Class RpcProxy<C,​D>

  • Type Parameters:
    C - the type of data used to configure the load from the proxy
    D - the type of data being returned by the data proxy
    All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class RpcProxy<C,​D>
    extends Object
    implements DataProxy<C,​D>
    DataProxy implementation that retrieves data using GWT RPC.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RpcProxy

        public RpcProxy()
    • Method Detail

      • load

        public abstract void load​(C loadConfig,
                        <D> callback)
        Retrieves data using GWT RPC.
        loadConfig - the load config describing the data to retrieve
        callback - the callback to invoke on success or failure
      • load

        public final void load​(C loadConfig,
                     <D,​Throwable> callback)
        Description copied from interface: DataProxy
        Data should be retrieved using the specified load config. When specified, the DataReader can be used to "process" the raw data.
        Specified by:
        load in interface DataProxy<C,​D>
        loadConfig - the load config object to be passed to server
        callback - the data callback