Class StateManager

  • public abstract class StateManager
    extends Object
    This is the global state manager. In order for this class to be useful, it must be initialized with a provider when your application initializes. By default, GXT initializes the StateManager with a CookieProvider. The provider can be replaced as needed. The Provider is treated as an asynchronous String persistence mechanism, as to be compatible with RPC, RequestFactory, Cookies, and HTML5 storage. The StateManager then has tools to map these strings to and from bean-like interfaces, using AutoBeans.
    • Method Detail

      • get

        public static StateManager get()
        Returns the singleton instance.
        the state manager
      • clear

        public void clear​(String name)
        Clears the state bean.
        name - the bean name
      • get

        public <T> void get​(String name,
                            Class<T> stateBeanType,
                  <T,​Throwable> callback)
        Returns a state bean. In order to support server side calls, the method returns its value asynchronously via a callback.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the state bean type
        name - the bean name
        stateBeanType - the state bean class
        callback - the callback
      • getDefaultStateInstance

        public <S> S getDefaultStateInstance​(Class<S> stateType)
        Returns the default state instance.
        Type Parameters:
        S - the state type
        stateType - the state class
        the state bean
      • getProvider

        public Provider getProvider()
        Returns the manager's state provider.
        the provider
      • set

        public <T> void set​(String name,
                            T stateBean)
        Sets a state bean.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the state bean type
        name - the bean name
        stateBean - the state bean
      • setProvider

        public void setProvider​(Provider stateProvider)
        Sets the manager's state provider.
        stateProvider - the provider