Docs Help

Terms, Icons, and Labels

Many classes have shortcut names used when creating (instantiating) a class with a configuration object. The shortcut name is referred to as an alias (or xtype if the class extends Ext.Component). The alias/xtype is listed next to the class name of applicable classes for quick reference.

Access Levels

Framework classes or their members may be specified as private or protected. Else, the class / member is public. Public, protected, and private are access descriptors used to convey how and when the class or class member should be used.

Member Types

Member Syntax

Below is an example class member that we can disect to show the syntax of a class member (the lookupComponent method as viewed from the Ext.button.Button class in this case).

lookupComponent ( item ) : Ext.Component

Called when a raw config object is added to this container either during initialization of the items config, or when new items are added), or {@link #insert inserted.

This method converts the passed object into an instanced child component.

This may be overridden in subclasses when special processing needs to be applied to child creation.


item :  Object

The config object being added.


The component to be added.

Let's look at each part of the member row:

Member Flags

The API documentation uses a number of flags to further commnicate the class member's function and intent. The label may be represented by a text label, an abbreviation, or an icon.

Class Icons

- Indicates a framework class

- A singleton framework class. *See the singleton flag for more information

- A component-type framework class (any class within the Ext JS framework that extends Ext.Component)

- Indicates that the class, member, or guide is new in the currently viewed version

Member Icons

- Indicates a class member of type config

- Indicates a class member of type property

- Indicates a class member of type method

- Indicates a class member of type event

- Indicates a class member of type theme variable

- Indicates a class member of type theme mixin

- Indicates that the class, member, or guide is new in the currently viewed version

Class Member Quick-Nav Menu

Just below the class name on an API doc page is a row of buttons corresponding to the types of members owned by the current class. Each button shows a count of members by type (this count is updated as filters are applied). Clicking the button will navigate you to that member section. Hovering over the member-type button will reveal a popup menu of all members of that type for quick navigation.

Getter and Setter Methods

Getting and setter methods that correlate to a class config option will show up in the methods section as well as in the configs section of both the API doc and the member-type menus just beneath the config they work with. The getter and setter method documentation will be found in the config row for easy reference.

History Bar

Your page history is kept in localstorage and displayed (using the available real estate) just below the top title bar. By default, the only search results shown are the pages matching the product / version you're currently viewing. You can expand what is displayed by clicking on the button on the right-hand side of the history bar and choosing the "All" radio option. This will show all recent pages in the history bar for all products / versions.

Within the history config menu you will also see a listing of your recent page visits. The results are filtered by the "Current Product / Version" and "All" radio options. Clicking on the button will clear the history bar as well as the history kept in local storage.

If "All" is selected in the history config menu the checkbox option for "Show product details in the history bar" will be enabled. When checked, the product/version for each historic page will show alongside the page name in the history bar. Hovering the cursor over the page names in the history bar will also show the product/version as a tooltip.

Search and Filters

Both API docs and guides can be searched for using the search field at the top of the page.

On API doc pages there is also a filter input field that filters the member rows using the filter string. In addition to filtering by string you can filter the class members by access level, inheritance, and read only. This is done using the checkboxes at the top of the page.

The checkbox at the bottom of the API class navigation tree filters the class list to include or exclude private classes.

Clicking on an empty search field will show your last 10 searches for quick navigation.

API Doc Class Metadata

Each API doc page (with the exception of Javascript primitives pages) has a menu view of metadata relating to that class. This metadata view will have one or more of the following:

Expanding and Collapsing Examples and Class Members

Runnable examples (Fiddles) are expanded on a page by default. You can collapse and expand example code blocks individually using the arrow on the top-left of the code block. You can also toggle the collapse state of all examples using the toggle button on the top-right of the page. The toggle-all state will be remembered between page loads.

Class members are collapsed on a page by default. You can expand and collapse members using the arrow icon on the left of the member row or globally using the expand / collapse all toggle button top-right.

Desktop -vs- Mobile View

Viewing the docs on narrower screens or browsers will result in a view optimized for a smaller form factor. The primary differences between the desktop and "mobile" view are:

Viewing the Class Source

The class source can be viewed by clicking on the class name at the top of an API doc page. The source for class members can be viewed by clicking on the "view source" link on the right-hand side of the member row.

Ext JS 6.2.0 - Classic Toolkit


Ext.calendar.view.Weeks xtype: calendar-weeksview premium


For an overview of calendar views see Ext.calendar.view.Base

The Weeks view shows the events for one or more weeks as full days similar to a conventional calendar. For a week view including an hourly timeline see Ext.calendar.view.Week.

The weeks view shows the week containing the current date (or the date set on the cfg-value config) plus any additional weeks totaling the cfg-visibleWeeks. The number of days shown per week is set using cfg-visibleDays. Each week begins on the day set on the cfg-firstDayOfWeek.

By default the first day is Sunday. If you want to create a "work week" type view where the weekend days are omitted you can modify the visibleDays and firstDayOfWeek to show only Monday - Friday.

    xtype: 'calendar-weeksview',
    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
    height: 400,
    width: 400,
    firstDayOfWeek: 1,  // starts the view on Monday
    visibleDays: 5,     // and displays it and the 4 days after
    store: {
        autoLoad: true,
        proxy: {
            type: 'ajax',
            url: 'calendars.php'
        eventStoreDefaults: {
            proxy: {
                type: 'ajax',
                url: 'events.php'

Calendar Events

Events show on the view with their start and end days correlating to the day labels. The events will display on the timeline according to your local timezone offset from GMT. The timezone offset can be applied explicitly using the cfg-timezoneOffset config option.

Adding All Day Events

Dragging / swiping across multiple days will show the event add form with multiple days pre-populated in the form's start / end dates. A single all day type event can be added by tapping / clicking on a single day.

Date Range Navigation

The movePrevious and moveNext methods modify the displayed date range by moving the range forward or backward the number of cfg-visibleWeeks.

i.e. view.moveNext(); called on a 7-day view with 2 visible weeks will advance the view 2 weeks. Note that a view configured with 5 visibleDays would not advance 5 days, but rather will show the next full week with only 5 visible days.

Alternative Classes

If your view requires a header showing the days of the week consider using Ext.calendar.panel.Weeks instead. For a month view refer to Ext.calendar.view.Month.

No members found using the current filters


Optional Configs

addForm : Object

The configuration for the Ext.calendar.form.Add to be used when an event is to be created. Use null to disable creation.

Defaults to:

    xtype: 'calendar-form-add'

getAddForm : Object

Returns the value of addForm



setAddForm (addForm)

Sets the value of addForm


addForm :  Object

addOnSelect : Boolean

true to show the cfg-addForm when a selection is made on the body.

Use cfg-addOnSelect to control view selection itself.

Defaults to:


getAddOnSelect : Boolean

Returns the value of addOnSelect



setAddOnSelect (addOnSelect)

Sets the value of addOnSelect


addOnSelect :  Boolean

allowSelection : Boolean

true to allow days to be selected via the UI.

Defaults to:


getAllowSelection : Boolean

Returns the value of allowSelection



setAllowSelection (allowSelection)

Sets the value of allowSelection


allowSelection :  Boolean

compact : Boolean

true to display this view in compact mode, typically used for smaller form factors. Setting to true applies any configured cfg-compactOptions.

Defaults to:


getCompact : Boolean

Returns the value of compact



setCompact (compact)

Sets the value of compact


compact :  Boolean

compactOptions : Object

A series of config options for this class to set when this class is in cfg-compact mode.

Defaults to:


getCompactOptions : Object

Returns the value of compactOptions



setCompactOptions (compactOptions)

Sets the value of compactOptions


compactOptions :  Object

controlStoreRange : Boolean
private pri

true to allow this view to set the date range on event stores in reaction to the value changing. The need to disable this surfaces when using multiple views together and allowing one view (the one with the largest range) to be the in control of loading the stores.

Defaults to:


getControlStoreRange : Boolean

Returns the value of controlStoreRange



setControlStoreRange (controlStoreRange)

Sets the value of controlStoreRange


controlStoreRange :  Boolean

dayFormat : String

The format for displaying the day in the cell. See Ext.Date for options.

Defaults to:


getDayFormat : String

Returns the value of dayFormat



setDayFormat (dayFormat)

Sets the value of dayFormat


dayFormat :  String

draggable : Boolean

true to allows events to be dragged from this view.

Defaults to:


getDraggable : Boolean

Returns the value of draggable



setDraggable (draggable)

Sets the value of draggable


draggable :  Boolean

droppable : Boolean

true to allows events to be dropped on this view.

Defaults to:


getDroppable : Boolean

Returns the value of droppable



setDroppable (droppable)

Sets the value of droppable


droppable :  Boolean

editForm : Object

The configuration for the Ext.calendar.form.Edit to be used when an event is to be modified. Use null to disable editing.

Defaults to:

    xtype: 'calendar-form-edit'

getEditForm : Object

Returns the value of editForm



setEditForm (editForm)

Sets the value of editForm


editForm :  Object

eventDefaults : Object

The default configuration for Ext.calendar.Event widgets

Defaults to:

    xtype: 'calendar-event'

getEventDefaults : Object

Returns the value of eventDefaults



setEventDefaults (eventDefaults)

Sets the value of eventDefaults


eventDefaults :  Object

firstDayOfWeek : Number

The day on which the calendar week begins. 0 (Sunday) through 6 (Saturday). Defaults to Ext.Date#firstDayOfWeek

Defaults to:


getFirstDayOfWeek : Number

Returns the value of firstDayOfWeek



setFirstDayOfWeek (firstDayOfWeek)

Sets the value of firstDayOfWeek


firstDayOfWeek :  Number

gestureNavigation : Boolean

Allow the view to have the value (displayed date range) changed via swipe navigation on devices that support it

Defaults to:


getGestureNavigation : Boolean

Returns the value of gestureNavigation



setGestureNavigation (gestureNavigation)

Sets the value of gestureNavigation


gestureNavigation :  Boolean

header : Ext.calendar.header.Base
private pri

A Ext.calendar.header.Base object to link to this view

Defaults to:


getHeader : Ext.calendar.header.Base

Returns the value of header



setHeader (header)

Sets the value of header


header :  Ext.calendar.header.Base

overflowText : String

Text to show when events overflow on a particular day to allow the user to view the rest. This string is evaluated as a formatted string where the argument is the number of overflowing events. Depends on cfg-showOverflow.

Defaults to:

'+{0} more'

getOverflowText : String

Returns the value of overflowText



setOverflowText (overflowText)

Sets the value of overflowText


overflowText :  String

showOverflow : String

Show an overflow label that will display an overlay when there are too many events to render in the view. Valid configurations are:

  • top
  • bottom

Pass null or '' to not show overflow. The overflow text may be formatted using cfg-overflowText.

Defaults to:


getShowOverflow : String

Returns the value of showOverflow



setShowOverflow (showOverflow)

Sets the value of showOverflow


showOverflow :  String

store : Object /

A instance or configuration

Defaults to:


setStore (store)

Sets the value of store


store :  Object /

timezoneOffset : Number

The timezone offset to display this calendar in. The value should be specified in the same way as the native Date offset. That is, the number of minutes between UTC and local time. For example the offset for UTC+10 would be -600 (10 hours * 60 minutes ahead).

Defaults to the current browser offset.

Defaults to:


getTimezoneOffset : Number

Returns the value of timezoneOffset



setTimezoneOffset (timezoneOffset)

Sets the value of timezoneOffset


timezoneOffset :  Number

value : Date

The start of the date range to show. The visible range of the view will begin at the firstDayOfWeek immediately preceding this value or the value if it is the firstDayOfWeek. For example, using the following configuration:

     firstDayOfWeek: 0, // Sunday
     value: new Date(2010, 2, 3) // Wed, 3 March 2010

The visible range would begin on Sun 28th Feb.

