Interface | Description |
FragmentExtractor.StatementLogger |
A logger for statements that the fragment extractor encounters.
FragmentPartitionStrategy |
A fragmentation strategy constructs an injective mapping from noninitial splitpoints to
LivenessPredicate |
A predicate on whether statements and variables should be considered live.
MultipleDependencyGraphRecorder |
A dependency recorder that can record multiple dependency graphs.
Class | Description |
CfaLivenessPredicate |
LivenessPredicate that bases liveness on a single
ControlFlowAnalyzer . |
CodeSplitter |
Divides the code in a
JsProgram into multiple fragments. |
CodeSplitters |
Utility function related to code splitting.
FragmentExtractor |
Extracts multiple JS statements (called a fragment) out of the complete JS program based on
supplied type/method/field/string liveness conditions.
FragmentPartitioningResult |
A read-only class that holds some information about the result of the
partition process.
NothingAlivePredicate |
LivenessPredicate where nothing is alive. |
ReplaceRunAsyncs |
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