Package | Description |
---|---| |
Classes used to extend the GWT compiler.
| | | |
A package containing implementations of the GWT bootstrap linkers.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ArtifactSet | logger,
LinkerContext context,
ArtifactSet artifacts)
This method is invoked for linkers not annotated with
Shardable . |
ArtifactSet | logger,
LinkerContext context,
ArtifactSet artifacts,
boolean onePermutation)
This method is invoked for linkers annotated with
Shardable . |
ArtifactSet |
Linker.relink(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
ArtifactSet newArtifacts)
Re-invoke the Linker with newly generated artifacts.
boolean |
Linker.supportsDevModeInJunit(LinkerContext context)
true if this linker supports DevMode. |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
An implementation of
LinkerContext that is initialized from a
ModuleDef . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
StringBuffer |
PermutationsUtil.addPermutationsJs(StringBuffer selectionScript,
TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context)
Uses the internal map to insert JS to select a permutation into the
selection script.
static StringBuffer |
PropertiesUtil.addPropertiesJs(StringBuffer selectionScript,
TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context) |
protected int |
SelectionScriptLinker.charsPerChunk(LinkerContext context,
TreeLogger logger)
Extract via
SelectionScriptLinker.CHUNK_SIZE_PROPERTY the number of characters to be included in each
chunk. |
protected Collection<Artifact<?>> |
SelectionScriptLinker.doEmitCompilation(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
CompilationResult result,
ArtifactSet artifacts) |
protected EmittedArtifact |
SelectionScriptLinker.emitSelectionScript(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
ArtifactSet artifacts) |
protected String |
SelectionScriptLinker.fillSelectionScriptTemplate(StringBuffer selectionScript,
TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
ArtifactSet artifacts,
CompilationResult result)
Generate a selection script.
protected String |
SelectionScriptLinker.generateDeferredFragment(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
int fragment,
String js,
ArtifactSet artifacts,
CompilationResult result) |
protected byte[] |
SelectionScriptLinker.generatePrimaryFragment(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
CompilationResult result,
String[] js,
ArtifactSet artifacts)
Generate the primary fragment.
protected String |
SelectionScriptLinker.generatePrimaryFragmentString(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
CompilationResult result,
String js,
int length,
ArtifactSet artifacts) |
protected String |
SelectionScriptLinker.generateSelectionScript(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
ArtifactSet artifacts) |
String |
HostedModeLinker.generateSelectionScript(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
ArtifactSet artifacts)
TODO: When this class is removed, move SelectionScriptLinker to gwt-user.
protected String |
SelectionScriptLinker.generateSelectionScript(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
ArtifactSet artifacts,
CompilationResult result) |
protected abstract String |
SelectionScriptLinker.getCompilationExtension(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context) |
protected String |
HostedModeLinker.getCompilationExtension(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context) |
protected String |
SelectionScriptLinker.getDeferredFragmentPrefix(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
int fragment) |
protected String |
SelectionScriptLinker.getDeferredFragmentSuffix2(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
int fragment,
String strongName)
Returns the suffix at the end of a JavaScript fragment other than the initial fragment.
protected String |
SelectionScriptLinker.getFragmentSubdir(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context)
Returns the subdirectory name to be used by getModulPrefix when requesting a runAsync module.
protected abstract String |
SelectionScriptLinker.getModulePrefix(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
String strongName)
Compute the beginning of a JavaScript file that will hold the main module implementation.
protected String |
HostedModeLinker.getModulePrefix(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
String strongName) |
protected String |
SelectionScriptLinker.getModulePrefix(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
String strongName,
int numFragments)
Compute the beginning of a JavaScript file that will hold the main module implementation.
protected String |
SelectionScriptLinker.getModuleSuffix2(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
String strongName)
Returns the suffix for the initial JavaScript fragment.
protected String |
SelectionScriptLinker.getScriptChunkSeparator(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context)
Some subclasses support "chunking" of the primary fragment.
protected abstract String |
SelectionScriptLinker.getSelectionScriptTemplate(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context) |
protected String |
HostedModeLinker.getSelectionScriptTemplate(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context) |
ArtifactSet | logger,
LinkerContext context,
ArtifactSet artifacts)
This method is left in place for existing subclasses of SelectionScriptLinker that have not
been upgraded for the sharding API.
ArtifactSet | logger,
LinkerContext context,
ArtifactSet artifacts) |
ArtifactSet | logger,
LinkerContext context,
ArtifactSet artifacts) |
ArtifactSet | logger,
LinkerContext context,
ArtifactSet artifacts,
boolean onePermutation) |
protected void |
SelectionScriptLinker.maybeAddHostedModeFile(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
ArtifactSet artifacts,
CompilationResult result)
Add the Development Mode file to the artifact set.
protected void |
SelectionScriptLinker.maybeOutputPropertyMap(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
ArtifactSet toReturn) |
static String |
SelectionScriptLinker.splitPrimaryJavaScript(StatementRanges ranges,
String js,
int charsPerChunk,
String scriptChunkSeparator,
LinkerContext context)
Split a JavaScript string into multiple chunks, at statement boundaries.
boolean |
SelectionScriptLinker.supportsDevModeInJunit(LinkerContext context) |
protected String |
SelectionScriptLinker.wrapDeferredFragment(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
int fragment,
String script,
ArtifactSet artifacts) |
protected String |
SelectionScriptLinker.wrapPrimaryFragment(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
String script,
ArtifactSet artifacts,
CompilationResult result) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Collection<Artifact<?>> |
D8ScriptLinker.doEmitCompilation(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
CompilationResult result,
ArtifactSet artifacts) |
protected Collection<Artifact<?>> |
SingleScriptLinker.doEmitCompilation(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
CompilationResult result,
ArtifactSet artifacts) |
protected EmittedArtifact |
D8ScriptLinker.emitSelectionScript(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
ArtifactSet artifacts) |
protected EmittedArtifact |
SingleScriptLinker.emitSelectionScript(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
ArtifactSet artifacts) |
protected String |
CrossSiteIframeLinker.fillSelectionScriptTemplate(StringBuffer ss,
TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
ArtifactSet artifacts,
CompilationResult result) |
protected boolean |
CrossSiteIframeLinker.getBooleanConfigurationProperty(LinkerContext context,
String name,
boolean def) |
protected String |
IFrameLinker.getCompilationExtension(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context)
protected String |
D8ScriptLinker.getCompilationExtension(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context)
protected String |
SingleScriptLinker.getCompilationExtension(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context)
protected String |
XSLinker.getCompilationExtension(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context)
protected String |
CrossSiteIframeLinker.getCompilationExtension(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context) |
protected String |
CrossSiteIframeLinker.getDeferredFragmentSuffix2(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
int fragment,
String strongName) |
protected String |
CrossSiteIframeLinker.getHostedFilenameFull(LinkerContext context) |
protected String |
CrossSiteIframeLinker.getJsComputeScriptBase(LinkerContext context)
Returns the name of the
ComputeScriptBase script. |
protected String |
CrossSiteIframeLinker.getJsComputeUrlForResource(LinkerContext context)
Returns the name of the
UrlForResource script. |
protected String |
CrossSiteIframeLinker.getJsDevModeRedirectHook(LinkerContext context)
Returns a JavaScript fragment that starts Super Dev Mode, if enabled.
protected String |
CrossSiteIframeLinker.getJsDevModeRedirectHookPermitted(LinkerContext context)
Returns a JavaScript expression that determines whether Super Dev Mode may be turned on
for the current page.
protected String |
CrossSiteIframeLinker.getJsDevModeUrlValidation(LinkerContext context)
Returns a JavaScript fragment that validates "devModeUrl"—the URL that Super Dev Mode's
JavaScript is loaded from—before it's used.
protected String |
CrossSiteIframeLinker.getJsInstallLocation(LinkerContext context)
Returns the name of the
JsInstallLocation script. |
protected String |
CrossSiteIframeLinker.getJsInstallScript(LinkerContext context)
Returns the name of the
JsInstallScript script. |
protected String |
CrossSiteIframeLinker.getJsIsBodyLoaded(LinkerContext context)
Returns the name of the
JsIsBodyLoaded script. |
protected String |
CrossSiteIframeLinker.getJsLoadExternalStylesheets(LinkerContext context)
Returns the name of the
JsLoadExternalStylesheets script. |
protected String |
CrossSiteIframeLinker.getJsModuleFunctionErrorCatch(LinkerContext context)
Returns the name of the
JsModuleFunctionErrorCatch script. |
protected String |
CrossSiteIframeLinker.getJsPermutations(LinkerContext context)
Returns the name of the
JsPermutations script. |
protected String |
CrossSiteIframeLinker.getJsProcessMetas(LinkerContext context)
Returns the name of the
JsProcessMetas script. |
protected String |
CrossSiteIframeLinker.getJsProperties(LinkerContext context)
Returns the name of the
JsProperties script. |
protected String |
CrossSiteIframeLinker.getJsRunAsync(LinkerContext context)
Returns the name of the
JsRunAsync script. |
protected String |
CrossSiteIframeLinker.getJsWaitForBodyLoaded(LinkerContext context)
Returns the name of the
JsWaitForBodyLoaded script. |
protected String |
IFrameLinker.getModulePrefix(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
String strongName)
protected String |
D8ScriptLinker.getModulePrefix(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
String strongName)
protected String |
SingleScriptLinker.getModulePrefix(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
String strongName)
protected String |
XSLinker.getModulePrefix(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
String strongName)
protected String |
CrossSiteIframeLinker.getModulePrefix(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
String strongName) |
protected String |
IFrameLinker.getModulePrefix(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
String strongName,
int numFragments)
protected String |
XSLinker.getModulePrefix(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
String strongName,
int numFragments)
protected String |
IFrameLinker.getModuleSuffix2(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
String strongName)
protected String |
XSLinker.getModuleSuffix2(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
String strongName)
protected String |
CrossSiteIframeLinker.getModuleSuffix2(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
String strongName) |
protected String |
IFrameLinker.getScriptChunkSeparator(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context)
protected String |
CrossSiteIframeLinker.getScriptChunkSeparator(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context) |
protected String |
IFrameLinker.getSelectionScriptTemplate(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context)
protected String |
D8ScriptLinker.getSelectionScriptTemplate(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context) |
protected String |
SingleScriptLinker.getSelectionScriptTemplate(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context) |
protected String |
XSLinker.getSelectionScriptTemplate(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context)
protected String |
CrossSiteIframeLinker.getSelectionScriptTemplate(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context) |
protected String |
CrossSiteIframeLinker.getSourceMapUrl(LinkerContext context,
String strongName,
int fragmentId)
Returns the sourcemap URL that will be put in the comment at the end of a JavaScript
fragment, or null if the comment should be omitted.
protected String |
CrossSiteIframeLinker.getStringConfigurationProperty(LinkerContext context,
String name,
String def) |
ArtifactSet | logger,
LinkerContext context,
ArtifactSet artifacts)
Included to support legacy non-shardable subclasses.
ArtifactSet | logger,
LinkerContext context,
ArtifactSet artifacts,
boolean onePermutation)
ArtifactSet | logger,
LinkerContext context,
ArtifactSet artifacts,
boolean onePermutation) |
ArtifactSet | logger,
LinkerContext context,
ArtifactSet artifacts,
boolean onePermutation)
ArtifactSet | logger,
LinkerContext context,
ArtifactSet artifacts,
boolean onePermutation) |
protected void |
CrossSiteIframeLinker.maybeAddHostedModeFile(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
ArtifactSet artifacts,
CompilationResult result) |
protected void |
CrossSiteIframeLinker.maybeOutputPropertyMap(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
ArtifactSet toReturn) |
protected boolean |
CrossSiteIframeLinker.shouldIncludeBootstrapInPrimaryFragment(LinkerContext context) |
protected boolean |
DirectInstallLinker.shouldInstallCode(LinkerContext context) |
protected boolean |
CrossSiteIframeLinker.shouldInstallCode(LinkerContext context)
Determines the strategy for installing JavaScript code into the iframe.
protected boolean |
CrossSiteIframeLinker.shouldUseSelfForWindowAndDocument(LinkerContext context)
Returns whether to use "self" for $wnd and $doc references.
protected String |
XSLinker.wrapDeferredFragment(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
int fragment,
String js,
ArtifactSet artifacts)
protected String |
CrossSiteIframeLinker.wrapDeferredFragment(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
int fragment,
String js,
ArtifactSet artifacts) |
protected String |
CrossSiteIframeLinker.wrapPrimaryFragment(TreeLogger logger,
LinkerContext context,
String script,
ArtifactSet artifacts,
CompilationResult result) |
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