/** * Ext JS Library * Copyright(c) 2006-2014 Sencha Inc. * licensing@sencha.com * http://www.sencha.com/license * * @class Ext.ux.desktop.Desktop * @extends Ext.panel.Panel * <p>This class manages the wallpaper, shortcuts and taskbar.</p> */Ext.define('Ext.ux.desktop.Desktop', { extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel', alias: 'widget.desktop', uses: [ 'Ext.util.MixedCollection', 'Ext.menu.Menu', 'Ext.view.View', // dataview 'Ext.window.Window', 'Ext.ux.desktop.TaskBar', 'Ext.ux.desktop.Wallpaper' ], activeWindowCls: 'ux-desktop-active-win', inactiveWindowCls: 'ux-desktop-inactive-win', lastActiveWindow: null, border: false, html: ' ', layout: 'fit', xTickSize: 1, yTickSize: 1, app: null, /** * @cfg {Array/Ext.data.Store} shortcuts * The items to add to the DataView. This can be a {@link Ext.data.Store Store} or a * simple array. Items should minimally provide the fields in the * {@link Ext.ux.desktop.ShortcutModel Shortcut}. */ shortcuts: null, /** * @cfg {String} shortcutItemSelector * This property is passed to the DataView for the desktop to select shortcut items. * If the {@link #shortcutTpl} is modified, this will probably need to be modified as * well. */ shortcutItemSelector: 'div.ux-desktop-shortcut', /** * @cfg {String} shortcutTpl * This XTemplate is used to render items in the DataView. If this is changed, the * {@link #shortcutItemSelector} will probably also need to changed. */ /* eslint-disable indent */ shortcutTpl: [ '<tpl for=".">', '<div class="ux-desktop-shortcut" id="{name}-shortcut">', '<div class="ux-desktop-shortcut-icon {iconCls}">', '<img src="', Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL, '" title="{name}">', '</div>', '<span class="ux-desktop-shortcut-text">{name}</span>', '</div>', '</tpl>', '<div class="x-clear"></div>' ], /* eslint-enable indent */ /** * @cfg {Object} taskbarConfig * The config object for the TaskBar. */ taskbarConfig: null, windowMenu: null, initComponent: function() { var me = this, wallpaper; me.windowMenu = new Ext.menu.Menu(me.createWindowMenu()); me.bbar = me.taskbar = new Ext.ux.desktop.TaskBar(me.taskbarConfig); me.taskbar.windowMenu = me.windowMenu; me.windows = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(); me.contextMenu = new Ext.menu.Menu(me.createDesktopMenu()); me.items = [ { xtype: 'wallpaper', id: me.id + '_wallpaper' }, me.createDataView() ]; me.callParent(); me.shortcutsView = me.items.getAt(1); me.shortcutsView.on('itemclick', me.onShortcutItemClick, me); wallpaper = me.wallpaper; me.wallpaper = me.items.getAt(0); if (wallpaper) { me.setWallpaper(wallpaper, me.wallpaperStretch); } }, afterRender: function() { var me = this; me.callParent(); me.el.on('contextmenu', me.onDesktopMenu, me); }, //------------------------------------------------------ // Overrideable configuration creation methods createDataView: function() { var me = this; return { xtype: 'dataview', overItemCls: 'x-view-over', trackOver: true, itemSelector: me.shortcutItemSelector, store: me.shortcuts, style: { position: 'absolute' }, x: 0, y: 0, tpl: new Ext.XTemplate(me.shortcutTpl) }; }, createDesktopMenu: function() { var me = this, ret = { items: me.contextMenuItems || [] }; if (ret.items.length) { ret.items.push('-'); } ret.items.push( { text: 'Tile', handler: me.tileWindows, scope: me, minWindows: 1 }, { text: 'Cascade', handler: me.cascadeWindows, scope: me, minWindows: 1 } ); return ret; }, createWindowMenu: function() { var me = this; return { defaultAlign: 'br-tr', items: [ { text: 'Restore', handler: me.onWindowMenuRestore, scope: me }, { text: 'Minimize', handler: me.onWindowMenuMinimize, scope: me }, { text: 'Maximize', handler: me.onWindowMenuMaximize, scope: me }, '-', { text: 'Close', handler: me.onWindowMenuClose, scope: me } ], listeners: { beforeshow: me.onWindowMenuBeforeShow, hide: me.onWindowMenuHide, scope: me } }; }, //------------------------------------------------------ // Event handler methods onDesktopMenu: function(e) { var me = this, menu = me.contextMenu; e.stopEvent(); if (!menu.rendered) { menu.on('beforeshow', me.onDesktopMenuBeforeShow, me); } menu.showAt(e.getXY()); menu.doConstrain(); }, onDesktopMenuBeforeShow: function(menu) { var me = this, count = me.windows.getCount(); menu.items.each(function(item) { var min = item.minWindows || 0; item.setDisabled(count < min); }); }, onShortcutItemClick: function(dataView, record) { var me = this, module = me.app.getModule(record.data.module), win = module && module.createWindow(); if (win) { me.restoreWindow(win); } }, onWindowClose: function(win) { var me = this; me.windows.remove(win); me.taskbar.removeTaskButton(win.taskButton); me.updateActiveWindow(); }, //------------------------------------------------------ // Window context menu handlers onWindowMenuBeforeShow: function(menu) { var items = menu.items.items, win = menu.theWin; items[0].setDisabled(win.maximized !== true && win.hidden !== true); // Restore items[1].setDisabled(win.minimized === true); // Minimize items[2].setDisabled(win.maximized === true || win.hidden === true); // Maximize }, onWindowMenuClose: function() { var me = this, win = me.windowMenu.theWin; win.close(); }, onWindowMenuHide: function(menu) { Ext.defer(function() { menu.theWin = null; }, 1); }, onWindowMenuMaximize: function() { var me = this, win = me.windowMenu.theWin; win.maximize(); win.toFront(); }, onWindowMenuMinimize: function() { var me = this, win = me.windowMenu.theWin; win.minimize(); }, onWindowMenuRestore: function() { var me = this, win = me.windowMenu.theWin; me.restoreWindow(win); }, //------------------------------------------------------ // Dynamic (re)configuration methods getWallpaper: function() { return this.wallpaper.wallpaper; }, setTickSize: function(xTickSize, yTickSize) { var me = this, xt = me.xTickSize = xTickSize, yt = me.yTickSize = (arguments.length > 1) ? yTickSize : xt; me.windows.each(function(win) { var dd = win.dd, resizer = win.resizer; dd.xTickSize = xt; dd.yTickSize = yt; resizer.widthIncrement = xt; resizer.heightIncrement = yt; }); }, setWallpaper: function(wallpaper, stretch) { this.wallpaper.setWallpaper(wallpaper, stretch); return this; }, //------------------------------------------------------ // Window management methods cascadeWindows: function() { var x = 0, y = 0, zmgr = this.getDesktopZIndexManager(); zmgr.eachBottomUp(function(win) { if (win.isWindow && win.isVisible() && !win.maximized) { win.setPosition(x, y); x += 20; y += 20; } }); }, createWindow: function(config, cls) { var me = this, win, cfg = Ext.applyIf(config || {}, { stateful: false, isWindow: true, constrainHeader: true, minimizable: true, maximizable: true }); cls = cls || Ext.window.Window; win = me.add(new cls(cfg)); me.windows.add(win); win.taskButton = me.taskbar.addTaskButton(win); win.animateTarget = win.taskButton.el; win.on({ activate: me.updateActiveWindow, beforeshow: me.updateActiveWindow, deactivate: me.updateActiveWindow, minimize: me.minimizeWindow, destroy: me.onWindowClose, scope: me }); win.on({ boxready: function() { win.dd.xTickSize = me.xTickSize; win.dd.yTickSize = me.yTickSize; if (win.resizer) { win.resizer.widthIncrement = me.xTickSize; win.resizer.heightIncrement = me.yTickSize; } }, single: true }); // replace normal window close w/fadeOut animation: win.doClose = function() { win.doClose = Ext.emptyFn; // dblclick can call again... win.el.disableShadow(); win.el.fadeOut({ listeners: { afteranimate: function() { win.destroy(); } } }); }; return win; }, getActiveWindow: function() { var win = null, zmgr = this.getDesktopZIndexManager(); if (zmgr) { // We cannot rely on activate/deactive because that fires against non-Window // components in the stack. zmgr.eachTopDown(function(comp) { if (comp.isWindow && !comp.hidden) { win = comp; return false; } return true; }); } return win; }, getDesktopZIndexManager: function() { var windows = this.windows; // TODO - there has to be a better way to get this... return (windows.getCount() && windows.getAt(0).zIndexManager) || null; }, getWindow: function(id) { return this.windows.get(id); }, minimizeWindow: function(win) { win.minimized = true; win.hide(); }, restoreWindow: function(win) { if (win.isVisible()) { win.restore(); win.toFront(); } else { win.show(); } return win; }, tileWindows: function() { var me = this, availWidth = me.body.getWidth(true), x = me.xTickSize, y = me.yTickSize, nextY = y; me.windows.each(function(win) { var w; if (win.isVisible() && !win.maximized) { w = win.el.getWidth(); // Wrap to next row if we are not at the line start and this Window will // go off the end if (x > me.xTickSize && x + w > availWidth) { x = me.xTickSize; y = nextY; } win.setPosition(x, y); x += w + me.xTickSize; nextY = Math.max(nextY, y + win.el.getHeight() + me.yTickSize); } }); }, updateActiveWindow: function() { var me = this, activeWindow = me.getActiveWindow(), last = me.lastActiveWindow; if (last && last.destroyed) { me.lastActiveWindow = null; return; } if (activeWindow === last) { return; } if (last) { if (last.el.dom) { last.addCls(me.inactiveWindowCls); last.removeCls(me.activeWindowCls); } last.active = false; } me.lastActiveWindow = activeWindow; if (activeWindow) { activeWindow.addCls(me.activeWindowCls); activeWindow.removeCls(me.inactiveWindowCls); activeWindow.minimized = false; activeWindow.active = true; } me.taskbar.setActiveButton(activeWindow && activeWindow.taskButton); }});