/** * The Column Resizing plugin allows users to adjust the width of the grid columns to suit * their needs. This functionality can be included by requiring the plugin and adding * it to your grid's plugins object. * * @example * var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', { * data: [ * { "name": "Lisa", "email": "lisa@simpsons.com", "phone": "555-111-1224" }, * { "name": "Bart", "email": "bart@simpsons.com", "phone": "555-222-1234" }, * { "name": "Homer", "email": "home@simpsons.com", "phone": "555-222-1244" }, * { "name": "Marge", "email": "marge@simpsons.com", "phone": "555-222-1254" } * ] * }); * * Ext.create('Ext.grid.Grid', { * fullscreen: true, * layout: 'fit', * store: store, * plugins: { * columnresizing: true * }, * columns: [{ * text: "Name", * dataIndex: "name", * flex: 1 * }, * { * text: "Email", * dataIndex: "email", * flex: 1 * }, * { * text: "Phone", * dataIndex: "phone", * flex: 1 * }] * }); * */Ext.define('Ext.grid.plugin.ColumnResizing', { extend: 'Ext.Component', alias: ['plugin.columnresizing', 'plugin.gridcolumnresizing'], config: { grid: null, /** * @cfg {Boolean} realtime * When `true` the whole column will resize in real-time as the user drags. When * `false` only the header will resize until the interaction is done. */ realtime: false }, hasResizingCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'has-columnresizing', resizingCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'resizing', columnSelector: '.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'gridcolumn', resizerSelector: '.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'gridcolumn .' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'resizer-el', init: function(grid) { this.setGrid(grid); grid.getHeaderContainer().setTouchAction({ panX: false }); }, updateGrid: function(grid, oldGrid) { var me = this, cls = me.hasResizingCls, headerContainer, resizeMarker; if (oldGrid) { headerContainer = oldGrid.getHeaderContainer(); headerContainer.renderElement.un({ touchstart: 'onContainerTouchStart', scope: me, priority: 100 }); oldGrid.removeCls(cls); } if (grid) { me._resizeMarker = resizeMarker = grid.resizeMarkerElement; me._resizeMarkerParent = resizeMarker.parent(); headerContainer = grid.getHeaderContainer(); headerContainer.renderElement.on({ touchstart: 'onContainerTouchStart', scope: me }); grid.addCls(cls); } }, onContainerTouchStart: function(e) { var me = this, target = e.getTarget(me.columnSelector), resizer = e.getTarget(me.resizerSelector), column; if (resizer && !e.multitouch && target && !me._resizeColumn) { column = Ext.Component.from(target); if (column && column.getResizable()) { me._startColumnWidth = column.getComputedWidth(); me._minColumnWidth = column.getMinWidth(); me._maxColumnWidth = column.getMaxWidth(); me._resizeColumn = column; me._startX = e.getX(); column.addCls(me.resizingCls); // Prevent drag and longpress gestures being triggered by this mousedown e.claimGesture(); if (!this.getRealtime()) { me._resizeMarker.show(); me._resizeMarker.setLeft( column.el.getOffsetsTo(me._resizeMarkerParent)[0] + me._startColumnWidth ); } else { column.setWidth(me._startColumnWidth); } me.touchListeners = Ext.getBody().on({ touchEnd: 'onTouchEnd', touchMove: 'onTouchMove', scope: me, destroyable: true }); } } else if (e.multitouch && me._resizeColumn) { me.endResize(); } }, onTouchMove: function(e) { var me = this, column = me._resizeColumn, resizeAmount; // Single touch only if (e.isMultitouch) { me.endResize(); } else if (column) { resizeAmount = e.getX() - me._startX; me.currentColumnWidth = Math.max(Math.ceil(me._startColumnWidth + resizeAmount), me._minColumnWidth); if (me._maxColumnWidth) { me.currentColumnWidth = Math.min(me.currentColumnWidth, me._maxColumnWidth); } if (me.getRealtime()) { column.setWidth(me.currentColumnWidth); column.renderElement.setWidth(me.currentColumnWidth); } else { me._resizeMarker.setLeft( column.el.getOffsetsTo(me._resizeMarkerParent)[0] + me.currentColumnWidth ); } e.claimGesture(); } }, onTouchEnd: function(e) { var column = this._resizeColumn, hasResized = e.getX() !== this._startX; Ext.destroy(this.touchListeners); if (column) { this.endResize(); // Mouse/touch down then up means a tap on the resizer if (!hasResized) { column.onResizerTap(e); } } }, endResize: function() { var me = this, column = me._resizeColumn, grid = me.getGrid(); if (column) { if (!me.getRealtime()) { grid.resizeMarkerElement.hide(); } if (me.currentColumnWidth) { column.setFlex(null); column.setWidth(me.currentColumnWidth); } column.removeCls(me.resizingCls); me._resizeColumn = null; } }});