Class DomFormBuilder
- All Implemented Interfaces:
public class DomFormBuilder
extends DomElementBuilderBase<FormBuilder,FormElement>
implements FormBuilder
DOM-based implementation of
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionacceptCharset
(String acceptCharset) List of character sets supported by the server.Server-side form handler.Server-side form handler.The content type of the submitted form, generally "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".HTTP method [IETF RFC 2616] used to submit form.Names the form.Frame to render the resource in.Methods inherited from class
assertCanAddAttribute, attribute, attribute, className, dir, draggable, getDelegate, id, lang, startAnchor, startArea, startAudio, startBase, startBlockQuote, startBody, startBR, startButtonInput, startCanvas, startCheckboxInput, startCol, startColGroup, startDiv, startDList, startFieldSet, startFileInput, startForm, startFrame, startFrameSet, startH1, startH2, startH3, startH4, startH5, startH6, startHead, startHiddenInput, startHR, startIFrame, startImage, startImageInput, startLabel, startLegend, startLI, startLink, startMap, startMeta, startOList, startOptGroup, startOption, startParagraph, startParam, startPasswordInput, startPre, startPushButton, startQuote, startRadioInput, startResetButton, startResetInput, startScript, startSelect, startSource, startSpan, startStyle, startSubmitButton, startSubmitInput, startTable, startTableCaption, startTBody, startTD, startTextArea, startTextInput, startTFoot, startTH, startTHead, startTR, startUList, startVideo, tabIndex, title, trustedStart
Methods inherited from class
end, end, endAnchor, endArea, endAudio, endBase, endBlockQuote, endBody, endBR, endButton, endCanvas, endCol, endColGroup, endDiv, endDList, endFieldSet, endForm, endFrame, endFrameSet, endH1, endH2, endH3, endH4, endH5, endH6, endHead, endHR, endIFrame, endImage, endInput, endLabel, endLegend, endLI, endLink, endMap, endMeta, endOList, endOptGroup, endOption, endParagraph, endParam, endPre, endQuote, endScript, endSelect, endSource, endSpan, endStyle, endTable, endTableCaption, endTBody, endTD, endTextArea, endTFoot, endTH, endTHead, endTR, endUList, endVideo, finish, getDepth, getReturnBuilder, html, isChildElementSupported, isEndTagForbidden, style, text
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
attribute, attribute, className, dir, draggable, end, end, endAnchor, endArea, endAudio, endBase, endBlockQuote, endBody, endBR, endButton, endCanvas, endCol, endColGroup, endDiv, endDList, endFieldSet, endForm, endFrame, endFrameSet, endH1, endH2, endH3, endH4, endH5, endH6, endHead, endHR, endIFrame, endImage, endInput, endLabel, endLegend, endLI, endLink, endMap, endMeta, endOList, endOptGroup, endOption, endParagraph, endParam, endPre, endQuote, endScript, endSelect, endSource, endSpan, endStyle, endTable, endTableCaption, endTBody, endTD, endTextArea, endTFoot, endTH, endTHead, endTR, endUList, endVideo, finish, getDepth, html, id, isChildElementSupported, isEndTagForbidden, lang, startAnchor, startArea, startAudio, startBase, startBlockQuote, startBody, startBR, startButtonInput, startCanvas, startCheckboxInput, startCol, startColGroup, startDiv, startDList, startFieldSet, startFileInput, startForm, startFrame, startFrameSet, startH1, startH2, startH3, startH4, startH5, startH6, startHead, startHiddenInput, startHR, startIFrame, startImage, startImageInput, startLabel, startLegend, startLI, startLink, startMap, startMeta, startOList, startOptGroup, startOption, startParagraph, startParam, startPasswordInput, startPre, startPushButton, startQuote, startRadioInput, startResetButton, startResetInput, startScript, startSelect, startSource, startSpan, startStyle, startSubmitButton, startSubmitInput, startTable, startTableCaption, startTBody, startTD, startTextArea, startTextInput, startTFoot, startTH, startTHead, startTR, startUList, startVideo, style, tabIndex, text, title, trustedStart
Constructor Details
DomFormBuilder(DomBuilderImpl delegate)
Method Details
Description copied from interface:FormBuilder
List of character sets supported by the server.- Specified by:
in interfaceFormBuilder
- See Also:
Description copied from interface:FormBuilder
Server-side form handler.- Specified by:
in interfaceFormBuilder
- See Also:
Description copied from interface:FormBuilder
The content type of the submitted form, generally "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". Note: The onsubmit even handler is not guaranteed to be triggered when invoking this method. The behavior is inconsistent for historical reasons and authors should not rely on a particular one.- Specified by:
in interfaceFormBuilder
- See Also:
Description copied from interface:FormBuilder
HTTP method [IETF RFC 2616] used to submit form.- Specified by:
in interfaceFormBuilder
- See Also:
Description copied from interface:FormBuilder
Names the form.- Specified by:
in interfaceFormBuilder
Description copied from interface:FormBuilder
Frame to render the resource in.- Specified by:
in interfaceFormBuilder
- See Also: