/* * Ext JS Library * Copyright(c) 2006-2014 Sencha Inc. * licensing@sencha.com * http://www.sencha.com/license */ /** * @class Ext.ux.desktop.TaskBar * @extends Ext.toolbar.Toolbar */Ext.define('Ext.ux.desktop.TaskBar', { // This must be a toolbar. we rely on acquired toolbar classes and inherited toolbar methods // for our child items to instantiate and render correctly. extend: 'Ext.toolbar.Toolbar', requires: [ 'Ext.button.Button', 'Ext.resizer.Splitter', 'Ext.menu.Menu', 'Ext.ux.desktop.StartMenu' ], alias: 'widget.taskbar', cls: 'ux-taskbar', /** * @cfg {String} startBtnText * The text for the Start Button. */ startBtnText: 'Start', initComponent: function() { var me = this; me.startMenu = new Ext.ux.desktop.StartMenu(me.startConfig); me.quickStart = new Ext.toolbar.Toolbar(me.getQuickStart()); me.windowBar = new Ext.toolbar.Toolbar(me.getWindowBarConfig()); me.tray = new Ext.toolbar.Toolbar(me.getTrayConfig()); me.items = [{ xtype: 'button', cls: 'ux-start-button', iconCls: 'ux-start-button-icon', menu: me.startMenu, menuAlign: 'bl-tl', text: me.startBtnText }, me.quickStart, { xtype: 'splitter', html: ' ', height: 14, width: 2, // TODO - there should be a CSS way here cls: 'x-toolbar-separator x-toolbar-separator-horizontal' }, me.windowBar, '-', me.tray]; me.callParent(); }, afterLayout: function() { var me = this; me.callParent(); me.windowBar.el.on('contextmenu', me.onButtonContextMenu, me); }, /** * This method returns the configuration object for the Quick Start toolbar. A derived * class can override this method, call the base version to build the config and * then modify the returned object before returning it. */ getQuickStart: function() { var me = this, ret = { minWidth: 20, width: Ext.themeName === 'neptune' ? 70 : 60, items: [], enableOverflow: true }; Ext.each(this.quickStart, function(item) { ret.items.push({ tooltip: { text: item.name, align: 'bl-tl' }, // tooltip: item.name, overflowText: item.name, iconCls: item.iconCls, module: item.module, handler: me.onQuickStartClick, scope: me }); }); return ret; }, /** * This method returns the configuration object for the Tray toolbar. A derived * class can override this method, call the base version to build the config and * then modify the returned object before returning it. */ getTrayConfig: function() { var ret = { items: this.trayItems }; delete this.trayItems; return ret; }, getWindowBarConfig: function() { return { flex: 1, cls: 'ux-desktop-windowbar', items: [ ' ' ], layout: { overflowHandler: 'Scroller' } }; }, getWindowBtnFromEl: function(el) { var c = this.windowBar.getChildByElement(el); return c || null; }, onQuickStartClick: function(btn) { var module = this.app.getModule(btn.module), window; if (module) { window = module.createWindow(); window.show(); } }, onButtonContextMenu: function(e) { var me = this, t = e.getTarget(), btn = me.getWindowBtnFromEl(t); if (btn) { e.stopEvent(); me.windowMenu.theWin = btn.win; me.windowMenu.showBy(t); } }, onWindowBtnClick: function(btn) { var win = btn.win; if (win.minimized || win.hidden) { btn.disable(); win.show(null, function() { btn.enable(); }); } else if (win.active) { btn.disable(); win.on('hide', function() { btn.enable(); }, null, { single: true }); win.minimize(); } else { win.toFront(); } }, addTaskButton: function(win) { var config = { iconCls: win.iconCls, enableToggle: true, toggleGroup: 'all', width: 140, margin: '0 2 0 3', text: Ext.util.Format.ellipsis(win.title, 20), listeners: { click: this.onWindowBtnClick, scope: this }, win: win }, cmp = this.windowBar.add(config); cmp.toggle(true); return cmp; }, removeTaskButton: function(btn) { var found, me = this; me.windowBar.items.each(function(item) { if (item === btn) { found = item; } return !found; }); if (found) { me.windowBar.remove(found); } return found; }, setActiveButton: function(btn) { if (btn) { btn.toggle(true); } else { this.windowBar.items.each(function(item) { if (item.isButton) { item.toggle(false); } }); } }}); /** * @class Ext.ux.desktop.TrayClock * @extends Ext.toolbar.TextItem * This class displays a clock on the toolbar. */Ext.define('Ext.ux.desktop.TrayClock', { extend: 'Ext.toolbar.TextItem', alias: 'widget.trayclock', cls: 'ux-desktop-trayclock', html: ' ', timeFormat: 'g:i A', tpl: '{time}', initComponent: function() { var me = this; me.callParent(); if (typeof(me.tpl) === 'string') { me.tpl = new Ext.XTemplate(me.tpl); } }, afterRender: function() { var me = this; Ext.defer(me.updateTime, 100, me); me.callParent(); }, doDestroy: function() { var me = this; if (me.timer) { window.clearTimeout(me.timer); me.timer = null; } me.callParent(); }, updateTime: function() { var me = this, time = Ext.Date.format(new Date(), me.timeFormat), text = me.tpl.apply({ time: time }); if (me.lastText !== text) { me.setText(text); me.lastText = text; } me.timer = Ext.defer(me.updateTime, 10000, me); }});