Class ListStoreBinding<C,​M,​D extends List<M>>

  • Type Parameters:
    C - load config object type
    M - model objects that populate the store
    D - collection passed from the loader
    All Implemented Interfaces:, LoadHandler<C,​D>

    public class ListStoreBinding<C,​M,​D extends List<M>>
    extends Object
    implements LoadHandler<C,​D>
    Event handler for the LoadEvent fired when a Loader has finished loading data. This handler takes a ListStore and uses the List provided by the Loader to re-populate the store.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ListStoreBinding

        public ListStoreBinding​(ListStore<M> listStore)
        Creates a LoadEvent handler for the given ListStore. It expects the load result to be a list, which it uses to re-populate the store.
        listStore - the list store
    • Method Detail

      • onLoad

        public void onLoad​(LoadEvent<C,​D> event)
        Description copied from interface: LoadHandler
        Called after a load operation.
        Specified by:
        onLoad in interface LoadHandler<C,​M>
        event - the event being handled