Defaults to:

new Date()

getValue : Date

Returns the value of value



setValue (value)

Sets the value of value


value :  Date

visibleDays : Number

The number of days to show in a week, starting from the firstDayOfWeek. For example, to show the view with days Mon - Fri, use:

     visibleDays: 5,
     firstDayOfWeek: 1 // Monday

Defaults to:


getVisibleDays : Number

Returns the value of visibleDays



setVisibleDays (visibleDays)

Sets the value of visibleDays


visibleDays :  Number

visibleWeeks : Number

The number of weeks to show in this view.

Defaults to:


getVisibleWeeks : Number

Returns the value of visibleWeeks



setVisibleWeeks (visibleWeeks)

Sets the value of visibleWeeks


visibleWeeks :  Number

weekendDays : Number[]

The days of the week that are the weekend. 0 (Sunday) through 6 (Saturday). Defaults to Ext.Date#weekendDays.

Defaults to:


getWeekendDays : Number[]

Returns the value of weekendDays



setWeekendDays (weekendDays)

Sets the value of weekendDays


weekendDays :  Number[]


Instance Properties

private pri

Defaults to:


$configPrefixed : Boolean
private pri

The value true causes config values to be stored on instances using a property name prefixed with an underscore ("_") character. A value of false stores config values as properties using their exact name (no prefix).

Defaults to:


Available since: 5.0.0

$configStrict : Boolean
private pri

The value true instructs the initConfig method to only honor values for properties declared in the config block of a class. When false, properties that are not declared in a config block will be placed on the instance.

Defaults to:


Available since: 5.0.0

clearPropertiesOnDestroy : Boolean / "async"
protected pro

Setting this property to false will prevent nulling object references on a Class instance after destruction. Setting this to "async" will delay the clearing for approx 50ms.

Defaults to:


Available since: 6.2.0

clearPrototypeOnDestroy : Boolean
private pri

Setting this property to true will result in setting the object's prototype to null after the destruction sequence is fully completed. After that, most attempts at calling methods on the object instance will result in "method not defined" exception. This can be very helpful with tracking down otherwise hard to find bugs like runaway Ajax requests, timed functions not cleared on destruction, etc.

Note that this option can only work in browsers that support Object.setPrototypeOf method, and is only available in debugging mode.

Defaults to:


Available since: 6.2.0

dateInfo : Object
private pri

Contains information about the current date ranges.

Defaults to:


destroyed : Boolean
protected pro

This property is set to true after the destroy method is called.

Defaults to:


private pri

Execute a full refresh of the view and events.

Defaults to:


private pri

Execute a full refresh of events.

Defaults to:


private pri

Get the period to move when using moveNext and movePrevious.

Defaults to:




The period to move

unit :  String

The units to move, see Ext.Date.

amount :  Number

The number of units to move.

private pri

Handle resizing of the main view element.

Defaults to:


private pri

Hide the overflow popup.

Defaults to:


isConfiguring : Boolean
readonly ro protected pro

This property is set to true during the call to initConfig.

Defaults to:


Available since: 5.0.0

isFirstInstance : Boolean
readonly ro protected pro

This property is set to true if this instance is the first of its class.

Defaults to:


Available since: 5.0.0

isInstance : Boolean
readonly ro protected pro

This value is true and is used to identify plain objects from instances of a defined class.

Defaults to:


maxDayMonth : Date
private pri

The first day of a month with 31 days.

Defaults to:

new Date(2000, 0, 1)

self : Ext.Class
protected pro

Get the reference to the current class from which this object was instantiated. Unlike Ext.Base#statics, this.self is scope-dependent and it's meant to be used for dynamic inheritance. See Ext.Base#statics for a detailed comparison

Ext.define('My.Cat', {
    statics: {
        speciesName: 'Cat' // My.Cat.speciesName = 'Cat'

    constructor: function() {
        alert(this.self.speciesName); // dependent on 'this'

    clone: function() {
        return new this.self();

Ext.define('My.SnowLeopard', {
    extend: 'My.Cat',
    statics: {
        speciesName: 'Snow Leopard'         // My.SnowLeopard.speciesName = 'Snow Leopard'

var cat = new My.Cat();                     // alerts 'Cat'
var snowLeopard = new My.SnowLeopard();     // alerts 'Snow Leopard'

var clone = snowLeopard.clone();
alert(Ext.getClassName(clone));             // alerts 'My.SnowLeopard'

Defaults to:


private pri

Show the overflow popup

Defaults to:


sundayDay : Date
private pri

A date where the month starts on a Sunday. Used to generate day names.

Defaults to:

new Date(2000, 9, 1)

trackRanges : Boolean
private pri

true to track the date ranges in the view to add past/future date classes.

Defaults to:


Static Properties

static sta private pri

Defaults to:



Instance Methods

addDeprecations ( deprecations )
private pri

This method applies a versioned, deprecation declaration to this class. This is typically called by the deprecated config.


deprecations :  Object

calculateMoveNext Date
private pri

Calculate the value to use for moveNext



The new value.

calculateMovePrevious Date
private pri

Calculate the value to use for movePrevious



The new value.

callOverridden ( args ) : Object
deprecated dep protected pro

Call the original method that was previously overridden with Ext.Base#override

Ext.define('My.Cat', {
    constructor: function() {
        alert("I'm a cat!");

    constructor: function() {
        alert("I'm going to be a cat!");



var kitty = new My.Cat(); // alerts "I'm going to be a cat!"
                          // alerts "I'm a cat!"
                          // alerts "Meeeeoooowwww"


args :  Array/Arguments

The arguments, either an array or the arguments object from the current method, for example: this.callOverridden(arguments)



Returns the result of calling the overridden method

Deprecated since version 4.1.0
Use method-callParent instead.

callParent ( args ) : Object
protected pro

Call the "parent" method of the current method. That is the method previously overridden by derivation or by an override (see Ext#define).

 Ext.define('My.Base', {
     constructor: function (x) {
         this.x = x;

     statics: {
         method: function (x) {
             return x;

 Ext.define('My.Derived', {
     extend: 'My.Base',

     constructor: function () {

 var obj = new My.Derived();

 alert(obj.x);  // alerts 21

This can be used with an override as follows:

 Ext.define('My.DerivedOverride', {
     override: 'My.Derived',

     constructor: function (x) {
         this.callParent([x*2]); // calls original My.Derived constructor

 var obj = new My.Derived();

 alert(obj.x);  // now alerts 42

This also works with static and private methods.

 Ext.define('My.Derived2', {
     extend: 'My.Base',

     // privates: {
     statics: {
         method: function (x) {
             return this.callParent([x*2]); // calls My.Base.method

 alert(My.Base.method(10));     // alerts 10
 alert(My.Derived2.method(10)); // alerts 20

Lastly, it also works with overridden static methods.

 Ext.define('My.Derived2Override', {
     override: 'My.Derived2',

     // privates: {
     statics: {
         method: function (x) {
             return this.callParent([x*2]); // calls My.Derived2.method

 alert(My.Derived2.method(10); // now alerts 40

To override a method and replace it and also call the superclass method, use method-callSuper. This is often done to patch a method to fix a bug.


args :  Array/Arguments

The arguments, either an array or the arguments object from the current method, for example: this.callParent(arguments)



Returns the result of calling the parent method

callSuper ( args ) : Object
protected pro

This method is used by an override to call the superclass method but bypass any overridden method. This is often done to "patch" a method that contains a bug but for whatever reason cannot be fixed directly.


 Ext.define('Ext.some.Class', {
     method: function () {

 Ext.define('Ext.some.DerivedClass', {
     extend: 'Ext.some.Class',

     method: function () {

         // ... logic but with a bug ...


To patch the bug in Ext.some.DerivedClass.method, the typical solution is to create an override:

 Ext.define('App.patches.DerivedClass', {
     override: 'Ext.some.DerivedClass',

     method: function () {

         // ... logic but with bug fixed ...


The patch method cannot use method-callParent to call the superclass method since that would call the overridden method containing the bug. In other words, the above patch would only produce "Fixed" then "Good" in the console log, whereas, using callParent would produce "Fixed" then "Bad" then "Good".


args :  Array/Arguments

The arguments, either an array or the arguments object from the current method, for example: this.callSuper(arguments)



Returns the result of calling the superclass method

private pri

Clear events from the view.

private pri

Clear any selected cells.

private pri

Construct events for the view.

createAddForm Object
protected pro

Create the add form configuration. Can be hooked to provide any runtime customization.



A configuration for the form instance.

createEditForm ( event ) : Object
protected pro

Create the edit form configuration. Can be hooked to provide any runtime customization.


event :  Object



A configuration for the form instance.

createEvent ( event, cfg, dummy ) : Ext.calendar.EventBase
private pri

Create an event widget.


event :  Ext.calendar.model.EventBase

The event record.

cfg :  Object

dummy :  Object



The event widget.

createEvents ( events, [cfg] ) : Ext.calendar.EventBase[]
private pri

Create a number of event widgets.


events :  Ext.calendar.model.EventBase[]

The events.

cfg :  Object (optional)

A config for each event.



The event widgets.


This method is called to cleanup an object and its resources. After calling this method, the object should not be used any further in any way, including access to its methods and properties.

To prevent potential memory leaks, all object references will be nulled at the end of destruction sequence, unless clearPropertiesOnDestroy is set to false.

doRecalculate ( [start] ) : Object
private pri

Do range recalculation.


start :  Date (optional)

The start to recalculate from. Defaults to the current value.



The active ranges

visible :

The visible range for the view.

active :

The active range for the view.

requiredWeeks :  Number

The number of weeks in the view.

doShowForm ( event, type, cfg, successFn, [options] )
private pri

Show a form for this calendar.


event :  Ext.calendar.model.EventBase

The event.

type :  Object

cfg :  Object

The config for the form.

successFn :  Function

A function to call if the edit is successful.

options :  Object (optional)

Callback options for form creation.

onSave :  Function (optional)

A save callback function.

onCancel :  Function (optional)

A cancel callback function.

scope :  Object (optional)

A scope for the callback functions.

findIndex ( sizes, offset ) : Number
private pri

Find the index of a cell via position.


sizes :  Number[]

The sizes of each cell in the row/column.

offset :  Number

The offset from the start edge.



The index.

generateCells ( numRows, [setHeights] ) : Object[]
private pri

Generate the cells for the view.


numRows :  Number

The number of rows.

setHeights :  Boolean (optional)

true to set the percentage heights on the rows.

Defaults to: false



An array of row DOM configs.

getBodyElement Ext.dom.Element
private pri

Get the body element of this view.



The body.

getCalendar ( id ) : Ext.calendar.model.CalendarBase
private pri

Get a calendar by id.


id :  Object

The id of the calendar.



The calendar

getCell ( date ) : HTMLElement
private pri

Get a cell by date.


date :  Date

The date.



The cell, null if not found.

getCellByPosition ( pageX, pageY ) : HTMLElement
private pri

Get a cell by page position.


pageX :  Number

The page x position.

pageY :  Number

The page y position.



The cell.

getCellFromEvent ( e, [inferFromWidget] ) : HTMLElement
private pri

Get a cell from a DOM event.


e :  Ext.event.Event

The event.

inferFromWidget :  Boolean (optional)

true to find the cell if the event occurred on an event widget,

Defaults to: false



The cell.

getConfig ( [name], [peek] ) : Object

Returns a specified config property value. If the name parameter is not passed, all current configuration options will be returned as key value pairs.


name :  String (optional)

The name of the config property to get.

peek :  Boolean (optional)

true to peek at the raw value without calling the getter.

Defaults to: false



The config property value.

getDateFromCell ( cell ) : Date
private pri

Get the date from a cell.


cell :  HTMLElement

The cell.



The date.

getDaySizes Object
private pri

Calculate the width/height of each day cell. This is cached and should be invalidated on resize. The reason we need to do this is that the table layout algorithm may assign some rows/cells to be 1px larger than others to achieve full width, so dividing can give slightly inaccurate results.



Day size info.

widths :  Number[]

The widths for a row of cells.

heights :  Number[]

The heights for a column of cells.

headerHeight :  Number

The height of the day number header in the cell.

getDaysSpanned ( start, end, allDay ) : Number
private pri

Get the number of days covered for a range. For example, 2010-01-01 22:00, 2010-01-02 01:00 is 2 days because it has boundaries within 2 days.


start :  Date

The start of the range.

end :  Date

The end of the range.

allDay :  Boolean

true if the time range should be considered as an all day event.



The number of days spanned.

private pri

The the default range when creating a event.


The range.

getDefaultPalette Ext.calendar.theme.Palette
private pri

Get the default color palette for this view. Defaults to the color of the first calendar, otherwise the first color in the palette.



The color palette.


Get the display range for this view.


The display range.

getEditableCalendars Ext.calendar.model.CalendarBase[]
private pri

Get all calendars that are editable.



The editable calendars.

getEvent ( el ) : Ext.calendar.model.EventBase
private pri

Get an event record via element/DOM event.


el :  Ext.dom.Element/HTMLElement/Ext.event.Event

The element target,



The event record.

getEventDaysSpanned ( event ) : Number
private pri

See getDaysSpanned.


event :  Ext.calendar.model.EventBase

The event.



The number of days spanned.

getEventPalette ( event ) : Ext.calendar.theme.Palette
private pri

Get the palette for an event record.


event :  Ext.calendar.model.EventBase

The event record.



The palette.


Get the for this view.


The event source.

getEventStyle Object
private pri

Get styles regarding events. Creates a fake event and measures pieces of the componentry.



Size info.

margin :  Object

The margins for the event.

height :  Number

The height of the event.

fullHeight :  Number

The height + margins.

getEventWidget ( el ) : Ext.calendar.EventBase
private pri

Gets an event widget via an element/DOM event.


el :  HTMLElement/Ext.event.Event

The element/event.



The widget.

getForm Ext.calendar.form.Base

Get the active cfg-editForm or cfg-addForm if it exists.



The active form. null if not active.

getInitialConfig ( [name] ) : Object/Mixed

Returns the initial configuration passed to the constructor when instantiating this class.

Given this example Ext.button.Button definition and instance:

Ext.define('MyApp.view.Button', {
    extend: 'Ext.button.Button',
    xtype: 'mybutton',

    scale: 'large',
    enableToggle: true

var btn = Ext.create({
    xtype: 'mybutton',
    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
    text: 'Test Button'

Calling btn.getInitialConfig() would return an object including the config options passed to the create method:

xtype: 'mybutton',
renderTo: // The document body itself
text: 'Test Button'

Calling btn.getInitialConfig('text')returns 'Test Button'.


name :  String (optional)

Name of the config option to return.



The full config object or a single config value when name parameter specified.

getMoveBaseValue Date
private pri

Get the value to use as the base for moving when using moveNext and movePrevious.



The value.

getSourceListeners Object
private pri

Get listeners to add to the event source.



A listeners config.

getStoreListeners Object
private pri

Get listeners to add to the calendar store..



A listeners config.

getUtcNow Date
private pri

Get the current date in UTC.



The current UTC date.


Get the visible range for this view.


The visible range.

handleChange ( type, event, newRange, [callback] )
private pri

Handle drop on the view.


type :  Object

event :  Ext.calendar.model.EventBase

The event.

newRange :

The new range.

callback :  Function (optional)

A callback to execute.

handleChangeStart ( type, event ) : Boolean
private pri

Handle drag/resize start for an event.


type :  String

The event type.

event :  Ext.calendar.model.EventBase

The event.



false to veto the event.

handleEventTap ( e )
private pri

Handle taps on event widgets in the view.


e :  Ext.event.Event

The event.

hasConfig ( name )
private pri


name :  String

hasEditableCalendars Boolean
private pri

Checks if the store has editable calendars.



true if any calendars are editable.

initConfig ( instanceConfig ) : Ext.Base
chainable ch protected pro

Initialize configuration for this class. a typical example:

Ext.define('My.awesome.Class', {
    // The default config
    config: {
        name: 'Awesome',
        isAwesome: true

    constructor: function(config) {

var awesome = new My.awesome.Class({
    name: 'Super Awesome'

alert(awesome.getName()); // 'Super Awesome'


instanceConfig :  Object




isEventHidden ( event ) : Boolean
private pri

Checks if an event is hidden, by virtue of the calendar being hidden.


event :  Ext.calendar.model.EventBase

The event.



true if the event should be hidden.


Move the view forward to view the "next" portion of the view based on the current cfg-value. This amount depends on the current view.


Move the view forward to view the "next" portion of the view based on the current cfg-value. This amount depends on the current view.

navigate ( amount, [interval] )

Move the current view by an amount based off of the current cfg-value.


amount :  Number

The number of intervals to move

interval :  String (optional)

The interval to navigate by. See Ext.Date for valid intervals.

Defaults to: Ext.Date.DAY

onBodySwipe ( e )
private pri

Handle a swipe on the view body.


e :  Ext.event.Event

The event.

onEventTap ( event )
private pri

Handle a tap on an event model.


event :  Ext.calendar.model.EventBase

The event model.

onFormCancel ( form )
private pri

Handle the form being cancelled.


form :  Ext.calendar.form.Base

The form.

onFormCreateSave ( form, data )
private pri

Handle create form being saved.


form :  Ext.calendar.form.Base

The form.

data :  Object

The data from the form.

onFormEditSave ( form, event, data )
private pri

Handle edit form being saved.


form :  Ext.calendar.form.Base

The form.

event :  Ext.calendar.model.EventBase

The event being edited.

data :  Object

The data from the form.

onOverflowClick ( e )
private pri

Handle click on the "show more" overflow element.


e :  Ext.event.Event

The DOM event.

