Class HtmlScriptBuilder
- All Implemented Interfaces:
public class HtmlScriptBuilder
extends HtmlElementBuilderBase<ScriptBuilder>
implements ScriptBuilder
HTML-based implementation of
Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionIndicates that the user agent can defer processing of the script.Append html within the node.boolean
Check if child elements are supported.URI designating an external script.The content type of the script language.Methods inherited from class
asSafeHtml, attribute, attribute, className, dir, draggable, endTitle, id, lang, startAnchor, startArea, startAudio, startBase, startBlockQuote, startBody, startBR, startButtonInput, startCanvas, startCheckboxInput, startCol, startColGroup, startDiv, startDList, startFieldSet, startFileInput, startForm, startFrame, startFrameSet, startH1, startH2, startH3, startH4, startH5, startH6, startHead, startHiddenInput, startHR, startIFrame, startImage, startImageInput, startLabel, startLegend, startLI, startLink, startMap, startMeta, startOList, startOptGroup, startOption, startParagraph, startParam, startPasswordInput, startPre, startPushButton, startQuote, startRadioInput, startResetButton, startResetInput, startScript, startSelect, startSource, startSpan, startStyle, startSubmitButton, startSubmitInput, startTable, startTableCaption, startTBody, startTD, startTextArea, startTextInput, startTFoot, startTH, startTHead, startTitle, startTR, startUList, startVideo, tabIndex, title, trustedAttribute, trustedAttribute, trustedStart
Methods inherited from class
end, end, endAnchor, endArea, endAudio, endBase, endBlockQuote, endBody, endBR, endButton, endCanvas, endCol, endColGroup, endDiv, endDList, endFieldSet, endForm, endFrame, endFrameSet, endH1, endH2, endH3, endH4, endH5, endH6, endHead, endHR, endIFrame, endImage, endInput, endLabel, endLegend, endLI, endLink, endMap, endMeta, endOList, endOptGroup, endOption, endParagraph, endParam, endPre, endQuote, endScript, endSelect, endSource, endSpan, endStyle, endTable, endTableCaption, endTBody, endTD, endTextArea, endTFoot, endTH, endTHead, endTR, endUList, endVideo, finish, getDepth, getReturnBuilder, isEndTagForbidden, style, text
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
attribute, attribute, className, dir, draggable, end, end, endAnchor, endArea, endAudio, endBase, endBlockQuote, endBody, endBR, endButton, endCanvas, endCol, endColGroup, endDiv, endDList, endFieldSet, endForm, endFrame, endFrameSet, endH1, endH2, endH3, endH4, endH5, endH6, endHead, endHR, endIFrame, endImage, endInput, endLabel, endLegend, endLI, endLink, endMap, endMeta, endOList, endOptGroup, endOption, endParagraph, endParam, endPre, endQuote, endScript, endSelect, endSource, endSpan, endStyle, endTable, endTableCaption, endTBody, endTD, endTextArea, endTFoot, endTH, endTHead, endTR, endUList, endVideo, finish, getDepth, id, isEndTagForbidden, lang, startAnchor, startArea, startAudio, startBase, startBlockQuote, startBody, startBR, startButtonInput, startCanvas, startCheckboxInput, startCol, startColGroup, startDiv, startDList, startFieldSet, startFileInput, startForm, startFrame, startFrameSet, startH1, startH2, startH3, startH4, startH5, startH6, startHead, startHiddenInput, startHR, startIFrame, startImage, startImageInput, startLabel, startLegend, startLI, startLink, startMap, startMeta, startOList, startOptGroup, startOption, startParagraph, startParam, startPasswordInput, startPre, startPushButton, startQuote, startRadioInput, startResetButton, startResetInput, startScript, startSelect, startSource, startSpan, startStyle, startSubmitButton, startSubmitInput, startTable, startTableCaption, startTBody, startTD, startTextArea, startTextInput, startTFoot, startTH, startTHead, startTR, startUList, startVideo, style, tabIndex, text, title, trustedStart
Constructor Details
Method Details
Description copied from interface:ScriptBuilder
Indicates that the user agent can defer processing of the script.- Specified by:
in interfaceScriptBuilder
- See Also:
public boolean isChildElementSupported()Description copied from interface:ElementBuilderBase
Check if child elements are supported.- Specified by:
in interfaceElementBuilderBase<ScriptBuilder>
- Overrides:
in classAbstractElementBuilderBase<ScriptBuilder>
- Returns:
- true if supported, false if not.
Description copied from interface:ScriptBuilder
URI designating an external script.- Specified by:
in interfaceScriptBuilder
- See Also:
Description copied from interface:ScriptBuilder
The content type of the script language.- Specified by:
in interfaceScriptBuilder
- See Also: