/* eslint-disable max-len *//** * This class specifies the definition for a column inside a {@link Ext.grid.Panel}. It encompasses * both the grid header configuration as well as displaying data within the grid itself. If the * {@link #columns} configuration is specified, this column will become a column group and can * contain other columns inside. In general, this class will not be created directly, rather * an array of column configurations will be passed to the grid: * * @example * Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', { * storeId:'employeeStore', * fields:['firstname', 'lastname', 'seniority', 'dep', 'hired'], * data:[ * {firstname:"Michael", lastname:"Scott", seniority:7, dep:"Management", hired:"01/10/2004"}, * {firstname:"Dwight", lastname:"Schrute", seniority:2, dep:"Sales", hired:"04/01/2004"}, * {firstname:"Jim", lastname:"Halpert", seniority:3, dep:"Sales", hired:"02/22/2006"}, * {firstname:"Kevin", lastname:"Malone", seniority:4, dep:"Accounting", hired:"06/10/2007"}, * {firstname:"Angela", lastname:"Martin", seniority:5, dep:"Accounting", hired:"10/21/2008"} * ] * }); * * Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', { * title: 'Column Demo', * store: Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup('employeeStore'), * columns: [ * {text: 'First Name', dataIndex:'firstname'}, * {text: 'Last Name', dataIndex:'lastname'}, * {text: 'Hired Month', dataIndex:'hired', xtype:'datecolumn', format:'M'}, * {text: 'Department (Yrs)', xtype:'templatecolumn', tpl:'{dep} ({seniority})'} * ], * width: 400, * forceFit: true, * renderTo: Ext.getBody() * }); * * # Convenience Subclasses * * There are several column subclasses that provide default rendering for various data types * * - {@link Ext.grid.column.Action}: Renders icons that can respond to click events inline * - {@link Ext.grid.column.Boolean}: Renders for boolean values * - {@link Ext.grid.column.Date}: Renders for date values * - {@link Ext.grid.column.Number}: Renders for numeric values * - {@link Ext.grid.column.Template}: Renders a value using an {@link Ext.XTemplate} using the record data * * # Setting Widths * * The columns are laid out by a {@link Ext.layout.container.HBox} layout, so a column can either * be given an explicit width value or a {@link #flex} configuration. If no width is specified the grid will * automatically the size the column to 100px. * * Group columns (columns with {@link #columns child columns}) may be sized using {@link #flex}, * in which case they will apply `forceFit` to their child columns so as not to leave blank space. * * If a group column is not flexed, its width is calculated by measuring the width of the * child columns, so a width option should not be specified in that case. * * # Header Options * * - {@link #text}: Sets the header text for the column * - {@link #sortable}: Specifies whether the column can be sorted by clicking the header or using the column menu * - {@link #hideable}: Specifies whether the column can be hidden using the column menu * - {@link #menuDisabled}: Disables the column header menu * - {@link #cfg-draggable}: Specifies whether the column header can be reordered by dragging * - {@link #groupable}: Specifies whether the grid can be grouped by the column dataIndex. See also {@link Ext.grid.feature.Grouping} * * # Data Options * * - {@link #dataIndex}: The dataIndex is the field in the underlying {@link Ext.data.Store} to use as the value for the column. * - {@link Ext.grid.column.Column#renderer}: Allows the underlying store * value to be transformed before being displayed in the grid * * ## State saving * * When the owning {@link Ext.grid.Panel Grid} is configured * {@link Ext.grid.Panel#cfg-stateful}, it will save its column state (order and width) * encapsulated within the default Panel state of changed width and height and * collapsed/expanded state. * * On a `stateful` grid, not only should the Grid have a * {@link Ext.grid.Panel#cfg-stateId}, each column of the grid should also be configured * with a {@link #stateId} which identifies that column locally within the grid. * * Omitting the `stateId` config from the columns results in columns with generated * internal ID's. The generated ID's are subject to change on each page load * making it impossible for the state manager to restore the previous state of the * columns. */Ext.define('Ext.grid.column.Column', { /* eslint-enable max-len */ extend: 'Ext.grid.header.Container', xtype: 'gridcolumn', requires: [ 'Ext.grid.ColumnComponentLayout', 'Ext.grid.ColumnLayout', 'Ext.app.bind.Parser' // for "format" support ], alternateClassName: 'Ext.grid.Column', config: { triggerVisible: false, /** * @cfg {Function/String/Object/Ext.util.Sorter} sorter * A Sorter, or sorter config object to apply when the standard user interface * sort gesture is invoked. This is usually clicking this column header, but * there are also menu options to sort ascending or descending. * * Note that a sorter may also be specified as a function which accepts two * records to compare. * * In 6.2.0, a `{@link Ext.app.ViewController controller}` method can be used * like so: * * sorter: { * sorterFn: 'sorterMethodName' * } * * @since 6.0.1 */ sorter: null, /** * @cfg {Ext.util.Grouper} grouper * * Define the grouper to use when using the GroupingPanel plugin */ grouper: null, /** * @cfg {String} groupFormatter * This config accepts a format specification as would be used in a `Ext.Template` * formatted token. For example `'round(2)'` to round numbers to 2 decimal places * or `'date("Y-m-d")'` to format a Date. * * It is used by the {@link Ext.grid.plugin.GroupingPanel} plugin when adding groupers * to the store. When you drag a column from the grid to the grouping panel then * the `groupFormatter` will be used to create a new store * grouper {@link Ext.util.Grouper#formatter}. * * **Note:** if summaries are calculated on the server side then the server * side grouping should match the client side formatter otherwise the * summaries may be wrong. */ groupFormatter: false, /** * @cfg {Object/String[]} summaries * This config is used by {@link Ext.grid.plugin.Summaries} plugin. * * Define here what functions are available for your users to choose from * when they want to change the summary type on this column. By default only * `count` is supported but you can add more summary functions. * * { * xtype: 'column', * summaries: { * sum: true, * average: true, * count: false * } * } * * Or like this if you want to bring new functions in: * * { * xtype: 'column', * summaries: { * calculateSomething: true * } * } * * In such case `calculateSomething` needs to be defined as a summary function. * For this you need to define a summary class like this: * * Ext.define('Ext.data.summary.CalculateSomething', { * extend: 'Ext.data.summary.Base', * alias: 'data.summary.calculateSomething', * * text: 'Calculate something', * * calculate: function (records, property, root, begin, end) { * // do your own calculation here * } * }); * * */ summaries: { $value: { count: true }, lazy: true, merge: function(newValue, oldValue) { return this.mergeSets(newValue, oldValue); } }, /** * A {@link Ext.grid.plugin.filterbar.filters.Base} configuration. * * This filter type is used by the {@link Ext.grid.plugin.filterbar.FilterBar} plugin. */ filterType: null, /** * @cfg {'start'/'center'/'end'} [align='start'] * Sets the alignment of the header and rendered columns. * Possible values are: `'start'`, `'center'`, and `'end'`. * * Since 6.2.0, `'left'` and `'right'` will still work, but retain their meaning * even when the application is in RTL mode. * * `'start'` and `'end'` always conform to the locale's text direction. */ align: 'start', /** * @cfg {Boolean} readOnly * Set to true to prevent pasting data on cell. * Checked this cfg in {@link Ext.grid.plugin.Clipboard} */ readOnly: true }, baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'column-header', // Not the standard, automatically applied overCls because we must filter out // overs of child headers. hoverCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'column-header-over', ariaRole: 'columnheader', focusableContainer: false, sortState: null, possibleSortStates: ['ASC', 'DESC'], // These are not readable descriptions; the values go in the aria-sort attribute. ariaSortStates: { ASC: 'ascending', DESC: 'descending' }, childEls: [ 'titleEl', 'triggerEl', 'textEl', 'textContainerEl', 'textInnerEl' ], /** * @cfg {Boolean} [headerWrap=false] * The default setting indicates that external CSS rules dictate that the title is * `white-space: nowrap` and therefore, width cannot affect the measured height by causing * text wrapping. This is what the Sencha-supplied styles set. If you change those styles * to allow text wrapping, you must set this to `true`. * @private */ headerWrap: false, /* eslint-disable indent, max-len */ renderTpl: [ '<div id="{id}-titleEl" data-ref="titleEl" role="presentation"', '{tipMarkup}class="', Ext.baseCSSPrefix, 'column-header-inner<tpl if="!