection types are: * * * {@link Ext.grid.selection.Rows} * * {@link Ext.grid.selection.Columns} * * {@link Ext.grid.selection.Cells} */ /** * @member Ext.panel.Table * @event beforeselectionextend An event fired when an extension block is extended * using a drag gesture. Only fired when the SpreadsheetSelectionModel is used and * configured with the * {@link Ext.grid.selection.SpreadsheetModel#extensible extensible} config. * @param {Ext.panel.Table} grid The owning grid. * @param {Ext.grid.selection.Selection} An object which encapsulates a contiguous selection block. * @param {Object} extension An object describing the type and size of extension. * @param {String} extension.type `"rows"` or `"columns"` * @param {Ext.grid.CellContext} extension.start The start (top left) cell of the extension area. * @param {Ext.grid.CellContext} extension.end The end (bottom right) cell of the extension area. * @param {number} [extension.columns] The number of columns extended (-ve means on the left side). * @param {number} [extension.rows] The number of rows extended (-ve means on the top side). */ /** * @member Ext.panel.Table * @event selectionextenderdrag An event fired when an extension block is dragged to * encompass a new range. Only fired when the SpreadsheetSelectionModel is used and * configured with the * {@link Ext.grid.selection.SpreadsheetModel#extensible extensible} config. * @param {Ext.panel.Table} grid The owning grid. * @param {Ext.grid.selection.Selection} An object which encapsulates a contiguous selection block. * @param {Object} extension An object describing the type and size of extension. * @param {String} extension.type `"rows"` or `"columns"` * @param {HTMLElement} extension.overCell The grid cell over which the mouse is being dragged. * @param {Ext.grid.CellContext} extension.start The start (top left) cell of the extension area. * @param {Ext.grid.CellContext} extension.end The end (bottom right) cell of the extension area. * @param {number} [extension.columns] The number of columns extended (-ve means on the left side). * @param {number} [extension.rows] The number of rows extended (-ve means on the top side). */ /** * @private */ bindComponent: function(view) { var me = this, viewListeners, storeListeners, lockedGrid; if (me.view !== view) { if (me.view) { me.navigationModel = null; Ext.destroy(me.viewListeners, me.navigationListeners); } me.view = view; if (view) { // We need to realize our lazy configs now that we have the view... me.getCellSelect(); lockedGrid = view.ownerGrid.lockedGrid; // If there is a locked grid, process it now if (lockedGrid) { me.hasLockedHeader = true; me.onViewCreated(lockedGrid, lockedGrid.getView()); } // Otherwise, get back to us when the view is fully created so that we can tweak its headerCt else { view.grid.on({ viewcreated: me.onViewCreated, scope: me, single: true }); } me.gridListeners = view.ownerGrid.on({ columnschanged: me.onColumnsChanged, columnmove: me.onColumnMove, scope: me, destroyable: true }); storeListeners = me.getStoreListeners(); storeListeners.scope = me; storeListeners.destroyable = true; me.storeListeners = me.store.on(storeListeners); viewListeners = me.getViewListeners(); viewListeners.scope = me; viewListeners.destroyable = true; me.viewListeners = view.on(viewListeners); me.navigationModel = view.getNavigationModel(); me.navigationListeners = me.navigationModel.on({ navigate: me.onNavigate, scope: me, destroyable: true }); // Add class to add special cursor pointer to column headers if (me.getColumnSelect()) { view.ownerGrid.addCls(me.columnSelectCls); } me.updateHeaderState(); } } }, /** * Retrieve a configuration to be used in a HeaderContainer. * This should be used when checkboxSelect is set to false. * @protected */ getCheckboxHeaderConfig: function() { var me = this, showCheck = me.showHeaderCheckbox !== false; return { xtype: 'checkcolumn', isCheckerHd: showCheck, // historically used as a discriminator property before isCheckColumn headerCheckbox: showCheck, ignoreExport: true, text: me.checkColumnHeaderText, clickTargetName: 'el', width: me.checkboxHeaderWidth, sortable: false, draggable: false, resizable: false, hideable: false, menuDisabled: true, tdCls: me.tdCls, cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'selmodel-column', stopSelection: false, editRenderer: me.editRenderer || me.renderEmpty, locked: me.hasLockedHeader, updateHeaderState: me.updateHeaderState.bind(me), // It must not attempt to set anything in the records on toggle. // We handle that in onHeaderClick. toggleAll: Ext.emptyFn, // The selection model listens to the navigation model to select/deselect setRecordCheck: Ext.emptyFn, // It uses our isRowSelected to test whether a row is checked isRecordChecked: Ext.emptyFn }; }, renderEmpty: function() { return '\u00a0'; }, /** * @private */ getStoreListeners: function() { var me = this, r = me.callParent(); r.priority = 2000; r.refresh = me.onStoreChanged; r.clear = me.onStoreChanged; return r; }, /** * @private */ onHeaderClick: function(headerCt, header, e) { // Template method. See base class var me = this, sel = me.selected, cm, range, i; if (header === me.numbererColumn || header === me.checkColumn) { e.stopEvent(); // Not all selected, select all if (!sel || !sel.isAllSelected()) { me.selectAll(); } else { me.deselectAll(); } me.updateHeaderState(); me.lastColumnSelected = null; } else if (me.columnSelect) { if (e.shiftKey && sel && sel.lastColumnSelected) { sel.clear(); cm = me.view.ownerGrid.getVisibleColumnManager(); range = Ext.Array.sort([cm.indexOf(sel.lastColumnSelected), cm.indexOf(header)], Ext.Array.numericSortFn); for (i = range[0]; i <= range[1]; i++) { me.selectColumn(cm.getHeaderAtIndex(i), true); } } else { if (me.isColumnSelected(header)) { me.deselectColumn(header); me.selected.lastColumnSelected = null; } else { me.selectColumn(header, e.ctrlKey); me.selected.lastColumnSelected = header; } } } }, selectByPosition: function(position) { var me = this; position = new Ext.grid.CellContext(me.view).setPosition(position.row, position.column); if (me.getCellSelect()) { me.selectCells(position, position); } else if (me.getRowSelect()) { this.select(position.record); } else if (me.getColumnSelect()) { me.selectColumn(position.column); } }, /** * @private */ updateHeaderState: function() { // check to see if all records are selected var me = this, store = me.view.dataSource, views = me.views, sel = me.selected, isChecked = false, checkHd = me.checkColumn, storeCount; if (store && sel && sel.isRows) { storeCount = store.getCount(); if (store.isBufferedStore) { isChecked = sel.allSelected; } else { isChecked = storeCount > 0 && (storeCount === sel.getCount()); } } if (views && views.length) { if (checkHd) { checkHd.setHeaderStatus(isChecked); } } }, onBindStore: function(store, oldStore, initial) { if (!initial) { this.onStoreRefresh(); } }, /** * Handles the grid's beforereconfigure event. Adds the checkbox header if the columns have been reconfigured. * Also adds the row numberer. * @param {Ext.panel.Table} grid * @param {Ext.data.Store} store * @param {Object[]} columns * @param {Ext.data.Store} oldStore * @param {Object[]} oldColumns * @private */ onBeforeReconfigure: function(grid, store, columns, oldStore, oldColumns) { var me = this, checkboxColumnIndex = me.checkboxColumnIndex; if (columns) { Ext.suspendLayouts(); if (me.numbererColumn) { me.numbererColumn.ownerCt.remove(me.numbererColumn, false); columns.unshift(me.numbererColumn); } if (me.checkColumn) { if (checkboxColumnIndex === 'first') { checkboxColumnIndex = 0; } else if (checkboxColumnIndex === 'last') { checkboxColumnIndex = columns.length; } me.checkColumn.ownerCt.remove(me.checkColumn, false); Ext.Array.insert(columns, checkboxColumnIndex, [me.checkColumn]); } Ext.resumeLayouts(); } }, /** * This is a helper method to create a cell context which encapsulates one cell in a grid view. * * It will contain the following properties: * colIdx - column index * rowIdx - row index * column - {@link Ext.grid.column.Column Column} under which the cell is located. * record - {@link Ext.data.Model} Record from which the cell derives its data. * view - The view. If this selection model is for a locking grid, this will be the * outermost view, the {@link Ext.grid.locking.View} which encapsulates the sub * grids. Column indices are relative to the outermost view's visible column set. * * @param {Number} record Record for which to select the cell, or row index. * @param {Number} column Grid column header, or column index. * @return {Ext.grid.CellContext} A context object describing the cell. Note that the `rowidx` and `colIdx` properties are only valid * at the time the context object is created. Column movement, sorting or filtering might changed where the cell is. * @private */ getCellContext: function(record, column) { return new Ext.grid.CellContext(this.view.ownerGrid.getView()).setPosition(record, column); }, select: function(records, keepExisting, suppressEvent) { // API docs are inherited var me = this, sel = me.selected, view = me.view, store = view.dataSource, len, i, record, changed = false; // Ensure selection object is of the correct type if (!sel || !sel.isRows) { me.resetSelection(true); sel = me.selected = new Ext.grid.selection.Rows(view); } else if (!keepExisting) { sel.clear(); } if (!Ext.isArray(records)) { records = [records]; } len = records.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { record = records[i]; if (typeof record === 'number') { record = store.getAt(record); } if (!sel.contains(record)) { sel.add(record); changed = true; } } if (changed) { me.updateHeaderState(); if (!suppressEvent) { me.fireSelectionChange(); } } }, deselect: function(records, suppressEvent) { // API docs are inherited var me = this, sel = me.selected, store = me.view.dataSource, len, i, record, changed = false; if (sel && sel.isRows) { if (!Ext.isArray(records)) { records = [records]; } len = records.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { record = records[i]; if (typeof record === 'number') { record = store.getAt(record); } changed = changed || sel.remove(record); } } if (changed) { me.updateHeaderState(); if (!suppressEvent) { me.fireSelectionChange(); } } }, /** * This method allows programmatic selection of the cell range. * * @example * var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', { * fields : ['name', 'email', 'phone'], * data : { * items : [ * { name : 'Lisa', email : 'lisa@simpsons.com', phone : '555-111-1224' }, * { name : 'Bart', email : 'bart@simpsons.com', phone : '555-222-1234' }, * { name : 'Homer', email : 'homer@simpsons.com', phone : '555-222-1244' }, * { name : 'Marge', email : 'marge@simpsons.com', phone : '555-222-1254' } * ] * }, * proxy : { * type : 'memory', * reader : { * type : 'json', * root : 'items' * } * } * }); * * var grid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', { * title : 'Simpsons', * store : store, * width : 400, * renderTo : Ext.getBody(), * columns : [ * columns: [ * { text: 'Name', dataIndex: 'name' }, * { text: 'Email', dataIndex: 'email', flex: 1 }, * { text: 'Phone', dataIndex: 'phone', width:120 }, * { * text:'Combined', dataIndex: 'name', width : 300, * renderer: function(value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store, view) { * console.log(arguments); * return value + ' has email: ' + record.get('email'); * } * } * ], * ], * selType: 'spreadsheet' * }); * * var model = grid.getSelectionModel(); // get selection model * * // We will create range of 4 cells. * * // Now set the range and prevent rangeselect event from being fired. * // We can use a simple array when we have no locked columns. * model.selectCells([0, 0], [1, 1], true); * * @param rangeStart {Ext.grid.CellContext/Number[]} Range starting position. Can be either Cell context or a `[rowIndex, columnIndex]` numeric array. * * Note that when a numeric array is used in a locking grid, the column indices are relative to the outermost grid, encompassing locked *and* normal sides. * @param rangeEnd {Ext.grid.CellContext/Number[]} Range end position. Can be either Cell context or a `[rowIndex, columnIndex]` numeric array. * * Note that when a numeric array is used in a locking grid, the column indices are relative to the outermost grid, encompassing locked *and* normal sides. * @param {Boolean} [suppressEvent] Pass `true` to prevent firing the * `{@link #selectionchange}` event. */ selectCells: function(rangeStart, rangeEnd, suppressEvent) { var me = this, view = me.view.ownerGrid.view, sel; rangeStart = rangeStart.isCellContext ? rangeStart.clone() : new Ext.grid.CellContext(view).setPosition(rangeStart); rangeEnd = rangeEnd.isCellContext ? rangeEnd.clone() : new Ext.grid.CellContext(view).setPosition(rangeEnd); me.resetSelection(true); me.selected = sel = new Ext.grid.selection.Cells(rangeStart.view); sel.setRangeStart(rangeStart); sel.setRangeEnd(rangeEnd); if (!suppressEvent) { me.fireSelectionChange(); } }, /** * Select all the data if possible. * * If {@link #rowSelect} is `true`, then all *records* will be selected. * * If {@link #cellSelect} is `true`, then all *rendered cells* will be selected. * * If {@link #columnSelect} is `true`, then all *columns* will be selected. * * @param {Boolean} [suppressEvent] Pass `true` to prevent firing the * `{@link #selectionchange}` event. */ selectAll: function (suppressEvent) { var me = this, sel = me.selected, doSelect, view = me.view; if (me.rowSelect) { if (!sel || !sel.isRows) { me.resetSelection(true); me.selected = sel = new Ext.grid.selection.Rows(view); } doSelect = true; } else if (me.cellSelect) { if (!sel || !sel.isCells) { me.resetSelection(true); me.selected = sel = new Ext.grid.selection.Cells(view); } doSelect = true; } else if (me.columnSelect) { if (!sel || !sel.isColumns) { me.resetSelection(true); me.selected = sel = new Ext.grid.selection.Columns(view); } doSelect = true; } if (sel) { sel.allSelected = true; } if (doSelect) { me.updateHeaderState(); sel.selectAll(); //this populates the selection with the records if (!suppressEvent) { me.fireSelectionChange(); } } }, /** * Clears the selection. * @param {Boolean} [suppressEvent] Pass `true` to prevent firing the * `{@link #selectionchange}` event. */ deselectAll: function (suppressEvent) { var me = this, sel = me.selected; if (sel && sel.getCount()) { sel.clear(); sel.allSelected = false; me.updateHeaderState(); if (!suppressEvent) { me.fireSelectionChange(); } } }, /** * Select one or more rows. * @param rows {Ext.data.Model[]} Records to select. * @param {Boolean} [keepSelection=false] Pass `true` to keep previous selection. * @param {Boolean} [suppressEvent] Pass `true` to prevent firing the * `{@link #selectionchange}` event. */ selectRows: function(rows, keepSelection, suppressEvent) { var me = this, sel = me.selected, isSelectingRows = sel && sel.isRows, len = rows.length, i; if (!keepSelection || !isSelectingRows) { me.resetSelection(true); } if (!isSelectingRows) { me.selected = sel = new Ext.grid.selection.Rows(me.view); } if (rows.isEntity) { sel.add(rows); } else for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { sel.add(rows[i]); } if (!suppressEvent) { me.fireSelectionChange(); } }, isSelected: function(record) { // API docs are inherited. return this.isRowSelected(record); }, /** * Selects a column. * @param {Ext.grid.column.Column} column Column to select. * @param {Boolean} [keepSelection=false] Pass `true` to keep previous selection. * @param {Boolean} [suppressEvent] Pass `true` to prevent firing the * `{@link #selectionchange}` event. */ selectColumn: function(column, keepSelection, suppressEvent) { var me = this, selData = me.selected, view = column.getView(); // Clear other selection types if (!selData || !selData.isColumns || selData.view !== view.ownerGrid.view) { me.resetSelection(true); me.selected = selData = new Ext.grid.selection.Columns(view); } if (!selData.contains(column)) { if (!keepSelection) { selData.clear(); } selData.add(column); me.updateHeaderState(); if (!suppressEvent) { me.fireSelectionChange(); } } }, /** * Deselects a column. * @param {Ext.grid.column.Column} column Column to deselect. * @param {Boolean} [suppressEvent] Pass `true` to prevent firing the * `{@link #selectionchange}` event. */ deselectColumn: function(column, suppressEvent) { var me = this, selData = me.getSelected(); if (selData && selData.isColumns && selData.contains(column)) { selData.remove(column); me.updateHeaderState(); if (!suppressEvent) { me.fireSelectionChange(); } } }, getSelection: function() { // API docs are inherited. // Superclass returns array of selected records var selData = this.selected; if (selData && selData.isRows) { return selData.getRecords(); } return []; }, destroy: function() { var me = this, scrollEls = me.scrollEls; Ext.destroy(me.gridListeners, me.viewListeners, me.selected, me.navigationListeners, me.extensible); if (scrollEls) { Ext.dd.ScrollManager.unregister(scrollEls); } me.selected = me.gridListeners = me.viewListeners = me.selectionData = me.navigationListeners = me.scrollEls = null; me.callParent(); }, //------------------------------------------------------------------------- privates: { /** * @property {Object} axesConfigs * Use when converting the extensible config into a SelectionExtender to create its `axes` config to specify which axes it may extend. * @private */ axesConfigs: { x: 1, y: 2, xy: 3, both: 3, "true": 3 // reserved word MUST be quoted when used an a property name }, getNumbererColumnConfig: function() { var me = this; return { xtype: 'rownumberer', width: me.rowNumbererHeaderWidth, editRenderer: me.renderEmpty, tdCls: me.rowNumbererTdCls, cls: me.rowNumbererHeaderCls, locked: me.hasLockedHeader }; }, /** * @return {Object} * @private */ getViewListeners: function() { return { refresh: this.onViewRefresh, keyup: { element: 'el', fn: this.onViewKeyUp, scope: this } }; }, /** * @private */ onViewKeyUp: function(e) { var sel = this.selected; // Released the shift key, terminate a keyboard based range selection if (e.keyCode === e.SHIFT && sel && sel.isRows && sel.getRangeSize()) { // Copy the drag range into the selected records collection sel.addRange(); } }, /** * @private */ onStoreChanged: function() { var me = this, view = me.view, selData = me.selected; if (selData) { if (selData.isCells) { me.resetSelection(); } else if (selData.isRows) { if (me.pruneRemoved === false && selData.selectedRecords.length) { me.refresh(); } else { me.resetSelection(); } } } }, /** * @private */ onColumnsChanged: function() { var me = this, selectionChanged = me.onViewChanged(me.view, true); // This event is fired directly from the HeaderContainer before the view updates. // So we have to wait until idle to update the selection UI. // NB: fireSelectionChange calls updateSelectionExtender after firing its event. Ext.on('idle', selectionChanged ? me.fireSelectionChange : me.updateSelectionExtender, me, { single: true }); }, // The selection may have acquired or lost contiguity, so the replicator may need enabling or disabling onColumnMove: function() { this.updateSelectionExtender(); }, /** * @private */ onViewRefresh: function(view) { var me = this, selectionChanged = me.onViewChanged(view); // The selection may have acquired or lost contiguity, so the replicator may need enabling or disabling // NB: fireSelectionChange calls updateSelectionExtender after firing its event. me[selectionChanged ? 'fireSelectionChange' : 'updateSelectionExtender'](); }, /** * @private */ resetSelection: function(suppressEvent) { var sel = this.selected; if (sel) { sel.clear(); if (!suppressEvent) { this.fireSelectionChange(); } } }, /** * When the view has changed, whether it be to a refresh or a column change, we need * to check the current selection and deselect anything that may no longer be valid. * @param {Ext.view.Table} view * @param {Boolean} isColumnChange `true` if this change is based on a column change * @returns {Boolean} `true` if a change to the selection was made * @private * @since 6.2.2 */ onViewChanged: function (view, isColumnChange) { var me = this, selData = me.selected, store = view.store, selectionChanged = false, rowRange, colCount, colIdx, rowIdx, context; // When columns have changed, we have to deselect *every* cell in the row range because we do not know where the // columns have gone to. if (selData) { view = selData.view; if (isColumnChange) { if (selData.isCells) { context = new Ext.grid.CellContext(view); rowRange = selData.getRowRange(); colCount = view.ownerGrid.getColumnManager().getColumns().length; if (colCount) { for (rowIdx = rowRange[0]; rowIdx <= rowRange[1]; rowIdx++) { context.setRow(rowIdx); for (colIdx = 0; colIdx < colCount; colIdx++) { // CellContext only works with visible columns and this index is // potentially a hidden column. Ensure the column is available // before deselecting the cell. context.setColumn(colIdx); if (context.column) { view.onCellDeselect(context); } // Selection may still reference a hidden column and may need // to be cleared if (me.maybeClearSelection(context)) { selectionChanged = true; } } } } else { me.clearSelections(); selectionChanged = true; } } // We have to deselect columns which have been hidden/removed else if (selData.isColumns) { selectionChanged = false; selData.eachColumn(function (column, columnIdx) { if (!column.isVisible() || !view.ownerGrid.isAncestor(column)) { me.remove(column); if (me.maybeClearSelection({column: column})) { selectionChanged = true; } } }); } } // View has refreshed; deselect filtered out records else if (selData.isRows && store.isFiltered()) { selData.eachRow(function (rec) { if (!store.contains(rec)) { this.remove(rec); // Maintainer: this is the Rows selection object, *NOT* me. if (me.maybeClearSelection({rowIdx: view.indexOf(rec)})) { selectionChanged = true; } } }); } } return selectionChanged; }, onViewCreated: function(grid, view) { var me = this, ownerGrid = view.ownerGrid, headerCt = view.headerCt; // Only add columns to the locked view, or only view if there is no twin if (!ownerGrid.lockable || view.isLockedView) { // if there is no row number column and we ask for it, then it should be added here if (me.getRowSelect()) { // Ensure we have a rownumber column me.getNumbererColumn(); } if (me.checkboxSelect) { me.addCheckbox(view, true); } me.mon(view.ownerGrid, 'beforereconfigure', me.onBeforeReconfigure, me); } // Disable sortOnClick if we're columnSelecting headerCt.sortOnClick = !me.getColumnSelect(); if (me.getDragSelect()) { view.on('render', me.onViewRender, me, { single: true }); } }, /** * Initialize drag selection support * @private */ onViewRender: function(view) { var me = this, el = view.getEl(), views = me.views, len = views.length, i; // If we receive the render event after the columnSelect config has been set, // ensure that the view's headerCts know not to sort on click if we're selecting columns. for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { views[i].headerCt.sortOnClick = !me.columnSelect; } el.ddScrollConfig = { vthresh: 50, hthresh: 50, frequency: 300, increment: 100 }; Ext.dd.ScrollManager.register(el); // Possible two child views to register as scrollable on drag (me.scrollEls || (me.scrollEls = [])).push(el); view.on('cellmousedown', me.handleMouseDown, me); // In a locking situation, we need a mousedown listener on both sides. if (view.lockingPartner) { view.lockingPartner.on('cellmousedown', me.handleMouseDown, me); } }, /** * Plumbing for drag selection of cell range * @private */ handleMouseDown: function(view, td, cellIndex, record, tr, rowIdx, e) { var me = this, sel = me.selected, header = e.position.column, isCheckClick, startDragSelect; // Ignore right click, shift and alt modifiers. // Also ignore touchstart because e cannot drag select using touches and // ignore when actionableMode is true so we can select the text inside an editor if (e.button || e.shiftKey || e.altKey || e.pointerType ==='touch' || !header) { return; } me.mousedownPosition = e.position.clone(); isCheckClick = header === me.checkColumn; if (isCheckClick) { me.checkCellClicked = e.position.getCell(true); } else if (view.actionableMode) { return; } // Differentiate between row and cell selections. if (header === me.numbererColumn || isCheckClick || !me.cellSelect) { // Enforce rowSelect setting if (me.rowSelect) { if (sel && sel.isRows) { if (!e.ctrlKey && !isCheckClick) { sel.clear(); } } else { if (sel) { sel.clear(); } sel = me.selected = new Ext.grid.selection.Rows(view); } startDragSelect = true; } else if (me.columnSelect) { if (sel && sel.isColumns) { if (!e.ctrlKey && !isCheckClick) { sel.clear(); } } else { if (sel) { sel.clear(); } sel = me.selected = new Ext.grid.selection.Columns(view); } startDragSelect = true; } else { return false; } } else { if (sel) { sel.clear(); } if (!sel || !sel.isCells) { sel = me.selected = new Ext.grid.selection.Cells(view); } startDragSelect = true; } me.lastOverRecord = me.lastOverColumn = null; // Add the listener after the view has potentially been corrected Ext.getBody().on('mouseup', me.onMouseUp, me, { single: true, view: sel.view }); // Only begin the drag process if configured to select what they asked for if (startDragSelect) { sel.view.el.on('mousemove', me.onMouseMove, me, { view: sel.view }); } }, /** * Selects range based on mouse movements * @param e * @param target * @param opts * @private */ onMouseMove: function(e, target, opts) { var me = this, view = opts.view, record, rowIdx, cell = e.getTarget(view.cellSelector), header = opts.view.getHeaderByCell(cell), selData = me.selected, pos, recChange, colChange; // when the mousedown happens in a checkcolumn, we need to verify is the mouse pointer has moved out of the initial clicked cell. // if it has, then we select the initial row and mark it as the range start, otherwise passing the lastOverRecord and return as // we don't want to select the record while moving the pointer around the initial cell. if (me.checkCellClicked) { // We are dragging within the check cell... if (cell === me.checkCellClicked) { if (!me.lastOverRecord) { me.lastOverRecord = view.getRecord(cell.parentNode); } return; } else { me.checkCellClicked = null; if (me.lastOverRecord) { me.select(me.lastOverRecord); selData.setRangeStart(me.store.indexOf(me.lastOverRecord)); } } } // Disable until a valid new selection is announced in fireSelectionChange if (me.extensible) { me.extensible.disable(); } if (header) { record = view.getRecord(cell.parentNode); rowIdx = me.store.indexOf(record); recChange = record !== me.lastOverRecord; colChange = header !== me.lastOverColumn; if (recChange || colChange) { pos = me.getCellContext(record, header); } // Initial mousedown was in rownumberer or checkbox column if (selData.isRows) { // Only react if we've changed row if (recChange) { if (me.lastOverRecord) { selData.setRangeEnd(rowIdx); } else { selData.setRangeStart(rowIdx); } } } // Selecting cells else if (selData.isCells) { // Only react if we've changed row or column if (recChange || colChange) { if (me.lastOverRecord) { selData.setRangeEnd(pos); } else { selData.setRangeStart(pos); } } } // Selecting columns else if (selData.isColumns) { // Only react if we've changed column if (colChange) { if (me.lastOverColumn) { selData.setRangeEnd(pos.column); } else { selData.setRangeStart(pos.column); } } } // Focus MUST follow the mouse. // Otherwise the focus may scroll out of the rendered range and revert to document if (recChange || colChange) { // We MUST pass local view into NavigationModel, not the potentially outermost locking view. // TODO: When that's fixed, use setPosition(pos). view.getNavigationModel().setPosition(new Ext.grid.CellContext(header.getView()).setPosition(record, header)); } me.lastOverColumn = header; me.lastOverRecord = record; } }, /** * Clean up mousemove event * @param e * @param target * @param opts * @private */ onMouseUp: function(e, target, opts) { var me = this, view = opts.view, lastPos = me.lastOverRecord && new Ext.grid.CellContext(view).setPosition(me.lastOverRecord, me.lastOverColumn), changedCell = lastPos && !lastPos.isEqual(me.mousedownPosition), cell, record; me.checkCellClicked = null; if (view && !view.destroyed) { // If we catch the event before the View sees it and stamps a position in, we need to know where they mouseupped. if (!e.position) { cell = e.getTarget(view.cellSelector); if (cell) { record = view.getRecord(cell); if (record) { e.position = new Ext.grid.CellContext(view).setPosition(record, view.getHeaderByCell(cell)); } } } // Disable until a valid new selection is announced in fireSelectionChange unless it's a click if (me.extensible && changedCell) { me.extensible.disable(); } view.el.un('mousemove', me.onMouseMove, me); // Copy the records encompassed by the drag range into the record collection if (me.selected.isRows) { me.selected.addRange(); } // Fire selection change only if we have dragged - if the mouseup position is different from the mousedown position. // If there has been no drag, the click handler will select the single row if (changedCell) { me.fireSelectionChange(); } } }, /** * Add the header checkbox to the header row * @param view * @param {Boolean} initial True if we're binding for the first time. * @private */ addCheckbox: function(view, initial) { var me = this, checkbox = me.checkboxColumnIndex, headerCt = view.headerCt; // Preserve behaviour of false, but not clear why that would ever be done. if (checkbox !== false) { if (checkbox === 'first') { checkbox = 0; } else if (checkbox === 'last') { checkbox = headerCt.getColumnCount(); } me.checkColumn = headerCt.add(checkbox, me.getCheckboxHeaderConfig()); } if (initial !== true) { view.refresh(); } }, /** * Called when the grid's Navigation model detects navigation events (`mousedown`, `click` and certain `keydown` events). * @param {Ext.event.Event} navigateEvent The event which caused navigation. * @private */ onNavigate: function(navigateEvent) { var me = this, // Use outermost view. May be lockable view = navigateEvent.view && navigateEvent.view.ownerGrid.view, record = navigateEvent.record, sel = me.selected, // Create a new Context based upon the outermost View. // NavigationModel works on local views. TODO: remove this step when NavModel is fixed to use outermost view in locked grid. // At that point, we can use navigateEvent.position pos = view && new Ext.grid.CellContext(view).setPosition(record, navigateEvent.column), keyEvent = navigateEvent.keyEvent, ctrlKey = keyEvent.ctrlKey, shiftKey = keyEvent.shiftKey, keyCode = keyEvent.getKey(), selectionChanged, rowRangeStart, lastRecord; // if there's no position then the user might have clicked outside a cell if (!pos) { return; } // A Column's processEvent method may set this flag if configured to do so. if (keyEvent.stopSelection) { return; } // CTRL/Arrow just navigates, does not select if (ctrlKey && (keyCode === keyEvent.UP || keyCode === keyEvent.LEFT || keyCode === keyEvent.RIGHT || keyCode === keyEvent.DOWN)) { return; } // Click is the mouseup at the end of a multi-cell/multi-column select swipe; reject. if (sel && (sel.isCells || (sel.isColumns && !me.getRowSelect() && !(ctrlKey || shiftKey))) && sel.getCount() > 1 && !keyEvent.shiftKey && keyEvent.type === 'click') { return; } // If all selection types are disabled, or it's not a selecting event, return if (!(me.cellSelect || me.columnSelect || me.rowSelect) || !navigateEvent.record || keyEvent.type === 'mousedown') { return; } // Ctrl/A key - Deselect current selection, or select all if no selection if (ctrlKey && keyEvent.keyCode === keyEvent.A ) { // No selection, or only one, select all if (!sel || sel.getCount() < 2) { me.selectAll(); } else { me.deselectAll(); } me.updateHeaderState(); return; } if (shiftKey) { // If the event is in one of the row selecting cells, or cell selecting is turned off if (pos.column === me.numbererColumn || pos.column === me.checkColumn || !(me.cellSelect || me.columnSelect) || (sel && sel.isRows)) { if (me.rowSelect) { // Ensure selection object is of the correct type if (!sel || !sel.isRows || sel.view !== view) { me.resetSelection(true); sel = me.selected = new Ext.grid.selection.Rows(view); } // First shift if (!sel.getRangeSize()) { rowRangeStart = navigateEvent.previousRecordIndex; if (rowRangeStart == null) { // previousRecordIndex could be empty due to BufferedRenderer de-rendering the last selected row. // In that case we need to select the last selected record or start from 0. lastRecord = me.getLastSelected(); rowRangeStart = lastRecord ? me.store.indexOf(lastRecord) : 0; } sel.setRangeStart(rowRangeStart); } sel.setRangeEnd(navigateEvent.recordIndex); sel.addRange(); selectionChanged = true; } } // Navigate event in a normal cell else { if (me.cellSelect) { // Ensure selection object is of the correct type if (!sel || !sel.isCells || sel.view !== view) { me.resetSelection(true); sel = me.selected = new Ext.grid.selection.Cells(view); } // First shift if (!sel.getRangeSize()) { sel.setRangeStart(navigateEvent.previousPosition || me.getCellContext(0, 0)); } sel.setRangeEnd(pos); selectionChanged = true; } else if (me.columnSelect) { // Ensure selection object is of the correct type if (!sel || !sel.isColumns || sel.view !== view) { me.resetSelection(true); sel = me.selected = new Ext.grid.selection.Columns(view); } if (!sel.getCount()) { sel.setRangeStart(pos.column); } sel.setRangeEnd(navigateEvent.position.column); selectionChanged = true; } } } else { // If the event is in one of the row selecting cells, or we have enabled row selection but not column selection // so prioritize selecting rows if (pos.column === me.numbererColumn || pos.column === me.checkColumn || (me.rowSelect && !me.cellSelect)) { // Ensure selection object is of the correct type if (!sel || !sel.isRows || sel.view !== view) { me.resetSelection(true); sel = me.selected = new Ext.grid.selection.Rows(view); } if (ctrlKey || pos.column === me.checkColumn) { if (sel.contains(record)) { sel.remove(record); } else { sel.add(record); } } else { sel.clear(); sel.add(record); sel.setRangeStart(pos.rowIdx, true); } selectionChanged = true; } // Navigate event in a normal cell else { // Prioritize cell selection over column selection if (me.cellSelect) { // Ensure selection object is of the correct type if (!sel || !sel.isCells || sel.view !== view) { me.resetSelection(true); me.selected = sel = new Ext.grid.selection.Cells(view); } else { sel.clear(); } sel.setRangeStart(pos); selectionChanged = true; } else if (me.columnSelect) { // Ensure selection object is of the correct type if (!sel || !sel.isColumns || sel.view !== view) { me.resetSelection(true); me.selected = sel = new Ext.grid.selection.Columns(view); } if (ctrlKey) { if (sel.contains(pos.column)) { sel.remove(pos.column); } else { sel.add(pos.column); } } else { sel.setRangeStart(pos.column); } selectionChanged = true; } } } // If our configuration allowed selection changes, update check header and fire event if (selectionChanged) { if (sel.isRows) { me.updateHeaderState(); } // this will give continuity between keyboard selection and mouse selection me.lastOverRecord = record; me.lastOverColumn = pos.column; me.fireSelectionChange(); } }, /** * Checks the current selection (if available) against the context being removed. * If the context was selected, the selection is cleared since it's no longer valid. * @param {Object} removedContext * @return {Boolean} `true` if part or all of the selection was cleared * @since 6.2.2 */ maybeClearSelection: function (removedContext) { var me = this, selData = me.selected, startCell = selData.startCell, endCell = selData.endCell, column = removedContext.column, colIdx = removedContext.colIdx, rowIdx = removedContext.rowIdx, changed; if (startCell && (startCell.column === column || startCell.colIdx === colIdx) && startCell.rowIdx === rowIdx) { selData.startCell = changed = null; } if (endCell && (endCell.column === column || endCell.colIdx === colIdx) && endCell.rowIdx === rowIdx) { selData.endCell = changed = null; } return changed === null; }, /** * Check if given record is currently selected. * * Used in {@link Ext.view.Table view} rendering to decide upon cell UI treatment. * @param {Ext.data.Model} record * @return {Boolean} * @private */ isRowSelected: function(record) { var me = this, sel = me.selected; if (sel && sel.isRows) { record = Ext.isNumber(record) ? me.store.getAt(record) : record; return sel.contains(record); } else { return false; } }, /** * Check if given column is currently selected. * * @param {Ext.grid.column.Column} column * @return {Boolean} * @private */ isColumnSelected: function(column) { var me = this, sel = me.selected; if (sel && sel.isColumns) { return sel.contains(column); } else { return false; } }, /** * Returns true if specified cell within specified view is selected * * Used in {@link Ext.view.Table view} rendering to decide upon row UI treatment. * @param {Ext.grid.View} view - impactful when locked columns are used * @param {Number} row - row index * @param {Number} column - column index, within the current view * * @return {Boolean} * @private */ isCellSelected: function(view, row, column) { var me = this, testPos, sel = me.selected; // view MUST be outermost (possible locking) view view = view.ownerGrid.view; if (sel) { if (sel.isColumns) { if (typeof column === 'number') { column = view.getVisibleColumnManager().getColumns()[column]; } return sel.contains(column); } if (sel.isCells) { testPos = new Ext.grid.CellContext(view).setPosition({ row: row, // IMPORTANT: The historic API for columns has been to include hidden columns // in the index. So we must index into the "all" ColumnManager. column: column }); return sel.contains(testPos); } } return false; }, /** * @private */ applySelected: function(selected) { // Must override base class's applier which creates a Collection //<debug> if (selected && !(selected.isRows || selected.isCells || selected.isColumns)) { Ext.raise('SpreadsheelModel#setSelected must be passed an instance of Ext.grid.selection.Selection'); } //</debug> return selected; }, /** * @private */ updateSelected: function(selected, oldSelected) { var view, columns, len, i, cell; // Clear old selection. if (oldSelected) { oldSelected.clear(); } // Update the UI to match the new selection if (selected && selected.getCount()) { view = selected.view; // Rows; update each selected row if (selected.isRows) { selected.eachRow(view.onRowSelect, view); } // Columns; update the selected columns for all rows else if (selected.isColumns) { columns = selected.getColumns(); len = columns.length; if (len) { cell = new Ext.grid.CelContext(view); view.store.each(function(rec) { cell.setRow(rec); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { cell.setColumn(columns[i]); view.onCellSelect(cell); } }); } } // Cells; update each selected cell else if (selected.isCells) { selected.eachCell(view.onCellSelect, view); } } }, getNumbererColumn: function(col) { var me = this, result = me.numbererColumn, view = me.view; if (!result) { // Always put row selection columns in the locked side if there is one. if (view.isNormalView) { view = view.ownerGrid.lockedGrid; } result = me.numbererColumn = view.headerCt.down('rownumberer') || view.headerCt.add(0, me.getNumbererColumnConfig()); } return result; }, /** * Show/hide the extra column headers depending upon rowSelection. * @private */ updateRowSelect: function(rowSelect) { var me = this, sel = me.selected, view = me.view; if (view && view.rendered) { if (rowSelect) { if (me.checkColumn) { me.checkColumn.show(); } me.getNumbererColumn().show(); } else { if (me.checkColumn) { me.checkColumn.hide(); } if (me.numbererColumn) { me.numbererColumn.hide(); } } if (!rowSelect && sel && sel.isRows) { sel.clear(); me.fireSelectionChange(); } } }, /** * Enable/disable the HeaderContainer's sortOnClick in line with column select on * column click. * @private */ updateColumnSelect: function(columnSelect) { var me = this, sel = me.selected, views = me.views, len = views ? views.length : 0, i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { views[i].headerCt.sortOnClick = !columnSelect; } if (!columnSelect && sel && sel.isColumns) { sel.clear(); me.fireSelectionChange(); } if (columnSelect) { me.view.ownerGrid.addCls(me.columnSelectCls); } else { me.view.ownerGrid.removeCls(me.columnSelectCls); } }, /** * @private */ updateCellSelect: function(cellSelect) { var me = this, sel = me.selected; if (!cellSelect && sel && sel.isCells) { sel.clear(); me.fireSelectionChange(); } }, /** * @private */ fireSelectionChange: function () { var me = this, sel = me.selected, view = sel.view, grid = view.ownerGrid, store = view.dataSource, records, count; // Inform selection object that we're done me.updateSelectionExtender(); // We must still fire a selectionchange event through the SelectionModel because Ext.panel.Table listens for this event // to update its bound selection. if (sel.isRows) { records = sel.getRecords(); count = store.getTotalCount() || store.getCount(); // When there is a BufferedStore the allSelected flag cannot be set in a manual selection me.selected.allSelected = !!(store.isBufferedStore ? me.selected.allSelected : count && records.length && (count === records.length)); me.fireEvent('selectionchange', me, records); } else if (sel.isCells) { me.selected.allSelected = false; me.fireEvent( 'selectionchange', me, sel.getCount() ? me.store.getRange.apply( sel.view.dataSource, sel.getRowRange()) : []); } grid.fireEvent('selectionchange', grid, sel); }, /** * @private * Called by {@link Ext.panel.Table#updateBindSelection} when publishing the `selection` property. * It should yield the last record selected. * @return {Ext.data.Model} The last record selected. This is only available if the current selection type is cells or rows. * In the case of multiple selection, the *last* record added to the selection is returned. */ getLastSelected: function() { var sel = this.selected; if (sel.getLastSelected) { return sel.getLastSelected(); } }, updateSelectionExtender: function() { var sel = this.selected; if (sel) { sel.onSelectionFinish(); } }, /** * Called when a selection has been made. The selection object's onSelectionFinish calls back into this. * @param {Ext.grid.selection.Selection} sel The selection object specific to * the selection performed. * @param {Ext.grid.CellContext} [firstCell] The left/top most selected cell. * Will be undefined if the selection is clear. * @param {Ext.grid.CellContext} [lastCell] The bottom/right most selected cell. * Will be undefined if the selection is clear. * @private */ onSelectionFinish: function(sel, firstCell, lastCell) { var extensible = this.getExtensible(); if (extensible) { extensible.setHandle(firstCell, lastCell); } }, applyExtensible: function(extensible) { var me = this; // if extensible is false/null we should return undefined so the value // does not get set and we don't call updateExtensible if (!extensible) { return undefined; } if (extensible === true || typeof extensible === 'string') { extensible = { axes: me.axesConfigs[extensible] }; } else { extensible = Ext.Object.chain(extensible); // don't mutate the user's config } extensible.view = me.selected.view; return new Ext.grid.selection.SelectionExtender(extensible); }, /** * Called when the SelectionExtender has the mouse released. * @param {Object} extension An object describing the type and size of extension. * @param {String} extension.type `"rows"` or `"columns"` * @param {Ext.grid.CellContext} extension.start The start (top left) cell of the extension area. * @param {Ext.grid.CellContext} extension.end The end (bottom right) cell of the extension area. * @param {number} [extension.columns] The number of columns extended (-ve means on the left side). * @param {number} [extension.rows] The number of rows extended (-ve means on the top side). * @private */ extendSelection: function(extension) { var me = this, sel = me.selected; // Announce that the selection is to be extended, and if no objections, extend it if (me.view.ownerGrid.fireEvent('beforeselectionextend', me.view.ownerGrid, sel, extension) !== false) { sel.extendRange(extension); me.fireSelectionChange(); } }, /** * @private */ onIdChanged: function(store, rec, oldId, newId) { var sel = this.selected; if (sel && sel.isRows && sel.selectedRecords) { sel.selectedRecords.updateKey(rec, oldId); } }, /** * Called when a page is added to BufferedStore. * @private */ onPageAdd: function(pageMap, pageNumber, records) { var sel = this.selected, len = records.length, i, record, selected = sel && sel.selectedRecords; // Check for return of already selected records. // Maintainer: To only use one conditional expression, the value of assignment of // (selected = sel.selectedRecords) is part of the single conditional expression. if (selected && sel.isRows) { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { record = records[i]; if (selected.get(record.id)) { selected.replace(record); } else if (sel.allSelected) { selected.add(record); } } } }, /** * @private */ refresh: function() { var sel = this.getSelected(); // Refreshing the selected record Collection based upon a possible // store mutation is only valid if we are selecting records. if (sel && sel.isRows) { this.callParent(); } }, /** * @private */ onStoreAdd: function() { var sel = this.getSelected(); // Updating on store mutation is only valid if we are selecting records. if (sel && sel.isRows) { this.callParent(arguments); this.updateHeaderState(); } }, /** * @private */ onStoreClear: function() { this.resetSelection(); }, /** * @private */ onStoreLoad: function() { var sel = this.getSelected(); // Updating on store mutation is only valid if we are selecting records. if (sel && sel.isRows) { this.callParent(arguments); this.updateHeaderState(); } }, /** * @private */ onStoreRefresh: function() { var sel = this.selected; // Ensure that records which are no longer in the new store are pruned if configured to do so. // Ensure that selected records in the collection are the correct instance. if (sel && sel.isRows && sel.selectedRecords) { this.updateSelectedInstances(sel.selectedRecords); } if (this.view) { this.updateHeaderState(); } }, /** * @private */ onPageRemove: function(pageMap, pageNumber, records) { var sel = this.selected; // On page purge from a buffered store, do not react if // we have selected all. All are still selected! if (!(sel && sel.allSelected)) { this.onStoreRemove(this.store, records); } }, /** * @private */ onStoreRemove: function() { var sel = this.getSelected(); // Updating on store mutation is only valid if we are selecting records. if (sel && sel.isRows) { this.callParent(arguments); } } }}, function (SpreadsheetModel) { var RowNumberer = Ext.ClassManager.get('Ext.grid.column.RowNumberer'); if (RowNumberer) { SpreadsheetModel.prototype.rowNumbererTdCls = Ext.grid.column.RowNumberer.prototype.tdCls + ' ' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'ssm-row-numberer-cell'; }});