onSourceAdd ( source, events )
private pri

Handle records being added to the source.


source :

The event source.

events :  Ext.calendar.model.EventBase[]

The events.

private pri

Handles a source being attached.

onSourceRefresh ( source )
private pri

Handles a source being refreshed.


source :

The source.

onSourceRemove ( source, events )
private pri

Handle records being removed from the source.


source :

The event source.

events :  Ext.calendar.model.EventBase[]

The events.

onSourceUpdate ( source, event )
private pri

Handles a record being updated in the source.


source :

The event source.

event :  Ext.calendar.model.EventBase

The event.

onStoreUpdate ( store, calendar )
private pri

Handles an update on the calendar store.


store :

The store.

calendar :  Ext.calendar.model.CalendarBase

The calendar.

onTouchEnd ( event )
private pri

Handle touchend on the view.


event :  Ext.event.Event

The event.

onTouchMove ( event )
private pri

Handle touchmove on the view.


event :  Ext.event.Event

The event.

onTouchStart ( event, t )
private pri

Handle touchstart on the view.


event :  Ext.event.Event

The event.

t :  Object

positionEvent ( el, item )
private pri

Sets the position in the DOM for an event widget.


el :  Ext.dom.Element

The element.

item :  Object

The event meta object with position info.

positionSum ( start, len, sizes ) : Number
private pri

Calculates the position based on a set of sizes. See getDaySizes on why we can't just use multiplication.


start :  Number

The start index.

len :  Number

The number of cells to span.

sizes :  Number[]

The cell sizes.



The sum for the specified range.

processWeek ( week, frag )
private pri

Position events for a week.


week :  Ext.calendar.view.WeekRenderer

The week.

frag :  DocumentFragment

A fragment to append events to.

queryCells HTMLElement[]
private pri

Gets all day cells.



The day cells.

private pri

Do a full refresh of the view if not in the middle of configuration.

private pri

Do a full event refresh if not configuring and event refresh is not suspended.

private pri

Refresh any attached header object.

private pri

Resume the ability to refresh events on the view. The number of calls to resume must match suspendEventRefresh.

selectRange ( from, to )
private pri

Select a date range of cells.


from :  Date

The start date.

to :  Date

The end date.

setConfig ( name, [value] ) : Ext.Base
chainable ch

Sets a single/multiple configuration options.


name :  String/Object

The name of the property to set, or a set of key value pairs to set.

value :  Object (optional)

The value to set for the name parameter.




setSourceRange ( range )
private pri

Set the range on the event source if it exists.


range :

The range.

showAddForm ( [event], [options] )

Show the cfg-addForm for this calendar. Has no behavior if cfg-addForm is null.


event :  Ext.calendar.model.EventBase (optional)

A new event record containing any data to be passed to the form. If not specified, default dates from this view will be chosen.

options :  Object (optional)

Callback options for form creation.

onSave :  Function (optional)

A save callback function.

onCancel :  Function (optional)

A cancel callback function.

scope :  Object (optional)

A scope for the callback functions.

showEditForm ( event, [options] )

Show the cfg-editForm for this calendar. Has no behavior if cfg-editForm is null.


event :  Ext.calendar.model.EventBase

The event to be passed to the form.

options :  Object (optional)

Callback options for form creation.

onSave :  Function (optional)

A save callback function.

onCancel :  Function (optional)

A cancel callback function.

scope :  Object (optional)

A scope for the callback functions.

statics Ext.Class
protected pro

Get the reference to the class from which this object was instantiated. Note that unlike Ext.Base#self, this.statics() is scope-independent and it always returns the class from which it was called, regardless of what this points to during run-time

Ext.define('My.Cat', {
    statics: {
        totalCreated: 0,
        speciesName: 'Cat' // My.Cat.speciesName = 'Cat'

    constructor: function() {
        var statics = this.statics();

        alert(statics.speciesName);     // always equals to 'Cat' no matter what 'this' refers to
                                        // equivalent to: My.Cat.speciesName

        alert(this.self.speciesName);   // dependent on 'this'


    clone: function() {
        var cloned = new this.self();   // dependent on 'this'

        cloned.groupName = this.statics().speciesName;   // equivalent to: My.Cat.speciesName

        return cloned;

Ext.define('My.SnowLeopard', {
    extend: 'My.Cat',

    statics: {
        speciesName: 'Snow Leopard'     // My.SnowLeopard.speciesName = 'Snow Leopard'

    constructor: function() {

var cat = new My.Cat();                 // alerts 'Cat', then alerts 'Cat'

var snowLeopard = new My.SnowLeopard(); // alerts 'Cat', then alerts 'Snow Leopard'

var clone = snowLeopard.clone();
alert(Ext.getClassName(clone));         // alerts 'My.SnowLeopard'
alert(clone.groupName);                 // alerts 'Cat'

alert(My.Cat.totalCreated);             // alerts 3



private pri

Suspend the ability to refresh events on the view. The number of calls to suspend must match resumeEventRefresh.

toUtcOffset ( date ) : Date
private pri

Creates a UTC date at the specified time, taking into account the timezone offset. For example if the timezone offset is +01:00GMT and the values are 2010-01-05:00:00, then the resulting value would be 2010-01-04:23:00.


date :  Date

The date



The offset date

utcToLocal ( d ) : Date
private pri

Get a UTC date as a local date, taking into account the timezoneOffset. For example, if the current date is: Thu May 05 2016 10:00:00 GMT+1000 and the timezoneOffset is -60, then the value will be Thu May 05 2016 01:00:00 GMT+1000.


d :  Date

The date



The offset

Static Methods

addConfig ( config, [mixinClass] )
static sta private pri

Adds new config properties to this class. This is called for classes when they are declared, then for any mixins that class may define and finally for any overrides defined that target the class.


config :  Object

mixinClass :  Ext.Class (optional)

The mixin class if the configs are from a mixin.

addInheritableStatics ( members ) :
chainable ch static sta private pri


members :  Object



addMember ( name, member ) :
chainable ch static sta private pri


name :  Object

member :  Object



addMembers ( members, [isStatic], [privacy] ) :
chainable ch static sta

Add methods / properties to the prototype of this class.

Ext.define('My.awesome.Cat', {
    constructor: function() {

     meow: function() {

 var kitty = new My.awesome.Cat();


members :  Object

The members to add to this class.

isStatic :  Boolean (optional)

Pass true if the members are static.

Defaults to: false

privacy :  Boolean (optional)

Pass true if the members are private. This only has meaning in debug mode and only for methods.

Defaults to: false



addStatics ( members ) : Ext.Base
chainable ch static sta

Add / override static properties of this class.

Ext.define('', {
    someProperty: 'someValue',      // = 'someValue'
    method1: function() { ... },    // = function() { ... };
    method2: function() { ... }     // = function() { ... };


members :  Object




borrow ( fromClass, members ) : Ext.Base
static sta private pri

Borrow another class' members to the prototype of this class.

Ext.define('Bank', {
    money: '$$$',
    printMoney: function() {

Ext.define('Thief', {

Thief.borrow(Bank, ['money', 'printMoney']);

var steve = new Thief();

alert(; // alerts '$$$'
steve.printMoney(); // alerts '$$$$$$$'


fromClass :  Ext.Base

The class to borrow members from

members :  Array/String

The names of the members to borrow




callParent ( args )
static sta protected pro


args :  Object

callSuper ( args )
static sta protected pro


args :  Object

create Object
static sta

Create a new instance of this Class.

Ext.define('', {
    someConfig: true

All parameters are passed to the constructor of the class.



the created instance.

createAlias ( alias, origin )
static sta

Create aliases for existing prototype methods. Example:

Ext.define('', {
    method1: function() { ... },
    method2: function() { ... }

var test = new;{
    method3: 'method1',
    method4: 'method2'

test.method3(); // test.method1()'method5', 'method3');

test.method5(); // test.method3() -> test.method1()


alias :  String/Object

The new method name, or an object to set multiple aliases. See flexSetter

origin :  String/Object

The original method name

extend ( parentClass )
static sta private pri


parentClass :  Object

getConfigurator Ext.Configurator
static sta private pri

Returns the Ext.Configurator for this class.



getName String
static sta

Get the current class' name in string format.

Ext.define('', {
    constructor: function() {
        alert(this.self.getName()); // alerts ''
});; // ''




mixin ( name, mixinClass ) :
chainable ch static sta private pri

Used internally by the mixins pre-processor


name :  Object

mixinClass :  Object



onExtended ( fn, scope ) :
chainable ch static sta private pri


fn :  Object

scope :  Object



override ( members ) : Ext.Base
chainable ch static sta

Override members of this class. Overridden methods can be invoked via Ext.Base#callParent.

Ext.define('My.Cat', {
    constructor: function() {
        alert("I'm a cat!");

    constructor: function() {
        alert("I'm going to be a cat!");



var kitty = new My.Cat(); // alerts "I'm going to be a cat!"
                          // alerts "I'm a cat!"
                          // alerts "Meeeeoooowwww"

Direct use of this method should be rare. Use Ext.define instead:

Ext.define('My.CatOverride', {
    override: 'My.Cat',
    constructor: function() {
        alert("I'm going to be a cat!");



The above accomplishes the same result but can be managed by the Ext.Loader which can properly order the override and its target class and the build process can determine whether the override is needed based on the required state of the target class (My.Cat).


members :  Object

The properties to add to this class. This should be specified as an object literal containing one or more properties.



this class

static sta private pri


beforeeventadd ( this, context, eOpts )

Fired before an event addForm is shown.


this :  Ext.calendar.view.Base

This view.

context :  Object

The context.

event :  Ext.calendar.model.EventBase

The new event to be added.

Return false to cancel the form being shown.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforeeventdragstart ( this, context, eOpts )

Fired before an event drag begins. Depends on the cfg-draggable config.


this :  Ext.calendar.view.Weeks

This view.

context :  Object

The context.

event :  Ext.calendar.model.EventBase

The event model.

Return false to cancel the drag.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforeeventedit ( this, context, eOpts )

Fired before an event editForm is shown.


this :  Ext.calendar.view.Base

This view.

context :  Object

The context.

event :  Ext.calendar.model.EventBase

The event to be edited.

Return false to cancel the form being shown.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

eventadd ( this, context, eOpts )

Fired when an event has been added via the addForm.


this :  Ext.calendar.view.Base

This view.

context :  Object

The context.

event :  Ext.calendar.model.EventBase

The newly added event with data.

data :  Object

The data provided by the form.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

eventdrop ( this, context, eOpts )

Fired when an event drop is complete. Depends on the droppable config.


this :  Ext.calendar.view.Weeks

The view.

context :  Object

The context.

event :  Ext.calendar.model.EventBase

The event model.

newRange :

The new date range.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

eventedit ( this, context, eOpts )

Fired when an event has been edited via the editForm.


this :  Ext.calendar.view.Base

This view.

context :  Object

The context.

event :  Ext.calendar.model.EventBase

The edited event with data.

data :  Object

The data provided by the form.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

eventtap ( this, context, eOpts )

Fired when an event is tapped.


this :  Ext.calendar.view.Base

This view.

context :  Object

The context.

event :  Ext.calendar.model.EventBase

The event model.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

select ( this, context, eOpts )

Fired when a single date is selected.


this :  Ext.calendar.view.Weeks

The view.

context :  Object

The context.

date :  Date

The date selected.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

selectrange ( this, context, eOpts )

Fired when a date range is selected.


this :  Ext.calendar.view.Weeks

The view.

context :  Object

The context.

range :

The date range.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

validateeventadd ( this, context, eOpts )

Fired after the addForm has been completed, but before the event is added. Allows the add to be validated.


this :  Ext.calendar.view.Base

This view.

context :  Object

The context.

event :  Ext.calendar.model.EventBase

The new event to be added, the data is not yet set on the event.

data :  Object

The data provided by the form. This will be used to set the event data using Ext.calendar.model.EventBase#setData.

validate :  Ext.Promise

A promise that allows validation to occur. The default behavior is for no validation to take place. To achieve asynchronous validation, the promise on the context object must be replaced:

    listeners: {
        validateeventadd: function(view, context) {
            context.validate = context.then(function() {
                return Ext.Ajax.request({
                    url: '/checkAdd'
                }).then(function(response) {
                    return Promise.resolve(response.responseText === 'ok');

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

validateeventdrop ( this, context, eOpts )

Fired when an event is dropped on this view, allows the drop to be validated. Depends on the droppable config.


this :  Ext.calendar.view.Weeks

The view.

context :  Object

The context.

event :  Ext.calendar.model.EventBase

The event model.

newRange :

The new date range.

validate :  Ext.Promise

A promise that allows validation to occur. The default behavior is for no validation to take place. To achieve asynchronous validation, the promise on the context object must be replaced:

    listeners: {
        validateeventdrop: function(view, context) {
            context.validate = context.then(function() {
                return Ext.Ajax.request({
                    url: '/checkDrop'
                }).then(function(response) {
                    return Promise.resolve(response.responseText === 'ok');

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

validateeventedit ( this, context, eOpts )

Fired after the editForm has been completed, but before the event is saved. Allows the edit to be validated.


this :  Ext.calendar.view.Base

This view.

context :  Object

The context.

event :  Ext.calendar.model.EventBase

The event to be edited, the data is not yet set on the event.

data :  Object

The data provided by the form. This will be used to set the event data using Ext.calendar.model.EventBase#setData.

validate :  Ext.Promise

A promise that allows validation to occur. The default behavior is for no validation to take place. To achieve asynchronous validation, the promise on the context object must be replaced:

    listeners: {
        validateeventedit: function(view, context) {
            context.validate = context.then(function() {
                return Ext.Ajax.request({
                    url: '/checkEdit'
                }).then(function(response) {
                    return Promise.resolve(response.responseText === 'ok');

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

valuechange ( this, context, eOpts )

Fired when the cfg-value changes.


this :  Ext.calendar.view.Base

This view.

context :  Object

The context.

value :  Date

The new value.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

theme variables

$calendar-weeks-background-color : color

The background color.

Defaults to:


$calendar-weeks-compact-day-number-font-size : Number

The font size for the day number when in compact mode.

Defaults to:


$calendar-weeks-compact-overflow-font-size : Number

The font size for the "show more" text when in compact mode.

Defaults to:


$calendar-weeks-day-background-color : color

The background color for day cells.

Defaults to:


$calendar-weeks-day-border-color : color

The border color for the day cells.

Defaults to:


$calendar-weeks-day-border-style : String

The border style for the day cells.

Defaults to:


$calendar-weeks-day-border-width : Number

The border width for the day cells.

Defaults to:


$calendar-weeks-day-number-color : color

The color for the day number.

Defaults to:


$calendar-weeks-day-number-font-family : String

The font family for the day number.

Defaults to:


$calendar-weeks-day-number-font-size : Number

The font size for the day number.

Defaults to:


$calendar-weeks-day-number-outside-color : color

The color for the day number when the day is outside the current month. This style is only applied when using the month view.

Defaults to:


$calendar-weeks-day-number-padding : Number / list

The padding for the day number.

Defaults to:

2px 0 4px 4px

$calendar-weeks-day-number-text-align : String

The horizontal alignment for the day number.

Defaults to:


$calendar-weeks-day-number-weekend-color : color

The color for the day number when the day is a weekend.

Defaults to:


$calendar-weeks-day-outside-background-color : color

The background color for day cells when the day is outside the current month. This style is only applied when using the month view.

Defaults to:


$calendar-weeks-day-weekend-background-color : color

The background color for day cells when the day is a weekend.

Defaults to:


$calendar-weeks-overflow-color : color

The color for the "show more" text.

Defaults to:


$calendar-weeks-overflow-font-family : String

The font family for the "show more" text.

Defaults to:


$calendar-weeks-overflow-font-size : Number

The font size for the "show more" text.

Defaults to:


$calendar-weeks-selection-background-color : color

The background color for a selection.

Defaults to:


$calendar-weeks-selection-opacity : Number

The opacity for a selection.

Defaults to:


theme mixins

calendar-weeks-ui ( ...list... )

Creates a visual theme for the calendar weeks view.


$ui :  String

The name of the UI being created. Can not included spaces or special punctuation (used in CSS class names).

$background-color :  color (optional)

The background color.

$selection-background-color :  color (optional)

The background color for a selection.

$selection-opacity :  Number (optional)

The opacity for a selection.

$day-border-width :  Number (optional)

The border width for the day cells.

$day-border-color :  Number (optional)

The border color for the day cells.

$day-border-style :  Number (optional)

The border style for the day cells.

$day-number-padding :  Number/list (optional)

The padding for the day number.

$day-number-text-align :  String (optional)

The horizontal alignment for the day number.

$day-number-font-size :  Number (optional)

The font size for the day number.

$day-number-font-family :  String (optional)

The font family for the day number.

$day-number-color :  color (optional)

The color for the day number.

$day-background-color :  color (optional)

The background color for day cells.

$day-number-outside-color :  color (optional)

The color for the day number when the day is outside the current month range. This style is only applied when using the month view.

$day-outside-background-color :  color (optional)

The background color for day cells when the day is outside the current month range. This style is only applied when using the month view.

$day-number-weekend-color :  color (optional)

The color for the day number when the day is a weekend.

$day-weekend-background-color :  color (optional)

The background color for day cells when the day is a weekend.

$day-vertical-align :  color (optional)

The vertical alignment for the day number.

$overflow-color :  color (optional)

The color for the "show more" text when a cell overflows.

$overflow-font-size :  Number (optional)

The font size for the "show more" text when a cell overflows.

$overflow-font-family :  Number (optional)

The font family for the "show more" text when a cell overflows.

Ext JS 6.2.0 - Classic Toolkit