$comp.isContainer"> ', Ext.baseCSSPrefix, 'leaf-column-header</tpl>', '<tpl if="empty"> ', Ext.baseCSSPrefix, 'column-header-inner-empty</tpl>">', // // TODO: // When IE8 retires, revisit https://jsbin.com/honawo/quiet for better way to center header text // '<div id="{id}-textContainerEl" data-ref="textContainerEl" role="presentation" class="', Ext.baseCSSPrefix, 'column-header-text-container">', '<div role="presentation" class="', Ext.baseCSSPrefix, 'column-header-text-wrapper">', '<div id="{id}-textEl" data-ref="textEl" role="presentation" class="', Ext.baseCSSPrefix, 'column-header-text', '{childElCls}">', '<span id="{id}-textInnerEl" data-ref="textInnerEl" role="presentation" class="', Ext.baseCSSPrefix, 'column-header-text-inner">{text}</span>', '</div>', '{%', 'values.$comp.afterText(out, values);', '%}', '</div>', '</div>', '<tpl if="!menuDisabled">', '<div id="{id}-triggerEl" data-ref="triggerEl" role="presentation" unselectable="on" class="', Ext.baseCSSPrefix, 'column-header-trigger', '{childElCls}" style="{triggerStyle}"></div>', '</tpl>', '</div>', '{%this.renderContainer(out,values)%}' ], /* eslint-enable indent, max-len */ /** * @cfg {Object[]} columns * An optional array of sub-column definitions. This column becomes a group, and houses * the columns defined in the `columns` config. * * Group columns may not be sortable. But they may be hideable and moveable. And you may move * headers into and out of a group. Note that if all sub columns are dragged out of a group, * the group is destroyed. */ /** * @cfg {String} stateId * An identifier which identifies this column uniquely within the owning grid's * {@link #stateful state}. * * This does not have to be *globally* unique. A column's state is not saved standalone. * It is encapsulated within the owning grid's state. */ /** * @cfg {String} dataIndex * The name of the field in the grid's {@link Ext.data.Store}'s {@link Ext.data.Model} * definition from which to draw the column's value. **Required.** */ dataIndex: null, /** * @cfg {String} text * The header text to be used as innerHTML (html tags are accepted) to display in the Grid. */ text: '\u00a0', /** * @cfg {String} header * The header text. * @deprecated 4.0 Use {@link #text} instead. */ /** * @cfg {String} menuText * The text to render in the column visibility selection menu for this column. If not * specified, will default to the text value. */ menuText: null, /** * @cfg {String} [emptyCellText=undefined] * The text to display in empty cells (cells with a value of `undefined`, `null`, or `''`). * * Defaults to ` ` aka ` `. */ emptyCellText: '\u00a0', /** * @cfg {Boolean} sortable * False to disable sorting of this column. Whether local/remote sorting is used is specified in * `{@link Ext.data.Store#remoteSort}`. */ sortable: true, /** * @cfg {Boolean} [enableTextSelection=false] * True to enable text selection inside grid cells in this column. */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} lockable * If the grid is configured with {@link Ext.panel.Table#enableLocking enableLocking}, or has * columns which are configured with a {@link #locked} value, this option may be used to disable * user-driven locking or unlocking of this column. This column will remain in the side * into which its own {@link #locked} configuration placed it. */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} groupable * If the grid uses a {@link Ext.grid.feature.Grouping}, this option may be used to disable * the header menu item to group by the column selected. By default, the header menu group * option is enabled. Set to false to disable (but still show) the group option * in the header menu for the column. */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} fixed * True to prevent the column from being resizable. * @deprecated 4.0 Use {@link #resizable} instead. */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [locked=false] * True to lock this column in place. Implicitly enables locking on the grid. * See also {@link Ext.grid.Panel#enableLocking}. */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [cellWrap=false] * True to allow whitespace in this column's cells to wrap, and cause taller column height where * necessary. * * This implicitly sets the {@link #variableRowHeight} config to `true` */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [variableRowHeight=false] * True to indicate that data in this column may take on an unpredictable height, possibly * differing from row to row. * * If this is set, then View refreshes, and removal and addition of new rows will result * in an ExtJS layout of the grid in order to adjust for possible addition/removal of scrollbars * in the case of data changing height. * * This config also tells the View's buffered renderer that row heights are unpredictable, * and must be remeasured as the view is refreshed. */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} resizable * False to prevent the column from being resizable. */ resizable: true, /** * @cfg {Boolean} hideable * False to prevent the user from hiding this column. */ hideable: true, /** * @cfg {Boolean} menuDisabled * True to disable the column header menu containing sort/hide options. */ menuDisabled: false, /** * @cfg {Function/String} renderer * A renderer is an 'interceptor' method which can be used to transform data (value, * appearance, etc.) before it is rendered. Example: * * **NOTE:** In previous releases, a string was treated as a method on * `Ext.util.Format` but that is now handled by the {@link #formatter} config. * * @param {Object} value The data value for the current cell * * renderer: function(value){ * // evaluates `value` to append either `person' or `people` * return Ext.util.Format.plural(value, 'person', 'people'); * } * * @param {Object} metaData A collection of metadata about the current cell; can be * used or modified by the renderer. Recognized properties are: `tdCls`, `tdAttr`, * and `tdStyle`. * * To add style attributes to the `<td>` element, you must use the `tdStyle` * property. Using a style attribute in the `tdAttr` property will override the * styles the column sets, such as the width which will break the rendering. * * You can see an example of using the metaData parameter below. * * Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', { * storeId: 'simpsonsStore', * fields: ['class', 'attr', 'style'], * data: { * 'class': 'red-bg', * 'attr': 'lightyellow', * 'style': 'red' * } * }); * * Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', { * title: 'Simpsons', * store: Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup('simpsonsStore'), * columns: [{ * text: 'Name', * dataIndex: 'class', * renderer: function (value, metaData) { * metaData.tdCls = value; * return value; * } * }, { * text: 'Email', * dataIndex: 'attr', * flex: 1, * renderer: function (value, metaData) { * metaData.tdAttr = 'bgcolor="' + value + '"'; * return value; * } * }, { * text: 'Phone', * dataIndex: 'style', * renderer: function (value, metaData) { * metaData.tdStyle = 'color:' + value; * return value; * } * }], * height: 200, * width: 400, * renderTo: Ext.getBody() * }); * * @param {Ext.data.Model} record The record for the current row * * renderer: function (value, metaData, record) { * // evaluate the record's `updated` field and if truthy return the value * // from the `newVal` field, else return value * var updated = record.get('updated'); * return updated ? record.get('newVal') : value; * } * * @param {Number} rowIndex The index of the current row * * renderer: function (value, metaData, record, rowIndex) { * // style the cell differently for even / odd values * var odd = (rowIndex % 2 === 0); * metaData.tdStyle = 'color:' + (odd ? 'gray' : 'red'); * } * * @param {Number} colIndex The index of the current column * * var myRenderer = function(value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex) { * if (colIndex === 0) { * metaData.tdAttr = 'data-qtip=' + value; * } * // additional logic to apply to values in all columns * return value; * } * * // using the same renderer on all columns you can process the value for * // each column with the same logic and only set a tooltip on the first column * renderer: myRenderer * * _See also {@link Ext.tip.QuickTipManager}_ * * @param {Ext.data.Store} store The data store * * renderer: function (value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store) { * // style the cell differently depending on how the value relates to the * // average of all values * var average = store.average('grades'); * metaData.tdCls = (value < average) ? 'needsImprovement' : 'satisfactory'; * return value; * } * * @param {Ext.view.View} view The data view * * renderer: function (value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store, view) { * // style the cell using the dataIndex of the column * var headerCt = this.getHeaderContainer(), * column = headerCt.getHeaderAtIndex(colIndex); * * metaData.tdCls = 'app-' + column.dataIndex; * return value; * } * * @return {String} * The HTML string to be rendered. * @controllable */ renderer: false, /** * @cfg {Function/String} updater * An updater is a method which is used when records are updated, and an *existing* grid row * needs updating. The method is passed the cell element and may manipulate it in any way. * * **Note**: The updater is required to insert the {@link #emptyCellText} if there * is no value in the cell. * * Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', { * title: 'Grades', * store: { * fields: ['originalScore', 'newScore'], * data: [{ * originalScore: 70, * newScore: 70 * }] * }, * columns: [{ * text: 'Score', * dataIndex: 'newScore', * editor: 'numberfield', * flex: 1, * updater: function (cell, value, record, view) { * var inner = Ext.get(cell).first(), * originalScore = record.get('originalScore'), * color = (value === originalScore) * ? 'black' : (value > originalScore) ? 'green' : 'red'; * * // set the color based on the current value * // relative to the originalScore value * // * same = black * // * higher = green * // * less = red * inner.applyStyles({ * color: color * }); * // pass the value to the cell's inner el * inner.setHtml(value); * } * }], * height: 200, * width: 400, * renderTo: document.body, * tbar: [{ * xtype: 'numberfield', * fieldLabel: 'New Score', * value: 70, * listeners: { * change: function (field, newValue) { * this.up('grid').getStore().first().set('newScore', newValue); * } * } * }] * }); * * If a string is passed it is assumed to be the name of a method defined by the * {@link #method-getController ViewController} or an ancestor component configured as * {@link #defaultListenerScope}. * @cfg {HTMLElement} updater.cell The HTML cell element to update. * @cfg {Object} updater.value The data value for the current cell * @cfg {Ext.data.Model} updater.record The record for the current row * @cfg {Ext.view.View} updater.view The current view * * **Note**: The updater is required to insert the {@link #emptyCellText} if there is no value * in the cell. * * @controllable */ /** * @cfg {Object} scope * The scope to use when calling the * {@link Ext.grid.column.Column#renderer} function. */ /** * @method defaultRenderer * When defined this will take precedence over the * {@link Ext.grid.column.Column#renderer renderer} config. * This is meant to be defined in subclasses that wish to supply their own renderer. * @protected * @template */ /** * @cfg {Function/String} editRenderer * A renderer to be used in conjunction with * {@link Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditing RowEditing}. This renderer is used to display a * custom value for non-editable fields. * * **Note:** The editRenderer is called when the roweditor is initially shown. * Changes to the record during editing will not call editRenderer. * * var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', { * fields: ['name', 'email'], * data: [{ * "name": "Finn", * "email": "finn@adventuretime.com" * }, { * "name": "Jake", * "email": "jake@adventuretime.com" * }] * }); * * Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', { * title: 'Land Of Ooo', * store: store, * columns: [{ * text: 'Name', * dataIndex: 'name', * editRenderer: function(value){ * return '<span style="color:gray;">' + value + '</span>'; * } * }, { * text: 'Email', * dataIndex: 'email', * flex: 1, * editor: { * xtype: 'textfield', * allowBlank: false * } * }], * plugins: { * rowediting: { * clicksToEdit: 1 * } * }, * height: 200, * width: 400, * renderTo: document.body * }); * * @param {Object} value The data value for the current cell * * editRenderer: function(value){ * // evaluates `value` to append either `person' or `people` * return Ext.util.Format.plural(value, 'person', 'people'); * } * * @param {Object} metaData **Note:** The metadata param is passed to the * editRenderer, but is not used. * * @param {Ext.data.Model} record The record for the current row * * editRenderer: function (value, metaData, record) { * // evaluate the record's `updated` field and if truthy return the value * // from the `newVal` field, else return value * var updated = record.get('updated'); * return updated ? record.get('newVal') : value; * } * * @param {Number} rowIndex The index of the current row * * editRenderer: function (value, metaData, record, rowIndex) { * // style the value differently for even / odd values * var odd = (rowIndex % 2 === 0), * color = (odd ? 'gray' : 'red'); * return '<span style="color:' + color + ';">' + value + '</span>'; * } * * @param {Number} colIndex The index of the current column * * @param {Ext.data.Store} store The data store * * editRenderer: function (value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store) { * // style the cell differently depending on how the value relates to the * // average of all values * var average = store.average('grades'), * status = (value < average) ? 'needsImprovement' : 'satisfactory'; * return '<span class="' + status + '">' + value + '</span>'; * } * * @param {Ext.view.View} view The data view * * editRenderer: function (value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store, view) { * // style the value using the dataIndex of the column * var headerCt = this.getHeaderContainer(), * column = headerCt.getHeaderAtIndex(colIndex); * * return '<span class="app-' + column.dataIndex + '">' + value + '</span>'; * } * * @return {String} * The HTML string to be rendered. * @controllable */ /** * @cfg {Function/String} summaryRenderer * A renderer to be used in conjunction with the {@link Ext.grid.feature.Summary Summary} or * {@link Ext.grid.feature.GroupingSummary GroupingSummary} features. This renderer is used to * display a summary value for this column. * @controllable */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} draggable * False to disable drag-drop reordering of this column. */ draggable: true, /** * @cfg {String} tooltip * A tooltip to display for this column header */ /** * @cfg {String} [tooltipType="qtip"] * The type of {@link #tooltip} to use. Either 'qtip' for QuickTips or 'title' for title * attribute. */ tooltipType: 'qtip', // Header does not use the typical ComponentDraggable class and therefore we // override this with an emptyFn. It is controlled at the HeaderDragZone. initDraggable: Ext.emptyFn, /** * @cfg {String} tdCls * A CSS class names to apply to the table cells for this column. */ tdCls: '', /** * @cfg {Object/String} editor * An optional xtype or config object for a {@link Ext.form.field.Field Field} to use * for editing. * Only applicable if the grid is using an {@link Ext.grid.plugin.Editing Editing} plugin. * * **Note:** The {@link Ext.form.field.HtmlEditor HtmlEditor} field is not a * supported editor field type. */ /** * @cfg {String} [dirtyText="Cell value has been edited"] * This text will be announced by Assistive Technologies such as screen readers when * a cell with changed ("dirty") value is focused. * @locale */ dirtyText: "Cell value has been edited", /** * @cfg {Object/String} field * Alias for {@link #editor}. * @deprecated 4.0.5 Use {@link #editor} instead. */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} producesHTML * This flag indicates that the renderer produces HTML. * * If this column is going to be updated rapidly, and the * {@link Ext.grid.column.Column#renderer} or {@link #cfg-updater} only produces * text, then to avoid the expense of HTML parsing and element production during the * update, this property may be configured as `false`. */ producesHTML: true, /** * @cfg {Boolean} ignoreExport * This flag indicates that this column will be ignored when grid data is exported. * * When grid data is exported you may want to export only some columns that are important * and not everything. Widget, check and action columns are not relevant when data is * exported. You can set this flag on any column that you want to be ignored during export. * * This is used by {@link Ext.grid.plugin.Clipboard clipboard plugin} and * {@link Ext.grid.plugin.Exporter exporter plugin}. */ ignoreExport: false, /** * @cfg {Ext.exporter.file.Style/Ext.exporter.file.Style[]} exportStyle * * A style definition that is used during data export via the {@link Ext.grid.plugin.Exporter}. * This style will be applied to the columns generated in the exported file. * * You could define it as a single object that will be used by all exporters: * * { * xtype: 'numbercolumn', * dataIndex: 'price', * text: 'Price', * exportStyle: { * format: 'Currency', * alignment: { * horizontal: 'Right' * }, * font: { * italic: true * } * } * } * * You could also define it as an array of objects, each object having a `type` * that specifies by which exporter will be used: * * { * xtype: 'numbercolumn', * dataIndex: 'price', * text: 'Price', * exportStyle: [{ * type: 'html', // used by the `html` exporter * format: 'Currency', * alignment: { * horizontal: 'Right' * }, * font: { * italic: true * } * },{ * type: 'csv', // used by the `csv` exporter * format: 'General' * }] * } * * Or you can define it as an array of objects that has: * * - one object with no `type` key that is considered the style to use by all exporters * - objects with the `type` key defined that are exceptions of the above rule * * * { * xtype: 'numbercolumn', * dataIndex: 'price', * text: 'Price', * exportStyle: [{ * // no type defined means this is the default * format: 'Currency', * alignment: { * horizontal: 'Right' * }, * font: { * italic: true * } * },{ * type: 'csv', // only the CSV exporter has a special style * format: 'General' * }] * } * */ exportStyle: null, /** * @cfg {Boolean/Function/String} exportRenderer * * During data export via the {@link Ext.grid.plugin.Exporter} plugin the data for * this column could be formatted in multiple ways: * * - using the `exportStyle.format` * - using the `formatter` if no `exportStyle` is defined * - using the `exportRenderer` * * If you want to use the `renderer` defined on this column then set `exportRenderer` * to `true`. Beware that this should only happen if the `renderer` deals only with * data on the record or value and it does NOT style the cell or returns an html * string. * * { * xtype: 'numbercolumn', * dataIndex: 'price', * text: 'Price', * renderer: function (value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store, view) { * return Ext.util.Format.currency(value); * }, * exportRenderer: true * } * * If you don't want to use the `renderer` during export but you still want to format * the value in a special way then you can provide a function to `exportRenderer` or * a string (which is a function name on the ViewController). * The provided function has the same signature as the renderer. * * { * xtype: 'numbercolumn', * dataIndex: 'price', * text: 'Price', * exportRenderer: function (value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store, view){ * return Ext.util.Format.currency(value); * } * } * * * { * xtype: 'numbercolumn', * dataIndex: 'price', * text: 'Price', * exportRenderer: 'exportAsCurrency' // this is a function on the ViewController * } * * * If `exportStyle.format`, `formatter` and `exportRenderer` are all defined on the * column then the `exportStyle` wins and will be used to format the data for this * column. */ exportRenderer: false, /** * @cfg {Boolean/Function/String} exportSummaryRenderer * * This config is similar to {@link #exportRenderer} but is applied to summary * records. * */ exportSummaryRenderer: false, /** * @property {Ext.dom.Element} triggerEl * Element that acts as button for column header dropdown menu. */ /** * @property {Ext.dom.Element} textEl * Element that contains the text in column header. */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [cellFocusable=true] * Configure as `false` to remove all cells in this column from navigation. * * This is currently used by the PivotGrid package to create columns which have * no semantic role, but are purely for visual indentation purposes. * @since 6.2.0. */ /** * @mthod onSummaryChange * @template * @param {Ext.data.summary.Base} summaryType * * This function is called by {@link Ext.grid.plugin.Summaries} plugin * when the summary on this column is changed. * * It is quite useful when you need to change the column summary renderer/formatter * depending on the chosen summary. */ grouperIdPrefix: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'gridgrouper', /** * @property {Boolean} isHeader * @deprecated 6.5.0 see isColumn * Set in this class to identify, at runtime, instances which are not instances of the * HeaderContainer base class, but are in fact, the subclass: Header. */ isHeader: true, /** * @property {Boolean} isColumn * @readonly * Set in this class to identify, at runtime, instances which are not instances of the * HeaderContainer base class, but are in fact simple column headers. */ isColumn: true, scrollable: false, // Override scrollable config from HeaderContainr class requiresMenu: false, // allow plugins to set this property to influence if menu can be disabled tabIndex: -1, ascSortCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'column-header-sort-ASC', descSortCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'column-header-sort-DESC', componentLayout: 'columncomponent', groupSubHeaderCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'group-sub-header', groupHeaderCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'group-header', clickTargetName: 'titleEl', // So that when removing from group headers which are then empty and then get destroyed, // there's no child DOM left detachOnRemove: true, // We need to override the default component resizable behaviour here initResizable: Ext.emptyFn, // Property names to reference the different types of renderers and formatters that // we can use. rendererNames: { column: 'renderer', edit: 'editRenderer', summary: 'summaryRenderer' }, formatterNames: { column: 'formatter', edit: 'editFormatter', summary: 'summaryFormatter' }, initComponent: function() { var me = this, headerContainer = me.getRootHeaderCt(); // Preserve the scope to resolve a custom renderer. // Subclasses (TreeColumn) may insist on scope being this. if (!me.rendererScope) { me.rendererScope = me.scope; } if (me.header != null) { me.text = me.header; me.header = null; } if (me.cellWrap) { me.tdCls = (me.tdCls || '') + ' ' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'wrap-cell'; } // A group header; It contains items which are themselves Headers if (me.columns != null) { me.isGroupHeader = true; me.ariaRole = 'presentation'; //<debug> if (me.dataIndex) { Ext.raise('Ext.grid.column.Column: Group header may not accept a dataIndex'); } if ((me.width && me.width !== Ext.grid.header.Container.prototype.defaultWidth)) { Ext.raise('Ext.grid.column.Column: Group header does not support ' + 'setting explicit widths. A group header either shrinkwraps ' + 'its children, or must be flexed.'); } //</debug> // The headers become child items me.items = me.columns; me.columns = null; me.cls = (me.cls || '') + ' ' + me.groupHeaderCls; // A group cannot be sorted, or resized - it shrinkwraps its children me.sortable = me.resizable = false; me.align = 'center'; // Register add and remove events from root header to group header if (headerContainer) { headerContainer.relayEvents(me, ['add', 'remove']); } } else { // Flexed Headers need to have a minWidth defined so that they can never be squeezed out // of existence by the HeaderContainer's specialized Box layout, the ColumnLayout. // The ColumnLayout's overridden calculateChildboxes method extends the available layout // space to accommodate the "desiredWidth" of all the columns. if (me.flex) { me.minWidth = me.minWidth || Ext.grid.plugin.HeaderResizer.prototype.minColWidth; } } me.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'column-header-align-' + me.getMappedAlignment(me.align)); // Set up the renderer types: 'renderer', 'editRenderer', and 'summaryRenderer' me.setupRenderer(); me.setupRenderer('edit'); me.setupRenderer('summary'); // Initialize as a HeaderContainer me.callParent(); }, beforeLayout: function() { var me = this, items = me.items, colCount = 0, flex = me.flex, len, i, item, hasFlexedChildren; if (flex && me.isGroupHeader) { if (!Ext.isArray(items)) { items = items.items; } len = items.length; for (i = 0; !hasFlexedChildren && i < len; i++) { item = items[i]; if (item.isColumn && !item.hidden) { ++colCount; hasFlexedChildren = item.flex; } } // If all child columns have been given a width, we must fall back to shrinkwrapping // them. Save any current flex state and restore it once the layout finishes so this // column isn't permanently flexed if (!hasFlexedChildren && colCount) { me.savedFlex = flex; me.flex = null; } } me.callParent(); }, onAdded: function(container, pos, instanced) { var me = this; me.callParent([container, pos, instanced]); // Invalidate references, so that when asked for, they have to be regathered me.view = me.rootHeaderCt = me.cellSelector = me.visibleIndex = null; if (!me.headerId) { me.calculateHeaderId(); } me.configureStateInfo(); }, _initSorterFn: function(a, b) { // NOTE: this method is placed as a "sorterFn" on a Sorter instance, // so "this" is not a Column! Our goal is to replace the sorterFn of // this Sorter on first use and then never get called again. var sorter = this, column = sorter.column, scope = column.resolveListenerScope(), name = sorter.methodName, fn = scope && scope[name], ret = 0; if (fn) { sorter.setSorterFn(fn); sorter.column = null; // no need anymore (GC friendly) // We are called by sort() so the ASC/DESC will be applied to what // we return. Therefore, the correct delegation is to directly call // the real sorterFn directly. ret = fn.call(scope, a, b); } //<debug> else if (!scope) { Ext.raise('Cannot resolve scope for column ' + column.id); } else { Ext.raise('No such method "' + name + '" on ' + scope.$className); } //</debug> return ret; }, applySorter: function(sorter) { var me = this, sorterFn = sorter ? sorter.sorterFn : null, tablepanel, ret; if (typeof sorterFn === 'string') { // Instead of treating a string as a fieldname, it makes more sense to // expect it to be a sortFn on the controller. ret = new Ext.util.Sorter(Ext.applyIf({ sorterFn: me._initSorterFn }, sorter)); ret.methodName = sorterFn; ret.column = me; } else { tablepanel = me.getRootHeaderCt().up('tablepanel'); // Have the sorter spec decoded by the collection that will host it. ret = tablepanel.store.getData().getSorters().decodeSorter(sorter); } return ret; }, updateAlign: function(align) { // Translate according to the locale. // This property is read by Ext.view.Table#renderCell this.textAlign = this.getMappedAlignment(align); }, bindFormatter: function(format) { var me = this; return function(v) { return format(v, me.rendererScope || me.resolveListenerScope()); }; }, bindRenderer: function(renderer) { var me = this; //<debug> if (renderer in Ext.util.Format) { Ext.log.warn('Use "formatter" config instead of "renderer" to use ' + 'Ext.util.Format to format cell values'); } //</debug> me.hasCustomRenderer = true; return function() { return Ext.callback(renderer, me.rendererScope, arguments, 0, me); }; }, setupRenderer: function(type) { var me = this, format, renderer, isColumnRenderer, parser, dynamic; // type can be null or 'edit', or 'summary' type = type || 'column'; format = me[me.formatterNames[type]]; renderer = me[me.rendererNames[type]]; isColumnRenderer = type === 'column'; if (!format) { if (renderer) { // Resolve a string renderer into the correct property: 'renderer', // 'editRenderer', or 'summaryRenderer' if (typeof renderer === 'string') { renderer = me[me.rendererNames[type]] = me.bindRenderer(renderer); dynamic = true; } if (isColumnRenderer) { // If we are setting up a normal column renderer, detect if it's a custom one // (reads more than one parameter) // We can't read the arg list until we resolve the scope, so we must assume // it's a renderer that needs a full update if it's dynamic me.hasCustomRenderer = dynamic || me.shouldFlagCustomRenderer(renderer); } } // Column renderer could not be resolved: use the default one. else if (isColumnRenderer && me.defaultRenderer) { me.renderer = me.defaultRenderer; me.usingDefaultRenderer = true; } } else { /** * @cfg {String} formatter * This config accepts a format specification as would be used in a `Ext.Template` * formatted token. For example `'round(2)'` to round numbers to 2 decimal places * or `'date("Y-m-d")'` to format a Date. * * In previous releases the `renderer` config had limited abilities to use one * of the `Ext.util.Format` methods but `formatter` now replaces that usage and * can also handle formatting parameters. * * When the value begins with `"this."` (for example, `"this.foo(2)"`), the * implied scope on which "foo" is found is the `scope` config for the column. * * If the `scope` is not given, or implied using a prefix of `"this"`, then either the * {@link #method-getController ViewController} or the closest ancestor component * configured as {@link #defaultListenerScope} is assumed to be the object * with the method. * @since 5.0.0 */ parser = Ext.app.bind.Parser.fly(format); format = parser.compileFormat(); parser.release(); // processed - trees come back here to add its renderer me[me.formatterNames[type]] = null; // Set up the correct property: 'renderer', 'editRenderer', or 'summaryRenderer' me[me.rendererNames[type]] = me.bindFormatter(format); } }, getView: function() { var rootHeaderCt; // Only traverse to get our view once. if (!this.view) { rootHeaderCt = this.getRootHeaderCt(); if (rootHeaderCt) { this.view = rootHeaderCt.view; } } return this.view; }, onFocusLeave: function(e) { this.callParent([e]); if (this.activeMenu) { this.activeMenu.hide(); } }, initItems: function() { var me = this; me.callParent(arguments); if (me.isGroupHeader) { // We need to hide the groupheader straightaway if it's configured as hidden // or all its children are. if (me.config.hidden || !me.hasVisibleChildColumns()) { me.hide(); } } }, hasVisibleChildColumns: function() { var items = this.items.items, len = items.length, i, item; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { item = items[i]; if (item.isColumn && !item.hidden) { return true; } } return false; }, onAdd: function(child) { var me = this; if (child.isColumn) { child.isSubHeader = true; child.addCls(me.groupSubHeaderCls); } if (me.isGroupHeader && me.hidden && me.hasVisibleChildColumns()) { me.show(); } me.callParent([child]); }, onRemove: function(child, isDestroying) { var me = this; if (child.isSubHeader) { child.isSubHeader = false; child.removeCls(me.groupSubHeaderCls); } me.callParent([child, isDestroying]); // By this point, the component will be removed from the items collection. // // Note that we don't want to remove any grouped headers that have a descendant // that is currently the drag target of an even lower stacked grouped header. // See the comments in Ext.grid.header.Container#isNested. if (!(me.destroyed || me.destroying) && !me.hasVisibleChildColumns() && (me.ownerCt && !me.ownerCt.isNested())) { me.hide(); } }, initRenderData: function() { var me = this, tipMarkup = '', tip = me.tooltip, text = me.text, attr = me.tooltipType === 'qtip' ? 'data-qtip' : 'title'; if (!Ext.isEmpty(tip)) { tipMarkup = attr + '="' + tip + '" '; } return Ext.applyIf(me.callParent(arguments), { text: text, empty: me.isEmptyText(text), menuDisabled: me.menuDisabled, tipMarkup: tipMarkup, triggerStyle: this.getTriggerVisible() ? 'display:block' : '' }); }, applyColumnState: function(state, storeState) { var me = this, sorter = me.getSorter(), stateSorters = storeState && storeState.sorters, len, i, savedSorter, mySorterId; // Bail out if stateful isn't being reflected on this column. Columns with // stateful undefined *do* reflect state, so we're testing false explicitly. if (me.getStateful() === false) { return; } // If we have been configured with a sorter, then there SHOULD be a sorter config // in the storeState with a corresponding ID from which we must restore our sorter's state. // (The only state we can restore is direction). // Then we replace the state entry with the real sorter. We MUST do this because the sorter // is likely to have a custom sortFn. if (sorter && stateSorters && (len = stateSorters.length)) { mySorterId = sorter.getId(); for (i = 0; !savedSorter && i < len; i++) { if (stateSorters[i].id === mySorterId) { sorter.setDirection(stateSorters[i].direction); stateSorters[i] = sorter; break; } } } // apply any columns me.applyColumnsState(state.columns); // Only state properties which were saved should be restored. // (Only user-changed properties were saved by getState) if (state.hidden != null) { me.hidden = state.hidden; } if (state.locked != null) { me.locked = state.locked; } if (state.sortable != null) { me.sortable = state.sortable; } if (state.width != null) { me.flex = null; me.width = state.width; } else if (state.flex != null) { me.width = null; me.flex = state.flex; } }, getColumnState: function() { var me = this, items = me.items.items, state = { id: me.getStateId() }; // Bail out if stateful isn't being reflected on this column. Columns with // stateful undefined *do* reflect state, so we're testing false explicitly. if (me.getStateful() === false) { return; } me.savePropsToState(['hidden', 'sortable', 'locked', 'flex', 'width'], state); // Check for the existence of items, since column.Action won't have them if (me.isGroupHeader && items && items.length) { state.columns = me.getColumnsState(); } if ('width' in state) { delete state.flex; // width wins } return state; }, /** * Sets the header text for this Column. * @param {String} text The header to display on this Column. */ setText: function(text) { var me = this, grid; me.text = text; if (me.rendered) { grid = me.getView().ownerGrid; me.textInnerEl.setHtml(text); me.titleEl.toggleCls( Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'column-header-inner-empty', me.isEmptyText(text) ); grid.syncHeaderVisibility(); } }, /** * Returns the index of this column only if this column is a base level Column. If it * is a group column, it returns `false`. * @return {Number} */ getIndex: function() { return this.isGroupColumn ? false : this.getRootHeaderCt().getHeaderIndex(this); }, /** * Returns the index of this column in the list of *visible* columns only if this column * is a base level Column. If it is a group column, it returns `false`. * @return {Number} */ getVisibleIndex: function() { // Note that the visibleIndex property is assigned by the owning HeaderContainer // when assembling the visible column set for the view. // eslint-disable-next-line max-len return this.visibleIndex != null ? this.visibleIndex : this.isGroupColumn ? false : Ext.Array.indexOf(this.getRootHeaderCt().getVisibleGridColumns(), this); }, getLabelChain: function() { var child = this, labels = [], parent; while ((parent = child.up('headercontainer'))) { if (parent.text) { labels.unshift(Ext.util.Format.stripTags(parent.text)); } child = parent; } return labels; }, beforeRender: function() { var me = this, rootHeaderCt = me.getRootHeaderCt(), isSortable = me.isSortable(), labels = [], ariaAttr; me.textAlign = me.getMappedAlignment(me.getAlign()); me.callParent(); // Disable the menu if there's nothing to show in the menu, ie: // Column cannot be sorted, grouped or locked, and there are no grid columns // which may be hidden if (!me.requiresMenu && !isSortable && !me.groupable && !me.lockable && (rootHeaderCt.grid.enableColumnHide === false || !rootHeaderCt.getHideableColumns().length)) { me.menuDisabled = true; } // Wrapping text may cause unpredictable line heights. // variableRowHeight is interrogated by the View for all visible columns to determine // whether addition of new rows should cause an ExtJS layout. // The View's summation of the presence of visible variableRowHeight columns is also used by // any buffered renderer to determine how row height should be calculated when determining // scroll range. if (me.cellWrap) { me.variableRowHeight = true; } ariaAttr = me.ariaRenderAttributes || (me.ariaRenderAttributes = {}); // Ext JS does not support editable column headers ariaAttr['aria-readonly'] = true; if (isSortable) { ariaAttr['aria-sort'] = me.ariaSortStates[me.sortState]; } if (me.isSubHeader) { labels = me.getLabelChain(); if (me.text) { labels.push(Ext.util.Format.stripTags(me.text)); } if (labels.length) { ariaAttr['aria-label'] = labels.join(' '); } } me.protoEl.unselectable(); }, getTriggerElWidth: function() { var me = this, triggerEl = me.triggerEl, width = me.self.triggerElWidth; if (triggerEl && width === undefined) { triggerEl.setStyle('display', 'block'); width = me.self.triggerElWidth = triggerEl.getWidth(); triggerEl.setStyle('display', ''); } return width; }, afterComponentLayout: function(width, height, oldWidth, oldHeight) { var me = this, rootHeaderCt = me.getRootHeaderCt(), savedFlex = me.savedFlex; me.callParent([width, height, oldWidth, oldHeight]); if (rootHeaderCt && (oldWidth != null || me.flex) && width !== oldWidth) { rootHeaderCt.onHeaderResize(me, width); } if (savedFlex) { me.flex = savedFlex; delete me.savedFlex; } }, doDestroy: function() { // force destroy on the textEl, IE reports a leak Ext.destroy(this.field, this.editor); this.callParent(); }, onTitleMouseOver: function() { this.titleEl.addCls(this.hoverCls); }, onTitleMouseOut: function() { this.titleEl.removeCls(this.hoverCls); }, onDownKey: function(e) { if (this.triggerEl) { this.onTitleElClick(e, this.triggerEl.dom || this.el.dom); } }, onEnterKey: function(e) { this.onTitleElClick(e, this.el.dom); }, /** * @private * Double click handler which, if on left or right edges, auto-sizes the column to the left. * @param e The dblclick event */ onTitleElDblClick: function(e) { var me = this, prev, leafColumns, headerCt; // On left edge, resize previous *leaf* column in the grid if (me.isAtStartEdge(e)) { // Look for the previous visible column header which is a leaf // Note: previousNode can walk out of the container (this may be first child of a group) prev = me.previousNode('gridcolumn:not([hidden]):not([isGroupHeader])'); // If found in the same grid, auto-size it if (prev && prev.getRootHeaderCt() === me.getRootHeaderCt()) { prev.autoSize(); } } // On right edge, resize this column, or last sub-column within it else if (me.isAtEndEdge(e)) { // Click on right but in child container - auto-size last leaf column if (me.isGroupHeader && e.getPoint().isContainedBy(me.layout.innerCt)) { leafColumns = me.query('gridcolumn:not([hidden]):not([isGroupHeader])'); leafColumns[leafColumns.length - 1].autoSize(); return; } else { headerCt = me.getRootHeaderCt(); // Cannot resize the only column in a forceFit grid. if (headerCt.visibleColumnManager.getColumns().length === 1 && headerCt.forceFit) { return; } } me.autoSize(); } }, /** * Sizes this Column to fit the max content width. * *Note that group columns shrink-wrap around the size of leaf columns. Auto sizing * a group column auto-sizes descendant leaf columns.* */ autoSize: function() { var me = this, leafColumns, numLeaves, i, headerCt; if (me.resizable) { // Group headers are shrinkwrap width, so auto-sizing one means auto-sizing leaf // descendants. if (me.isGroupHeader) { leafColumns = me.query('gridcolumn:not([hidden]):not([isGroupHeader])'); numLeaves = leafColumns.length; headerCt = me.getRootHeaderCt(); Ext.suspendLayouts(); for (i = 0; i < numLeaves; i++) { headerCt.autoSizeColumn(leafColumns[i]); } Ext.resumeLayouts(true); return; } me.getRootHeaderCt().autoSizeColumn(me); } }, isEmptyText: function(text, visual) { // visual means if there's no visual information, so even &npsb; and other hard spaces are // reported as empty. This is used to determine whether we should hideHeaders. if (visual) { return Ext.String.trim(text).length === 0; } // Non visual means there's really nothing there to shape the container. // So null and empty string is empty, but "hard" spaces like '\u00a0' are content. // This is to determine whether the "text is empty" CSS class should be applied. else { return text == null || text === ''; } }, onTitleElClick: function(e, t, sortOnClick) { var me = this, activeHeader, el, prevSibling, tapMargin; // Tap on the resize zone triggers the menu // Window touch device eventType is `mouse` instead of `touch` in Firefox. if (e.pointerType === 'touch' || (Ext.isWindows && Ext.isFirefox && Ext.supports.Touch)) { prevSibling = me.previousSibling(':not([hidden])'); // Tap on right edge, activate this header if (!me.menuDisabled) { tapMargin = parseInt(me.triggerEl.getStyle('width'), 10); // triggerEl can have width: auto, in which case we use handle width * 3 // that yields 30px for touch events. Should be enough in most cases. if (isNaN(tapMargin)) { tapMargin = me.getHandleWidth(e) * 3; } if (me.isAtEndEdge(e, tapMargin)) { activeHeader = me; } } // Tap on left edge, activate previous header if (!activeHeader && prevSibling && !prevSibling.menuDisabled && me.isAtStartEdge(e)) { activeHeader = prevSibling; } } else { // Firefox doesn't check the current target in a within check. // Therefore we check the target directly and then within (ancestors) el = me.triggerEl; activeHeader = el && (e.target === el.dom || t === el || e.within(el)) ? me : null; } // If it's not a click on the trigger or extreme edges. // Or if we are called from a key handler, sort this column. if (sortOnClick !== false) { if (e.getKey() || !activeHeader && me.isSortZone(e)) { me.toggleSortState(); } } return activeHeader; }, /** * @private * Process UI events from the view. The owning TablePanel calls this method, relaying events * from the TableView * @param {String} type Event type, eg 'click' * @param {Ext.view.Table} view TableView Component * @param {HTMLElement} cell Cell HTMLElement the event took place within * @param {Number} recordIndex Index of the associated Store Model (-1 if none) * @param {Number} cellIndex Cell index within the row * @param {Ext.event.Event} e Original event */ processEvent: function(type, view, cell, recordIndex, cellIndex, e) { return this.fireEvent.apply(this, arguments); }, isSortable: function() { var rootHeader = this.getRootHeaderCt(), grid = rootHeader ? rootHeader.grid : null, sortable = this.sortable; if (grid && grid.sortableColumns === false) { sortable = false; } return sortable; }, toggleSortState: function() { if (this.isSortable()) { this.sort(); } }, sort: function(direction) { var me = this, grid = me.up('tablepanel'), store = grid.store, storeIsSorted = store.isSorted(), storeSorters = storeIsSorted && store.getSorters(), sorter = me.getSorter(), idx = storeSorters && storeSorters.indexOf(sorter), currentDirection; // Maintain backward compatibility. // If the grid is NOT configured with multi column sorting, then specify "replace". // Only if we are doing multi column sorting do we insert it as one of a multi set. // Suspend layouts in case multiple views depend upon this grid's store // (eg lockable assemblies) Ext.suspendLayouts(); if (sorter) { currentDirection = sorter.getDirection(); if (!direction || currentDirection !== direction || !storeIsSorted || idx === -1) { // when the store is not being sorted by the current sorter, we need to manually // update the direction because the store will not take care of it. if ((!storeIsSorted || idx === -1) && currentDirection !== direction) { sorter.setDirection(direction); } store.sort(sorter, grid.multiColumnSort ? 'multi' : 'replace'); } } else { store.sort(me.getSortParam(), direction, grid.multiColumnSort ? 'multi' : 'replace'); } Ext.resumeLayouts(true); }, /** * Returns the parameter to sort upon when sorting this header. * By default this returns the dataIndex and will not need to be overridden in most cases. * @return {String} */ getSortParam: function() { return this.dataIndex; }, setSortState: function(sorter) { // Set the UI state to reflect the state of any passed Sorter // Called by the grid's HeaderContainer on view refresh var me = this, direction = sorter && sorter.getDirection(), ascCls = me.ascSortCls, descCls = me.descSortCls, rootHeaderCt = me.getRootHeaderCt(), ariaDom = me.ariaEl.dom, changed; switch (direction) { case 'DESC': if (!me.hasCls(descCls)) { me.addCls(descCls); me.sortState = 'DESC'; changed = true; } me.removeCls(ascCls); break; case 'ASC': if (!me.hasCls(ascCls)) { me.addCls(ascCls); me.sortState = 'ASC'; changed = true; } me.removeCls(descCls); break; default: me.removeCls([ascCls, descCls]); me.sortState = null; break; } if (ariaDom) { if (me.sortState) { ariaDom.setAttribute('aria-sort', me.ariaSortStates[me.sortState]); } else { ariaDom.removeAttribute('aria-sort'); } } // we only want to fire the event if we have actually sorted if (changed) { rootHeaderCt.fireEvent('sortchange', rootHeaderCt, me, direction); } }, /** * Determines whether the UI should be allowed to offer an option to hide this column. * * A column may *not* be hidden if to do so would leave the grid with no visible columns. * * This is used to determine the enabled/disabled state of header hide menu items. */ isHideable: function() { var result = { hideCandidate: this, result: this.hideable }; if (result.result) { this.ownerCt.bubble(this.hasOtherMenuEnabledChildren, null, [result]); } return result.result; }, hasOtherMenuEnabledChildren: function(result) { // Private bubble function used in determining whether this column is hideable. // Executes in the scope of each component in the bubble sequence var visibleChildren, count; // If we've bubbled out the top of the topmost HeaderContainer without finding a level // with at least one visible, menu-enabled child *which is not the hideCandidate*, no hide! if (!this.isXType('headercontainer')) { result.result = false; return false; } // If we find an ancestor level with at least one visible, menu-enabled child // *which is not the hideCandidate*, then the hideCandidate is hideable. // Note that we are not using CQ #id matchers - ':not(#' + result.hideCandidate.id + ')' - // to exclude the hideCandidate because CQ queries are cached for the document's lifetime. visibleChildren = this.query('>gridcolumn:not([hidden]):not([menuDisabled])'); count = visibleChildren.length; if (Ext.Array.contains(visibleChildren, result.hideCandidate)) { count--; } if (count) { return false; } // If we go up, it's because the hideCandidate was the only hideable child, // so *this* becomes the hide candidate. result.hideCandidate = this; }, /** * Determines whether the UI should be allowed to offer an option to lock or unlock this column. * Note that this includes dragging a column into the opposite side of a * {@link Ext.panel.Table#enableLocking lockable} grid. * * A column may *not* be moved from one side to the other of a * {@link Ext.panel.Table#enableLocking lockable} grid if to do so would leave one side * with no visible columns. * * This is used to determine the enabled/disabled state of the lock/unlock * menu item used in {@link Ext.panel.Table#enableLocking lockable} grids, and to determine * droppabilty when dragging a header. */ isLockable: function() { var result = { result: this.lockable !== false }; if (result.result) { this.ownerCt.bubble(this.hasMultipleVisibleChildren, null, [result]); } return result.result; }, /** * Determines whether this column is in the locked side of a grid. * It may be a descendant node of a locked column and as such will *not* have the * {@link #locked} flag set. */ isLocked: function() { if (this.locked == null) { this.locked = this.getInherited().inLockedGrid; } return this.locked; }, hasMultipleVisibleChildren: function(result) { // Private bubble function used in determining whether this column is lockable. // Executes in the scope of each component in the bubble sequence // If we've bubbled out the top of the topmost HeaderContainer // without finding a level with more than one visible child, no hide! if (!this.isXType('headercontainer')) { result.result = false; return false; } // If we find an ancestor level with more than one visible child, it's fine to hide if (this.query('>gridcolumn:not([hidden])').length > 1) { return false; } }, hide: function() { var me = this, rootHeaderCt = me.getRootHeaderCt(), owner = me.getRefOwner(); // During object construction, so just set the hidden flag and jump out if (owner.constructing) { me.callParent(); return me; } if (me.rendered && !me.isVisible()) { // Already hidden return me; } // Save our last shown width so we can gain space when shown back into fully flexed // HeaderContainer. If we are, say, flex: 1 and all others are fixed width, // then removing will do a layout which will convert all widths to flexes // which will mean this flex value is too small. if (rootHeaderCt.forceFit) { me.visibleSiblingCount = rootHeaderCt.getVisibleGridColumns().length - 1; if (me.flex) { me.savedWidth = me.getWidth(); me.flex = null; } } rootHeaderCt.beginChildHide(); Ext.suspendLayouts(); // owner is a group, hide call didn't come from the owner if (owner.isGroupHeader) { // The owner only has one item that isn't hidden and it's me; hide the owner. if (me.isNestedGroupHeader()) { owner.hide(); } if (me.isSubHeader && !me.isGroupHeader && owner.query('>gridcolumn:not([hidden])').length === 1) { owner.lastHiddenHeader = me; } } me.callParent(); // Notify owning HeaderContainer. Will trigger a layout and a view refresh. rootHeaderCt.endChildHide(); rootHeaderCt.onHeaderHide(me); Ext.resumeLayouts(true); return me; }, show: function() { var me = this, rootHeaderCt = me.getRootHeaderCt(), ownerCt = me.getRefOwner(); if (me.isVisible()) { return me; } if (ownerCt.isGroupHeader) { ownerCt.lastHiddenHeader = null; } if (me.rendered) { // Size all other columns to accommodate re-shown column. if (rootHeaderCt.forceFit) { rootHeaderCt.applyForceFit(me); } } Ext.suspendLayouts(); // If a sub header, ensure that the group header is visible if (me.isSubHeader && ownerCt.hidden) { ownerCt.show(false, true); } me.callParent(arguments); if (me.isGroupHeader) { me.maybeShowNestedGroupHeader(); } // Notify owning HeaderContainer. Will trigger a layout and a view refresh. ownerCt = me.getRootHeaderCt(); if (ownerCt) { ownerCt.onHeaderShow(me); } Ext.resumeLayouts(true); return me; }, /** * @private * Decides whether the column needs updating * @return {Number} 0 = Doesn't need update. * 1 = Column needs update, and renderer has > 1 argument; We need to render * a whole new HTML item. * 2 = Column needs update, but renderer has 1 argument or column uses an updater. */ shouldUpdateCell: function(record, changedFieldNames) { var len, i, field; // If the column has a renderer which peeks and pokes at other data, // return 1 which means that a whole new TableView item must be rendered. // // Note that widget columns shouldn't ever be updated. if (!this.preventUpdate) { if (this.hasCustomRenderer) { return 1; } // If there is a changed field list, and it's NOT a custom column renderer // (meaning it doesn't peek at other data, but just uses the raw field value), // we only have to update it if the column's field is among those changes. if (changedFieldNames) { len = changedFieldNames.length; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { field = changedFieldNames[i]; if (field === this.dataIndex || field === record.idProperty) { return 2; } } } else { return 2; } } }, getCellWidth: function() { var me = this, result; if (me.rendered && me.componentLayout && me.componentLayout.lastComponentSize) { // headers always have either a width or a flex // because HeaderContainer sets a defaults width // therefore we can ignore the natural width // we use the componentLayout's tracked width so that // we can calculate the desired width when rendered // but not visible because its being obscured by a layout result = me.componentLayout.lastComponentSize.width; } else if (me.width) { result = me.width; } // This is a group header. // Use getTableWidth and remember that getTableWidth adjusts for column lines and box model else if (!me.isColumn) { result = me.getTableWidth(); } return result; }, getCellId: function() { return Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-cell-' + this.getItemId(); }, getCellSelector: function() { var view; if (!this.cellSelector) { view = this.getView(); // We must explicitly access the view's cell selector as well as this column's // own ID class because <col> elements are given this column's ID class. // If we are still atached to a view. If not, the identifying class will do. this.cellSelector = (view ? view.getCellSelector() : '') + '.' + this.getCellId(); } return this.cellSelector; }, getCellInnerSelector: function() { return this.getCellSelector() + ' .' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-cell-inner'; }, isAtStartEdge: function(e) { var offset = e.getXY()[0] - this.getX(); // To the left of the first column, not over if (offset < 0 && this.getIndex() === 0) { return false; } return (offset < this.getHandleWidth(e)); }, isAtEndEdge: function(e, margin) { return (this.getX() + this.getWidth() - e.getXY()[0] <= (margin || this.getHandleWidth(e))); }, isSortZone: function(e) { var me = this, zone = !me.isAtStartEdge(e) && !me.isAtEndEdge(e), c; if (zone) { c = Ext.Component.from(e); if (c) { c = c.focusable ? c : c.up(':focusable'); zone = c === me; } } return zone; }, getHandleWidth: function(e) { return e.pointerType === 'touch' ? 10 : 4; }, setMenuActive: function(menu) { // Called when the column menu is activated/deactivated. // Change the UI to indicate active/inactive menu this.activeMenu = menu; this.titleEl[menu ? 'addCls' : 'removeCls'](this.headerOpenCls); }, /** * Returns an array of summary functions supported on this column. * @return {String[]} */ getListOfSummaries: function() { var ret = [], v = this.getSummaries() || {}, keys = Ext.Object.getAllKeys(v), len = keys.length, i, key; // we need to extract 'true' summaries from the object for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { key = keys[i]; if (v[key]) { ret.push(key); } } return ret; }, applySummaries: function(newValue, oldValue) { var config = this.self.getConfigurator().configs.summaries; return config.mergeSets(newValue); }, applyGrouper: function(grouper) { var me = this, field = me.displayField || me.dataIndex; if (grouper) { if (!grouper.isGrouper) { grouper = new Ext.util.Grouper(Ext.apply({ property: field, root: 'data' }, grouper)); } } return grouper; }, getGrouper: function() { var me = this, grouper = me.grouper; if (grouper == null && me.groupable) { me.setGrouper(true); } return me.grouper; }, updateGroupFormatter: function(formatter) { var grouper = this.getGrouper(); if (grouper) { grouper.setFormatter(formatter); } }, privates: { /** * @private * Mapping for locale-neutral align setting. * Overridden in Ext.rtl.grid.column.Column */ _alignMap: { start: 'left', end: 'right' }, /** * A method called by the render template to allow extra content after the header text. * @private */ afterText: function(out, values) { if (this.dirtyText) { this.dirtyTextElementId = this.id + '-dirty-cell-text'; out.push( '<span id="' + this.dirtyTextElementId + '" class="' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'hidden-offsets">' + this.dirtyText + '</span>' ); } }, calculateHeaderId: function() { var me = this, ownerGrid, counterOwner, items, item, i, len; if (!me.headerId) { // Sequential header counter MUST be based on the top level grid // to avoid duplicates from sides of a lockable assembly. ownerGrid = me.up('tablepanel'); if (!ownerGrid) { return; } items = me.items.items; // Action column has items as an array, so skip out here. if (items) { for (i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; ++i) { item = items[i]; if (item.isColumn) { item.calculateHeaderId(); } } } counterOwner = ownerGrid ? ownerGrid.ownerGrid : me.getRootHeaderCt(); counterOwner.headerCounter = (counterOwner.headerCounter || 0) + 1; me.headerId = 'h' + counterOwner.headerCounter; } me.configureStateInfo(); }, getMappedAlignment: function(align) { return this._alignMap[align] || align; }, configureStateInfo: function() { var me = this, sorter, grouper; // MUST stamp a stateId into this object; state application relies on // reading the property, NOT using the getter! // Only generate a stateId if it really needs one. if (!me.stateId) { // This was the headerId generated in 4.0, so to preserve saved state, we now // assign a default stateId in that same manner. The stateId's of a column are // not global at the stateProvider, but are local to the grid state data. The // headerId should still follow our standard naming convention. me.stateId = me.initialConfig.id || me.headerId; } sorter = me.getSorter(); if (!me.hasSetSorter && sorter && !sorter.initialConfig.id) { if (me.dataIndex || me.stateId) { sorter.setId((me.dataIndex || me.stateId) + '-sorter'); me.hasSetSorter = true; } } grouper = me.getGrouper(); if (!me.hasSetGrouper && grouper && !grouper.initialConfig.id) { if (me.dataIndex || me.stateId) { grouper.setId((me.stateId || me.dataIndex) + '-grouper'); me.hasSetGrouper = true; } } }, onLock: function(header) { var items = this.items.items, len = items.length, i, item; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { item = items[i]; if (item.isColumn) { item.onLock(header); } } }, onUnlock: function(header) { var items = this.items.items, len = items.length, i, item; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { item = items[i]; if (item.isColumn) { item.onUnlock(header); } } }, shouldFlagCustomRenderer: function(renderer) { return renderer.length > 1; } }, deprecated: { 5: { methods: { bindRenderer: function(renderer) { // This method restores the pre-5 meaning of "renderer" as a string: // a method in Ext.util.Format. But at least we don't send all of // the renderer arguments at the poor thing! return function(value) { return Ext.util.Format[renderer](value); }; } } } } // intentionally omit getEditor and setEditor definitions bc we applyIf into columns // when the editing plugin is injected /** * @method getEditor * Retrieves the editing field for editing associated with this header. If the * field has not been instantiated it will be created. * * **Note:** This method will only have an implementation if an Editing plugin has * been enabled on the grid ({@link Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing cellediting} / * {@link Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditing rowediting}). * * @param {Object} [record] The {@link Ext.data.Model Model} instance being edited. * @param {Object/String} [defaultField] An xtype or config object for a * {@link Ext.form.field.Field Field} to be created as the default editor if it does * not already exist * @return {Ext.form.field.Field/Boolean} The editor field associated with * this column. Returns false if there is no field associated with the * {@link Ext.grid.column.Column Column}. */ /** * @method setEditor * Sets the form field to be used for editing. * * **Note:** This method will only have an implementation if an Editing plugin has * been enabled on the grid ({@link Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing cellediting} / * {@link Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditing rowediting}). * * @param {Object} field An object representing a field to be created. * If no xtype is specified a 'textfield' is assumed. */});