All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractAggregationIsWidgetRenderer<M> |
AbstractAutoBeanReader<M,B,D> |
Abstract base class for Readers that turn the incoming data into
AutoBean s.
AbstractCreator |
Assists a Generator in building common types that may be shared
across several generation runs.
AbstractEventCell<C> |
AbstractEventInputCell<T,V> |
AbstractGestureEvent<H extends> |
Gesture events are logical events - they describe as a gesture occurs, and how it ends
(failure/success, or 'end' vs 'cancel').
AbstractGestureRecognizer |
Abstract starting point for building your own gesture recognition.
AbstractGestureRecognizer.ExtraTouchBehavior |
Enum specifying how the gesture should treat 'extra' touches that occur, either to ignore them, or
cancel the whole gesture.
AbstractGridEditing<M> |
AbstractGridFilters<M> |
Provides an abstract base class that applies filters to the rows in a grid.
AbstractGridFilters.GridFilterMessages |
The locale-sensitive messages used by this class.
AbstractGridFilters.GridFiltersAppearance |
AbstractHtmlLayoutContainer |
A base class for HTML layout containers.
AbstractHtmlLayoutContainer.HtmlData |
Specifies HTML layout parameters, such as the mapping of each child to a corresponding selector in the HTML
AbstractInputMessageBox |
Abstract base class for message boxes containing an input field.
AbstractRpcProvider |
AbstractStateHandler<S,O> |
Simple class to add support for reading and writing state.
AbstractStoreSelectionModel<M> |
Abstract base class for store based selection models.
AbstractTwoTouchGestureRecognizer |
AbstractValidator<T> |
AccessStack<T> |
AccordionLayoutBaseAppearance |
AccordionLayoutContainer |
A layout container that manages multiple content panels in an expandable accordion style such that only one panel can
be expanded at any given time (by default).
AccordionLayoutContainer.AccordionLayoutAppearance |
AccordionLayoutContainer appearance.
AccordionLayoutContainer.ExpandMode |
Defines the expand modes.
ActivateEvent<T> |
Fires after a widget is activated.
ActivateEvent.ActivateHandler<T> |
ActivateEvent.HasActivateHandlers<T> |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
ActivateEvent events.
AdapterField<T> |
Wraps a Widget so that it can be used like a Field .
AdapterMenuItem |
Allows any widget to be placed in a menu.
AddEvent |
Fires after a widget is added to a container.
AddEvent.AddHandler |
AddEvent.HasAddHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
AddEvent events.
AfterAnimateEvent |
Represent the after animate event.
AfterAnimateEvent.AfterAnimateHandler |
AfterAnimateEvent.HasAfterAnimateHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
AfterAnimateEvent events.
AfterLayoutEvent |
Fires after a layout executes.
AfterLayoutEvent.AfterLayoutHandler |
AfterLayoutEvent.HasAfterLayoutHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
AfterLayoutEvent events.
AggregationNumberFormatRenderer<M> |
AggregationNumberSummaryRenderer<M,N> |
AggregationRenderer<M> |
Renderer for aggregation rows in a grid.
AggregationRowConfig<M> |
Defines the configuration information for an aggregation row.
AggregationSafeHtmlRenderer<M> |
AlertMessageBox |
A message box that displays an error icon.
Animator |
Adds additional features and functionality to the Animation class.
ArrowClickEvent |
Fires after a button's arrow is clicked.
ArrowClickEvent.ArrowClickHandler |
ArrowClickEvent.HasArrowClickHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
ArrowClickEvent events.
ArrowSelectEvent |
Fires after an arrow is selected.
ArrowSelectEvent.ArrowSelectHandler |
ArrowSelectEvent.HasArrowSelectHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
ArrowSelectEvent events.
AutoBeanWriter<M,D> |
Abstract DataWriter which writes out objects that can be wrapped as autobeans.
AutoProgressBar |
An auto mode progress bar widget.
AutoProgressBarCell |
AutoProgressMessageBox |
AutoScrollSupport |
Automatically scrolls an element when the mouse is near the top or bottom of the element.
BackIn |
BackOut |
BaseEffect |
Base Effect implementation for elements.
BaseEventPreview |
Specialized EventPreview.
BeforeAddEvent |
Fires before a widget is added to a container.
BeforeAddEvent.BeforeAddHandler |
BeforeAddEvent.HasBeforeAddHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
BeforeAddEvent events.
BeforeAnimateEvent |
Represent the before animate event.
BeforeAnimateEvent.BeforeAnimateHandler |
BeforeAnimateEvent.HasBeforeAnimateHandlers |
BeforeCheckChangeEvent<T> |
Fires before a item's checked state is changed.
BeforeCheckChangeEvent.BeforeCheckChangeHandler<T> |
BeforeCheckChangeEvent.HasBeforeCheckChangeHandlers<T> |
BeforeCloseEvent<T> |
Fires before a item is closed.
BeforeCloseEvent.BeforeCloseHandler<T> |
BeforeCloseEvent.HasBeforeCloseHandlers<T> |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
BeforeCloseEvent events.
BeforeCollapseEvent |
Fires before an item is collapsed.
BeforeCollapseEvent.BeforeCollapseHandler |
BeforeCollapseEvent.HasBeforeCollapseHandlers |
BeforeCollapseItemEvent<T> |
Fires before an item is collapsed.
BeforeCollapseItemEvent.BeforeCollapseItemHandler<T> |
BeforeCollapseItemEvent.HasBeforeCollapseItemHandlers<T> |
BeforeExpandEvent |
Event type for widgets that can be expanded.
BeforeExpandEvent.BeforeExpandHandler |
BeforeExpandEvent.HasBeforeExpandHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
BeforeExpandEvent events.
BeforeExpandItemEvent<T> |
Event type for widgets that can be expanded.
BeforeExpandItemEvent.BeforeExpandItemHandler<T> |
BeforeExpandItemEvent.HasBeforeExpandItemHandlers<T> |
BeforeHideEvent |
Fires before a widget is hidden.
BeforeHideEvent.BeforeHideHandler |
BeforeHideEvent.HasBeforeHideHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
BeforeHideEvent events.
BeforeLayoutEvent |
Fires before a layout is executed.
BeforeLayoutEvent.BeforeLayoutHandler |
BeforeLayoutEvent.HasBeforeLayoutHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
BeforeLayoutEvent events.
BeforeLoadEvent<C> |
Event type for loader events.
BeforeLoadEvent.BeforeLoadHandler<C> |
BeforeLoadEvent.HasBeforeLoadHandlers<C> |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
BeforeLoadEvent events.
BeforeQueryEvent<T> |
Fires before a query is executed.
BeforeQueryEvent.BeforeQueryHandler<T> |
BeforeQueryEvent.HasBeforeQueryHandlers<T> |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
BeforeQueryEvent events.
BeforeRemoveEvent |
Fires before a widget is removed from a container.
BeforeRemoveEvent.BeforeRemoveHandler |
BeforeRemoveEvent.HasBeforeRemoveHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
BeforeRemoveEvent events.
BeforeRestoreStateEvent<S,O> |
Fires before state has been restored.
BeforeRestoreStateEvent.BeforeRestoreStateHandler<S,O> |
BeforeRestoreStateEvent.HasBeforeRestoreStateHandlers<S,O> |
BeforeSaveStateEvent<S,O> |
Fires before state has been saved.
BeforeSaveStateEvent.BeforeSaveStateHandler<S,O> |
BeforeSaveStateEvent.HasBeforeSaveStateHandlers<S,O> |
BeforeSelectEvent |
Fires before a selection is made.
BeforeSelectEvent.BeforeSelectHandler |
BeforeSelectEvent.HasBeforeSelectHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
BeforeSelectEvent events.
BeforeShowContextMenuEvent |
Fires before a widget's context menu is shown.
BeforeShowContextMenuEvent.BeforeShowContextMenuHandler |
BeforeShowContextMenuEvent.HasBeforeShowContextMenuHandler |
BeforeShowEvent |
Represents the before show event.
BeforeShowEvent.BeforeShowHandler |
BeforeShowEvent.HasBeforeShowHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
BeforeShowEvent events.
BeforeStartEditEvent<M> |
BeforeStartEditEvent.BeforeStartEditHandler<M> |
BeforeStartEditEvent.HasBeforeStartEditHandlers<M> |
BigDecimalField |
A Field that accepts BigDecimal values.
BigDecimalSpinnerField |
A SpinnerField that accepts BigDecimal values.
BigIntegerField |
A Field that accepts BigInteger values.
BigIntegerSpinnerField |
A SpinnerField that accepts BigInteger values.
BindingPropertyGenerator |
BindingPropertySet |
BindingPropertySet.PropertyName |
BindingPropertySet.PropertyValue |
Blink |
BlueAccordionHeaderAppearance |
BlueAccordionHeaderAppearance.BlueAccordionHeaderResources |
BlueAccordionHeaderAppearance.BlueAccordionHeaderStyle |
BlueAccordionLayoutAppearance |
BlueAccordionLayoutAppearance.BlueAccordionLayoutResources |
BlueAccordionLayoutAppearance.BlueAccordionLayoutStyle |
BlueBorderLayoutAppearance |
BlueBorderLayoutAppearance.BlueBorderLayoutResources |
BlueBorderLayoutAppearance.BlueBorderLayoutStyle |
BlueBoxStatusAppearance |
BlueBoxStatusAppearance.BlueBoxStatusResources |
BlueBoxStatusAppearance.BlueBoxStatusStyle |
BlueButtonGroupAppearance |
BlueButtonGroupAppearance.BlueButtonGroupTableFrameResources |
BlueCheckMenuItemAppearance |
BlueCheckMenuItemAppearance.BlueCheckMenuItemResources |
BlueCheckMenuItemAppearance.BlueCheckMenuItemStyle |
BlueCollapsePanelAppearance |
BlueCollapsePanelAppearance.BlueCollapsePanelResources |
BlueCollapsePanelAppearance.BlueCollapsePanelStyle |
BlueColorPaletteAppearance |
BlueColorPaletteAppearance.BlueColorPaletteResources |
BlueColorPaletteAppearance.BlueColorPaletteStyle |
BlueContentPanelAppearance |
BlueContentPanelAppearance.BlueContentPanelResources |
BlueContentPanelAppearance.BlueContentPanelStyle |
BlueDatePickerAppearance |
BlueDatePickerAppearance.BlueDatePickerResources |
BlueDatePickerAppearance.BlueDatePickerStyle |
BlueFieldSetAppearance |
BlueFieldSetAppearance.BlueFieldSetResources |
BlueFieldSetAppearance.BlueFieldSetStyle |
BlueFramedPanelAppearance |
BlueFramedPanelAppearance.BlueFramedPanelDivFrameResources |
BlueFramedPanelAppearance.BlueFramePanelNestedDivFrameStyle |
BlueFramedPanelAppearance.BlueFramePanelResources |
BlueFramedPanelAppearance.FramedPanelStyle |
BlueGridAppearance |
BlueGridAppearance.BlueGridResources |
BlueGridAppearance.BlueGridStyle |
BlueHeaderAppearance |
BlueHeaderAppearance.BlueHeaderResources |
BlueHeaderAppearance.BlueHeaderStyle |
BlueHeaderFramedAppearance |
BlueHeaderFramedAppearance.BlueFramedHeaderResources |
BlueHeaderFramedAppearance.BlueHeaderFramedStyle |
BlueHeaderMenuItemAppearance |
BlueHeaderMenuItemAppearance.BlueHeaderMenuItemResources |
BlueHeaderMenuItemAppearance.BlueHeaderMenuItemStyle |
BlueItemAppearance |
BlueItemAppearance.BlueItemResources |
BlueItemAppearance.BlueItemStyle |
BlueMenuAppearance |
BlueMenuAppearance.BlueMenuResources |
BlueMenuAppearance.BlueMenuStyle |
BlueMenuBarAppearance |
BlueMenuBarAppearance.BlueMenuBarResources |
BlueMenuBarAppearance.BlueMenuBarStyle |
BlueMenuBarItemAppearance |
BlueMenuBarItemAppearance.BlueMenuBarItemResources |
BlueMenuBarItemAppearance.BlueMenuBarItemStyle |
BlueMenuItemAppearance |
BlueMenuItemAppearance.BlueMenuItemResources |
BlueMenuItemAppearance.BlueMenuItemStyle |
BlueMessageBoxAppearance |
BlueMessageBoxAppearance.BlueMessageBoxResources |
BluePagingToolBarAppearance |
BluePagingToolBarAppearance.BluePagingToolBarResources |
BluePlainTabPanelAppearance |
BluePlainTabPanelAppearance.BluePlainTabPanelResources |
BluePlainTabPanelAppearance.BluePlainTabPanelStyle |
BluePlainTabPanelAppearance.PlainTabPanelTemplates |
BluePlainTabPanelBottomAppearance |
A blue-coloured appearance for PlainTabPanel with tabs below the
content area.
BluePlainTabPanelBottomAppearance.PlainTabPanelBottomTemplates |
BlueProgressBarAppearance |
BlueProgressBarAppearance.BlueProgressBarResources |
BlueResizableAppearance |
BlueResizableAppearance.BlueResizableResources |
BlueResizableAppearance.BlueResizableStyle |
BlueSeparatorMenuItemAppearance |
BlueSeparatorMenuItemAppearance.BlueSeparatorMenuItemResources |
BlueSeparatorMenuItemAppearance.BlueSeparatorMenuItemStyle |
BlueSliderHorizontalAppearance |
BlueSliderHorizontalAppearance.BlueHorizontalSliderStyle |
BlueSliderHorizontalAppearance.BlueSliderHorizontalResources |
BlueSliderVerticalAppearance |
BlueSliderVerticalAppearance.BlueSliderVerticalResources |
BlueSliderVerticalAppearance.BlueVerticalSliderStyle |
BlueStatusProxyAppearance |
BlueStatusProxyAppearance.BlueStatusProxyResources |
BlueStatusProxyAppearance.BlueStatusProxyStyle |
BlueTabPanelAppearance |
BlueTabPanelAppearance.BlueTabPanelResources |
BlueTabPanelAppearance.BlueTabPanelStyle |
BlueTabPanelBottomAppearance |
BlueTabPanelBottomAppearance.BottomTemplate |
BlueThemeAppearance |
BlueToolBarAppearance |
BlueToolBarAppearance.BlueToolBarResources |
BlueToolBarAppearance.BlueToolBarStyle |
BlueTools |
BlueTools.BlueToolResources |
BlueTreeAppearance |
BlueTreeAppearance.BlueTreeResources |
BlueWindowAppearance |
BlueWindowAppearance.BlueHeaderResources |
BlueWindowAppearance.BlueHeaderStyle |
BlueWindowAppearance.BlueWindowDivFrameResources |
BlueWindowAppearance.BlueWindowDivFrameStyle |
BlueWindowAppearance.BlueWindowResources |
BlueWindowAppearance.BlueWindowStyle |
BlurEvent |
Fires after a widget is blurred.
BlurEvent.BlurHandler |
BlurEvent.HasBlurHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
BlurEvent events.
BodyScrollEvent |
BodyScrollEvent.BodyScrollHandler |
BodyScrollEvent.HasBodyScrollHandlers |
BooleanFilter<M> |
A boolean filter.
BooleanFilter.BooleanFilterMessages |
The locale-sensitive messages used by this class.
BooleanFilterHandler |
BorderLayoutBaseAppearance |
BorderLayoutBaseAppearance.BorderLayoutResources |
BorderLayoutBaseAppearance.BorderLayoutStyle |
BorderLayoutContainer |
A multi-pane, application-oriented layout container that supports multiple regions, automatic split bars between
regions and built-in expanding and collapsing of regions.
BorderLayoutContainer.BorderLayoutAppearance |
BorderLayoutContainer.BorderLayoutData |
Specifies region layout parameters which control the margin between the regions, the size of the region, the
minimum and maximum size, whether the region has a split bar, whether the region is collapsible and other details.
BorderLayoutStateHandler |
BorderLayoutStateHandler.BorderLayoutState |
Bounce |
BounceIn |
BounceOut |
BoxLayoutContainer |
A base class for box layout containers.
BoxLayoutContainer.BoxLayoutContainerAppearance |
BoxLayoutContainer.BoxLayoutData |
Specifies box layout parameters which control the minimum and maximum size,
as well as the "flex" value.
BoxLayoutContainer.BoxLayoutPack |
BoxLayoutPack enumeration.
BoxLayoutDefaultAppearance |
BoxLayoutDefaultAppearance.BoxLayoutBaseResources |
BoxLayoutDefaultAppearance.BoxLayoutStyle |
BoxLayoutDefaultAppearance.BoxLayoutTemplate |
BoxStatusBaseAppearance |
BoxStatusBaseAppearance.BoxStatusResources |
BoxStatusBaseAppearance.BoxStatusStyle |
BoxStatusBaseAppearance.BoxTemplate |
ButtonBar |
A horizontal row of buttons.
ButtonCell<C> |
ButtonCell.ButtonArrowAlign |
Button arrow alignment enum.
ButtonCell.ButtonCellAppearance<C> |
ButtonCell.ButtonScale |
ButtonScale enum.
ButtonCell.IconAlign |
Icon alignment enum.
ButtonCellDefaultAppearance<C> |
Default implementation of the ButtonCellAppearance.
ButtonCellDefaultAppearance.ButtonCellResources |
ButtonCellDefaultAppearance.ButtonCellStyle |
ButtonCellDefaultAppearance.ButtonCellTemplates |
ButtonGroup |
ButtonGroup.ButtonGroupAppearance |
ButtonGroupBaseAppearance |
ButtonGroupBaseAppearance.ButtonGroupResources |
ButtonGroupBaseAppearance.ButtonGroupStyle |
ButtonGroupBaseAppearance.ButtonGroupTableFrameStyle |
ButtonGroupBaseAppearance.GroupTemplate |
ButtonGroupBaseTableFrameResources |
ButtonTableFrameResources |
CancelAnimationEvent |
Represent the cancelled animation event.
CancelAnimationEvent.CancelAnimationHandler |
CancelAnimationEvent.HasCancelAnimationHandlers |
CancelEditEvent<M> |
CancelEditEvent.CancelEditHandler<M> |
CancelEditEvent.HasCancelEditHandlers<M> |
CancellableEvent |
Interface for events that can be cancelled.
CardLayoutContainer |
A layout container that contains multiple widgets, each fit to the container,
where only a single widget can be visible at any given time.
CellBeforeSelectionEvent<T> |
Fires before a selection occurs.
CellButtonBase<C> |
CellClickEvent |
CellClickEvent.CellClickHandler |
CellClickEvent.HasCellClickHandlers |
CellComponent<C> |
CellDoubleClickEvent |
CellDoubleClickEvent.CellDoubleClickHandler |
CellDoubleClickEvent.HasCellDoubleClickHandlers |
CellField<C> |
CellGestureAdapter<G extends GestureRecognizer,T> |
Helper class to build and track gesture instances for use in cells.
CellMouseDownEvent |
CellMouseDownEvent.CellMouseDownHandler |
CellMouseDownEvent.HasCellMouseDownHandlers |
CellMouseUpEvent |
CellMouseUpEvent.CellMouseUpHandler |
CellMouseUpEvent.HasCellMouseUpHandlers |
CellSelection<M> |
CellSelectionChangedEvent<M> |
Fires after the cell selection changes.
CellSelectionChangedEvent.CellSelectionChangedHandler<M> |
CellSelectionChangedEvent.HasCellSelectionChangedHandlers<M> |
CellSelectionEvent<T> |
Fires after a selection occurs.
CellSelectionModel<M> |
Cell based selection model.
CellTapEvent |
CellTapEvent.CellTapHandler |
CellTapEvent.HasCellTapHandlers |
CenterLayoutContainer |
A layout container that centers its single widget.
CheckBox |
Simple checkbox field.
CheckBoxCell |
Renders an HTML check box.
CheckBoxCell.CheckBoxAppearance |
CheckBoxCell.CheckBoxCellOptions |
CheckBoxColumnDefaultAppearance |
CheckBoxColumnDefaultAppearance.CheckBoxColumnResources |
CheckBoxColumnDefaultAppearance.CheckBoxColumnStyle |
CheckBoxColumnDefaultAppearance.CheckBoxColumnTemplates |
CheckBoxDefaultAppearance |
CheckBoxDefaultAppearance.CheckBoxResources |
CheckBoxDefaultAppearance.CheckBoxStyle |
CheckBoxSelectionModel<M> |
A grid selection model.
CheckBoxSelectionModel.CheckBoxColumnAppearance |
CheckChangedEvent<T> |
Fires after an objects check state is changed.
CheckChangedEvent.CheckChangedHandler<T> |
CheckChangedEvent.HasCheckChangedHandlers<T> |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
CheckChangedEvent events.
CheckChangeEvent<T> |
Fires after an objects check state is changed.
CheckChangeEvent.CheckChangeHandler<T> |
CheckChangeEvent.HasCheckChangeHandlers<T> |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
CheckChangeEvent events.
CheckMenuItem |
Adds a menu item that contains a checkbox by default, but can also be part of a radio group.
CheckMenuItem.CheckMenuItemAppearance |
CheckMenuItemBaseAppearance |
CheckMenuItemBaseAppearance.CheckMenuItemResources |
CheckMenuItemBaseAppearance.CheckMenuItemStyle |
CheckProvider<M> |
Interface for objects that provide check state.
ChildTreeStoreBinding<M> |
Event handler for the LoadEvent fired when a Loader has
finished loading data.
ClickRepeater |
A utility class that continues to fire a "click" event when the user holds
the mouse key down.
ClickRepeaterEvent |
Represents the click repeater event.
ClickRepeaterEvent.ClickRepeaterHandler |
ClickRepeaterEvent.HasClickRepeaterHandlers |
ClicksToEdit |
ClicksToEdit enumeration.
CloseEvent<T> |
Fires after a item is closed.
CloseEvent.CloseHandler<T> |
CloseEvent.HasCloseHandlers<T> |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
CloseEvent events.
CollapseEvent |
Fires after the source is collapsed.
CollapseEvent.CollapseHandler |
CollapseEvent.HasCollapseHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
CollapseEvent events.
CollapseItemEvent<T> |
Fires after an item is collapsed.
CollapseItemEvent.CollapseItemHandler<T> |
CollapseItemEvent.HasCollapseItemHandlers<T> |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
CollapseItemEvent events.
CollapsePanel |
CollapsePanel.CollapsePanelAppearance |
CollapsePanelDefaultAppearance |
CollapsePanelDefaultAppearance.CollapsePanelResources |
CollapsePanelDefaultAppearance.CollapsePanelStyle |
Collapsible |
Interface for objects that can be collapsed.
CollapsibleFrame |
Interface for frames that can be expanded / collapsed.
ColorMenu |
ColorPalette |
A cell component that displays a palette of colors and allows the user to
select one.
ColorPaletteBaseAppearance |
ColorPaletteBaseAppearance.BaseColorPaletteTemplate |
ColorPaletteBaseAppearance.ColorPaletteResources |
ColorPaletteBaseAppearance.ColorPaletteStyle |
ColorPaletteCell |
A Cell Widget representing a palette of colors.
ColorPaletteCell.ColorPaletteAppearance |
The appearance of a color palette.
ColumnConfig<M,N> |
A column config for a column in a column model.
ColumnData |
ColumnFooter<M> |
Column footer widget for Grid, which renders one to many aggregation rows.
ColumnHeader<M> |
A column header component.
ColumnHeader.ColumnHeaderAppearance |
ColumnHeader.ColumnHeaderStyles |
ColumnHeader.HeaderContextMenuFactory |
Delegate for external code to define what menu any given column should use
ColumnHeaderChangeEvent |
ColumnHeaderChangeEvent.ColumnHeaderChangeHandler |
ColumnHeaderChangeEvent.HasColumnHeaderChangeHandlers |
ColumnHeaderDefaultAppearance |
ColumnHeaderDefaultAppearance.ColumnHeaderResources |
ColumnHeaderDefaultAppearance.ColumnHeaderTemplate |
ColumnHeaderDefaultAppearance.DefaultColumnHeaderStyles |
ColumnHiddenChangeEvent |
ColumnHiddenChangeEvent.ColumnHiddenChangeHandler |
ColumnHiddenChangeEvent.HasColumnHiddenChangeHandlers |
ColumnModel<M> |
This is the default implementation of a ColumnModel.
ColumnModelEvent<H extends> |
ColumnModelHandlers |
ColumnModelHandlers.HasColumnModelHandlers |
ColumnMoveEvent |
ColumnMoveEvent.ColumnMoveHandler |
ColumnMoveEvent.HasColumnMoveHandlers |
ColumnWidthChangeEvent |
ColumnWidthChangeEvent.ColumnWidthChangeHandler |
ColumnWidthChangeEvent.HasColumnWidthChangeHandlers |
ComboBox<T> |
A combobox control with support for autocomplete, remote loading, and many
other features.
ComboBoxCell<T> |
ComboBoxCell.QueryMatcher<T> |
Item Query Matcher is used to filter the items during a query used in the Combo Expansion.
ComboBoxCell.QueryMode |
ComboBoxCell.TriggerAction |
TriggerAction enum.
CommonIcons |
CommonIcons.Icons |
CommonStyles |
Non-theme related common styles.
CommonStyles.CommonStylesAppearance |
CommonStyles.CommonStylesDefaultAppearance |
CommonStyles.CommonStylesDefaultAppearance.CommonDefaultResources |
CommonStyles.CommonStylesDefaultAppearance.CommonDefaultStyles |
CommonStyles.Styles |
CompleteEditEvent<M> |
CompleteEditEvent.CompleteEditHandler<M> |
CompleteEditEvent.HasCompleteEditHandlers<M> |
Component |
Base class for all GXT widgets.
ComponentHelper |
Provides access to package protected methods of widget and convenience methods for easier
widget bookkeeping.
ComponentPlugin<C extends Component> |
Defines the interface for component plugins.
ComponentStateHandler<S,C extends Component> |
Abstract state handler for Components, capable of using the widget's stateId
property as a key instead of being given one.
Composite |
A component that wraps another component / widget, hiding the wrapped components
public API.
CompositeElement |
Wraps an list of elements, allowing code to be applied to each element using
a CompositeFunction .
CompositeFunction |
Interface for functions that can be applied to all the elements of a CompositeElement.
ComputedStyleImpl |
ComputedStyleImplIE |
ConditionParser |
ConditionParser.Token |
ConditionParser.Token.Type |
ConfirmMessageBox |
A message box that prompts for confirmation with YES and NO buttons.
Container |
Abstract base for components that can contain child widgets.
ContainerHandler |
ContainerHandler.HasContainerHandlers |
ContainerHandlerAdapter |
Abstract adapter class for ContainerHandler.
ContentPanel |
ContentPanel is a component container that has specific functionality and structural components that make it the
perfect building block for application-oriented user interfaces.
ContentPanel.ContentPanelAppearance |
The appearance of a content panel.
ContentPanel.ContentPanelMessages |
Provides access to content panel messages.
ContentPanel.PanelHeaderAppearance |
Provides support for deferred binding for the panel header appearance.
ContentPanelBaseAppearance |
ContentPanelBaseAppearance.ContentPanelResources |
ContentPanelBaseAppearance.ContentPanelStyle |
ContentPanelBaseAppearance.ContentPanelTemplate |
Context |
Wraps up locally scoped variables used in creating a xtemplate method.
Converter<N,O> |
Converts back and forth between model and field values
ConverterEditorAdapter<T,U,E extends<U>> |
Adapter to allow an Editor to have a subeditor that acts on a Converter -modified instance of the data.
CookieProvider |
The default Provider implementation which saves state via
CssFloatLayoutContainer |
A layout container that uses the CSS float style to enable widgets to float around other widgets.
CssFloatLayoutContainer.CssFloatData |
Specifies widget layout parameters that control the size of the widget.
CssFloatLayoutContainer.CssFloatLayoutAppearance |
CssFloatLayoutDefaultAppearance |
CssFloatLayoutDefaultAppearance.CssFloatLayoutResources |
CssFloatLayoutDefaultAppearance.CssFloatLayoutStyle |
CssFloatLayoutDefaultAppearance.CssFloatLayoutTemplate |
DataProxy<C,D> |
Defines the interface for objects that can retrieve data.
DataReader<M,D> |
Interface for objects that translate raw data into a given type.
DataWriter<M,D> |
Data writers are a simple abstraction to turn logical objects into a format
that can more easily be sent over the wire.
DateCell |
DateCell.DateCellAppearance |
DateCellDefaultAppearance |
DateCellDefaultAppearance.DateCellResources |
DateCellDefaultAppearance.DateCellStyle |
DateField |
Provides a date input field with a DatePicker dropdown and automatic date validation.
DateFilter<M> |
A date filter.
DateFilter.DateFilterMessages |
The locale-sensitive messages used by this class.
DateFilterHandler |
DateMenu |
DatePicker |
A date picker that displays a calendar for the specified month and provides the user the ability to select the month,
year and day.
DatePicker.DatePickerAppearance |
The appearance of the date picker.
DatePicker.DatePickerDateTimeFormatInfo |
Provides the date time info constants the date picker.
DatePicker.DatePickerMessages |
The translatable strings (e.g.
DatePicker.DateState |
DatePickerBaseAppearance |
DatePickerBaseAppearance.DatePickerResources |
DatePickerBaseAppearance.DatePickerStyle |
DateTimePropertyEditor |
DateWrapper |
Instances of this class are immutable and as such any mutation methods return
new DateWrapper instances.
DateWrapper.Unit |
DeactivateEvent<T> |
Fires after a widget is deactivated.
DeactivateEvent.DeactivateHandler<T> |
DeactivateEvent.HasDeactivateHandlers<T> |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
DeactivateEvent events.
Default |
DefaultEditorError |
DefaultHandlerManagerContext |
DefaultInfoConfig |
Configuration settings for Info which supports a title and text.
DefaultInfoConfig.DefaultInfoConfigAppearance |
DefaultInfoConfigDefaultAppearance |
DefaultInfoConfigDefaultAppearance.DefaultInfoConfigStyle |
DefaultInfoConfigDefaultAppearance.InfoConfigResources |
DefaultMessages |
Default locale-sensitive messages for GXT.
DefaultScrollSupport |
DefaultStateAutoBeanFactory |
DelayedTask |
A Timer that is canceled if a new request is made.
Dialog |
A Window with specialized support for buttons.
Dialog.DialogMessages |
The translatable strings (e.g.
Dialog.PredefinedButton |
The predefined buttons supported by this dialog window.
DialogHideEvent |
Fires after a dialog is hidden.
DialogHideEvent.DialogHideHandler |
DialogHideEvent.HasDialogHideHandlers |
An object that implements this interface is a public source of DialogHideEvent events.
DisableCell |
Interface for cells that can be "disabled".
DisableEvent |
Fires after a widget is disabled.
DisableEvent.DisableHandler |
DisableEvent.HasDisableHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
DisableEvent events.
DivFrame |
Frame implementation that renders its frame using 9 absolutely
positioned DIVs.
DivFrame.DivFrameResources |
DivFrame.DivFrameStyle |
DivFrame.Template |
DND public constants and enumerations.
DND.Feedback |
Feedback public enumeration which sets the type of visual feedback a drop
target will display.
DND.Operation |
Operation public enumeration which sets the operation performed by a drop
DND.TreeSource |
TreeSource public enumeration which specifies the type of drops that are
allowed with a tree drop target.
DndDragCancelEvent |
Fires after a drag is cancelled.
DndDragCancelEvent.DndDragCancelHandler |
DndDragCancelEvent.HasDndDragCancelHandlers |
DndDragEnterEvent |
Fires when a drag enters a drop target.
DndDragEnterEvent.DndDragEnterHandler |
DndDragEnterEvent.HasDndDragEnterHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
DndDragEnterEvent events.
DndDragLeaveEvent |
DndDragLeaveEvent.DndDragLeaveHandler |
DndDragLeaveEvent.HasDndDragLeaveHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
DndDragLeaveEvent events.
DndDragMoveEvent |
DndDragMoveEvent.DndDragMoveHandler |
DndDragMoveEvent.HasDndDragMoveHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
DndDragMoveEvent events.
DndDragStartEvent |
DndDragStartEvent.DndDragStartHandler |
DndDragStartEvent.HasDndDragStartHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
DndDragStartEvent events.
DndDropEvent |
DndDropEvent.DndDropHandler |
DndDropEvent.HasDndDropHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
DndDropEvent events.
DomHelper |
Utility class for creating elements from HTML fragments.
DomIdProvider |
Replacable class that provides IDs for elements and widgets.
DomQuery |
Provides high performance selector/xpath processing.
DoubleField |
A Field that accepts double values.
DoubleSpinnerField |
A SpinnerField that accepts double values.
DoubleTapGestureRecognizer |
DoubleTapGestureRecognizer.DoubleTapGestureEvent |
DoubleTapGestureRecognizer.DoubleTapGestureEvent.DoubleTapGestureEventHandler |
DragCancelEvent |
Represents the after layout event.
DragCancelEvent.DragCancelHandler |
DragCancelEvent.HasDragCancelHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
DragCancelEvent events.
DragEndEvent |
Represents the drag end event.
DragEndEvent.DragEndHandler |
DragEndEvent.HasDragEndHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
DragEndEvent events.
Draggable |
Adds drag behavior to any widget.
Draggable.DraggableAppearance |
DraggableDefaultAppearance |
DraggableDefaultAppearance.DraggableResources |
DraggableDefaultAppearance.DraggableStyle |
DragGestureRecognizer |
DragGestureRecognizer.CellDragGestureRecognizer<T> |
DragGestureRecognizer.DragGestureCancelEvent |
DragGestureRecognizer.DragGestureCancelEvent.DragGestureCancelHandler |
DragGestureRecognizer.DragGestureCancelEvent.HasDragGestureCancelHandlers |
DragGestureRecognizer.DragGestureEndEvent |
DragGestureRecognizer.DragGestureEndEvent.DragGestureEndHandler |
DragGestureRecognizer.DragGestureEndEvent.HasDragGestureEndHandlers |
DragGestureRecognizer.DragGestureMoveEvent |
DragGestureRecognizer.DragGestureMoveEvent.DragGestureMoveHandler |
DragGestureRecognizer.DragGestureMoveEvent.HasDragGestureMoveHandlers |
DragGestureRecognizer.DragGestureStartEvent |
DragGestureRecognizer.DragGestureStartEvent.DragGestureStartHandler |
DragGestureRecognizer.DragGestureStartEvent.HasDragGestureStartHandlers |
DragHandler |
DragHandler.HasDragHandlers |
DragMoveEvent |
Fires when a draggable item is moved.
DragMoveEvent.DragMoveHandler |
DragMoveEvent.HasDragMoveHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
DragMoveEvent events.
DragSource |
Enables a component to act as the source of a drag and drop operation (i.e.
DragStartEvent |
Represents the drag start event.
DragStartEvent.DragStartHandler |
DragStartEvent.HasDragStartHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
DragStartEvent events.
DropTarget |
Enables a component to act as the target of a drag and drop operation (i.e.
DualListField<M,T> |
Combines two list view fields and allows selections to be moved between fields either using buttons or by dragging
and dropping selections
DualListField.DualListFieldAppearance |
DualListField.DualListFieldMessages |
The locale-sensitive messages used by this class.
DualListField.Mode |
The DND mode enumeration.
DualListFieldDefaultAppearance |
DualListFieldDefaultAppearance.DualListFieldResources |
DualListFieldDefaultAppearance.DualListFieldStyle |
EaseIn |
EaseOut |
EasingFunction |
Interface for classes that contain an easing equation.
Effect |
Effect interface defines the lifecyle methods for an effect.
Elastic |
ElasticIn |
ElasticOut |
ElementErrorHandler |
A FieldError instance that calls setInnerSafeHtml(SafeHtml) on a target
Elements |
Utility class for identifying elements either as a single element, array of
elements, a id, and index.
Elements.Type |
EmptyValidator<T> |
EmptyValidator.EmptyMessages |
EnableEvent |
Fires after a widget is enabled.
EnableEvent.EnableHandler |
EnableEvent.HasEnableHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
EnableEvent events.
ErrorHandler |
Defines the interface for objects that can display a field's error.
ErrorTipDefaultAppearance |
ErrorTipDefaultAppearance.ErrorTipFrameResources |
ErrorTipDefaultAppearance.ErrorTipNestedDivFrameStyle |
ErrorTipDefaultAppearance.ErrorTipResources |
ErrorTipDefaultAppearance.ErrorTipStyle |
ErrorTipDefaultAppearance.ErrorTipTemplate |
ExpandedHtmlSanitizer |
An expanded HTML sanitizer based on SimpleHtmlSanitizer, but with a larger set
of formatting tags that make this sanitizer more useful.
ExpandEvent |
Fires after the source is expanded.
ExpandEvent.ExpandHandler |
ExpandEvent.HasExpandHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
ExpandEvent events.
ExpandItemEvent<T> |
Fires after an item is expanded.
ExpandItemEvent.ExpandItemHandler<T> |
ExpandItemEvent.HasExpandItemHandlers<T> |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
ExpandItemEvent events.
FadeIn |
FadeOut |
FastMap<V> |
FastMap_CustomFieldSerializer |
FastSet |
FastSet_CustomFieldSerializer |
Field<T> |
Base class for all cell based fields.
Field.FieldStyles |
FieldCell<T> |
FieldCell.FieldAppearance |
FieldCell.FieldAppearanceOptions |
FieldCell.FieldViewData |
FieldLabel |
Form field wrapper to add a label and validation error text.
FieldLabel.FieldLabelAppearance |
FieldLabelDefaultAppearance |
FieldLabelDefaultAppearance.FieldLabelResources |
FieldLabelDefaultAppearance.FieldLabelTemplate |
FieldLabelDefaultAppearance.Style |
FieldSet |
A simple container that wraps its content in a HTML fieldset.
FieldSet.FieldSetAppearance |
FieldSetDefaultAppearance |
FieldSetDefaultAppearance.FieldSetResources |
FieldSetDefaultAppearance.FieldSetStyle |
FieldSetDefaultAppearance.Template |
FileUploadDefaultAppearance |
FileUploadDefaultAppearance.FileUploadResources |
FileUploadDefaultAppearance.FileUploadStyle |
FileUploadDefaultAppearance.FileUploadTemplate |
FileUploadField |
A file upload field.
FileUploadField.FileUploadFieldAppearance |
FileUploadField.FileUploadFieldMessages |
FillToolItem |
Fills the toolbar width, pushing any newly added items to the right.
Filter<M,V> |
Provides an abstract base class for filters.
FilterConfig |
A filter configuration interface.
FilterConfigBean |
FilterHandler<T> |
Abstract base class for all filter handlers.
FilterPagingLoadConfig |
FilterPagingLoadConfigBean |
FloatField |
A Field that accepts float values.
FloatSpinnerField |
A SpinnerField that accepts float values.
FlowLayoutContainer |
A flow layout container that supports scrolling and lays out its widgets
using the default HTML layout behavior.
FocusableCell |
FocusEvent |
Fires after a widget is focused.
FocusEvent.FocusHandler |
FocusEvent.HasFocusHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
FocusEvent events.
FocusManagerSupport |
Component support class for Focus Manager.
Format |
Formatting functions.
FormatCollector |
FormPanel |
A panel that wraps an HTML form.
FormPanel.Encoding |
Form encoding enumeration.
FormPanel.LabelAlign |
Label alignment enumeration.
FormPanel.Method |
Form method enumeration.
FormPanelHelper |
Utility methods for form panels.
Frame |
Defines the interface for classes which "frame" a given element and support
both a header and content section.
Frame.FrameOptions |
Render options for Frames.
FramedPanel |
FramedPanel.FramedPanelAppearance |
The appearance of a framed content panel.
FramedPanelBaseAppearance |
FramedPanelBaseAppearance.FramedPanelDivFrameResources |
FramedPanelBaseAppearance.FramedPanelTemplate |
Fx |
Runs an effect and fires events.
FxElement |
GestureChain |
Groups gestures together, in order of which should have first crack an an incoming event.
GestureRecognizer |
External api for mangling touch events into gestures (events or callbacks).
GrayAccordionHeaderAppearance |
GrayAccordionHeaderAppearance.GrayAccordionHeaderResources |
GrayAccordionHeaderAppearance.GrayAccordionHeaderStyle |
GrayAccordionLayoutAppearance |
GrayAccordionLayoutAppearance.GrayAccordionLayoutResources |
GrayAccordionLayoutAppearance.GrayAccordionLayoutStyle |
GrayBorderLayoutAppearance |
GrayBorderLayoutAppearance.GrayBorderLayoutResources |
GrayBorderLayoutAppearance.GrayBorderLayoutStyle |
GrayBoxStatusAppearance |
GrayBoxStatusAppearance.GrayBoxStatusResources |
GrayBoxStatusAppearance.GrayBoxStatusStyle |
GrayButtonGroupAppearance |
GrayButtonGroupAppearance.GrayButtonGroupResources |
GrayButtonGroupAppearance.GrayButtonGroupTableFrameResources |
GrayCheckMenuItemAppearance |
GrayCheckMenuItemAppearance.GrayCheckMenuItemResources |
GrayCheckMenuItemAppearance.GrayCheckMenuItemStyle |
GrayCollapsePanelAppearance |
GrayCollapsePanelAppearance.GrayCollapsePanelResources |
GrayCollapsePanelAppearance.GrayCollapsePanelStyle |
GrayColorPaletteAppearance |
GrayColorPaletteAppearance.GrayColorPaletteResources |
GrayColorPaletteAppearance.GrayColorPaletteStyle |
GrayContentPanelAppearance |
GrayContentPanelAppearance.GrayContentPanelResources |
GrayContentPanelAppearance.GrayContentPanelStyle |
GrayDatePickerAppearance |
GrayDatePickerAppearance.GrayDatePickerResources |
GrayDatePickerAppearance.GrayDatePickerStyle |
GrayFieldSetAppearance |
GrayFieldSetAppearance.GrayFieldSetResources |
GrayFieldSetAppearance.GrayFieldSetStyle |
GrayFramedPanelAppearance |
GrayFramedPanelAppearance.FramedPanelStyle |
GrayFramedPanelAppearance.GrayFramedPanelDivFrameResources |
GrayFramedPanelAppearance.GrayFramePanelNestedDivFrameStyle |
GrayFramedPanelAppearance.GrayFramePanelResources |
GrayGridAppearance |
GrayGridAppearance.GrayGridResources |
GrayGridAppearance.GrayGridStyle |
GrayHeaderAppearance |
GrayHeaderAppearance.GrayHeaderResources |
GrayHeaderAppearance.GrayHeaderStyle |
GrayHeaderFramedAppearance |
GrayHeaderFramedAppearance.GrayFramedHeaderResources |
GrayHeaderFramedAppearance.GrayHeaderFramedStyle |
GrayHeaderMenuItemAppearance |
GrayHeaderMenuItemAppearance.GrayHeaderMenuItemResources |
GrayHeaderMenuItemAppearance.GrayHeaderMenuItemStyle |
GrayItemAppearance |
GrayItemAppearance.GrayItemResources |
GrayItemAppearance.GrayItemStyle |
GrayMenuAppearance |
GrayMenuAppearance.GrayMenuResources |
GrayMenuAppearance.GrayMenuStyle |
GrayMenuBarAppearance |
GrayMenuBarAppearance.GrayMenuBarResources |
GrayMenuBarAppearance.GrayMenuBarStyle |
GrayMenuBarItemAppearance |
GrayMenuBarItemAppearance.GrayMenuBarItemResources |
GrayMenuBarItemAppearance.GrayMenuBarItemStyle |
GrayMenuItemAppearance |
GrayMenuItemAppearance.GrayMenuItemResources |
GrayMenuItemAppearance.GrayMenuItemStyle |
GrayMessageBoxAppearance |
GrayMessageBoxAppearance.GrayMessageBoxResources |
GrayPagingToolBarAppearance |
GrayPagingToolBarAppearance.GrayPagingToolBarResources |
GrayPlainTabPanelAppearance |
GrayPlainTabPanelAppearance.GrayPlainTabPanelResources |
GrayPlainTabPanelAppearance.GrayPlainTabPanelStyle |
GrayPlainTabPanelAppearance.PlainTabPanelTemplates |
GrayPlainTabPanelBottomAppearance |
A gray-coloured appearance for PlainTabPanel with tabs below the
content area.
GrayPlainTabPanelBottomAppearance.PlainTabPanelBottomTemplates |
GrayProgressBarAppearance |
GrayProgressBarAppearance.GrayProgressBarResources |
GrayResizableAppearance |
GrayResizableAppearance.GrayResizableResources |
GrayResizableAppearance.GrayResizableStyle |
GraySeparatorMenuItemAppearance |
GraySeparatorMenuItemAppearance.GraySeparatorMenuItemResources |
GraySeparatorMenuItemAppearance.GraySeparatorMenuItemStyle |
GraySeparatorToolItemAppearance |
GraySeparatorToolItemAppearance.GraySeparatorToolItemResources |
GraySliderHorizontalAppearance |
GraySliderHorizontalAppearance.GrayHorizontalSliderStyle |
GraySliderHorizontalAppearance.GraySliderHorizontalResources |
GraySliderVerticalAppearance |
GraySliderVerticalAppearance.GraySliderVerticalResources |
GraySliderVerticalAppearance.GrayVerticalSliderStyle |
GrayStatusProxyAppearance |
GrayStatusProxyAppearance.GrayStatusProxyResources |
GrayStatusProxyAppearance.GrayStatusProxyStyle |
GrayTabPanelAppearance |
GrayTabPanelAppearance.GrayTabPanelResources |
GrayTabPanelAppearance.GrayTabPanelStyle |
GrayTabPanelBottomAppearance |
GrayTabPanelBottomAppearance.BottomTemplate |
GrayThemeAppearance |
GrayToolBarAppearance |
GrayToolBarAppearance.GrayToolBarResources |
GrayToolBarAppearance.GrayToolBarStyle |
GrayTools |
GrayTools.GrayToolResources |
GrayTreeAppearance |
GrayTreeAppearance.GrayTreeResources |
GrayWindowAppearance |
GrayWindowAppearance.GrayHeaderResources |
GrayWindowAppearance.GrayHeaderStyle |
GrayWindowAppearance.GrayWindowDivFrameResources |
GrayWindowAppearance.GrayWindowDivFrameStyle |
GrayWindowAppearance.GrayWindowResources |
GrayWindowAppearance.GrayWindowStyle |
Grid<M> |
A Grid provides support for displaying and editing two-dimensional
tables of cells.
Grid.Callback |
Provides a mechanism by which other components can report whether a cell is
Grid.GridCell |
A reference to a cell in the grid that can be used for a variety of
purposes, including, for example, whether it is active or selected.
GridBaseAppearance |
GridBaseAppearance.GridResources |
GridBaseAppearance.GridStyle |
GridBaseAppearance.GridTemplates |
GridDragSource<M> |
Enables a Grid to act as the source of a drag and drop operation.
GridDragSource.GridDragSourceMessages |
The locale-sensitive messages used by this class.
GridDropTarget<M> |
Enables a Grid to act as the target of a drag and drop operation.
GridEditing<M> |
Defines the interface for classes that support grid editing.
GridEditingEvent<M,H extends> |
GridEvent<H extends> |
GridFilters<M> |
Applies filters to the rows in a grid.
GridFiltersDefaultAppearance |
GridFiltersDefaultAppearance.GridFiltersResources |
GridFiltersDefaultAppearance.GridFiltersStyle |
GridFilterStateHandler<M> |
GridFilterStateHandler.GridFilterState |
GridInlineEditing<M> |
Cell based inline editing.
GridRowEditing<M> |
Displays an editor for all cells in a row and allows all fields in row to be edited at the same time.
GridRowEditing.RowEditorAppearance |
GridRowEditing.RowEditorMessages |
GridSelectionModel<M> |
Grid selection model.
GridSelectionModel.SelectionModelCallback |
Determines whether a given cell is selectable.
GridStateHandler<M> |
State handler for grids
GridStateHandler.GridSortState |
GridStateHandler.GridState |
GridView<M> |
This class encapsulates the user interface of an Grid .
GridView.GridAppearance |
Define the appearance of a Grid.
GridView.GridStateStyles |
Marker classes, used only to indicate state and landmark details in the dom.
GridView.GridStyles |
GridView.GridTemplates |
GridView.SelectableTarget |
Provide a means to override if the target cell is selectable.
GridViewConfig<M> |
The GridViewConfig is used to return a CSS style name for rows in a Grid.
GroupingHandlerRegistration |
Groups multiple handler registrations allowing them to be removed as a group.
GroupingValidHandler |
Group field validation.
GroupingView<M> |
GridView that groups data based on a given grouping column.
GroupingView.GroupingData<M> |
Wrapper describing a given group, with the items in the group, and the value they hold in common.
GroupingView.GroupingViewAppearance |
GroupingView.GroupingViewStyle |
GroupingView.GroupSummaryTemplate<M> |
GroupingViewDefaultAppearance |
GroupingViewDefaultAppearance.DefaultHeaderTemplate |
GroupingViewDefaultAppearance.GroupHeaderTemplate<M> |
GroupingViewDefaultAppearance.GroupingViewResources |
GroupingViewDefaultAppearance.GroupingViewStyle |
GroupingViewDefaultAppearance.GroupTemplate<M> |
GroupSummaryView<M> |
GroupSummaryView.GroupSummaryViewAppearance |
GroupSummaryView.GroupSummaryViewStyle |
GroupSummaryViewDefaultAppearance |
GroupSummaryViewDefaultAppearance.GroupSummaryViewResources |
GroupSummaryViewDefaultAppearance.GroupSummaryViewStyle |
GXT core utilities and functions.
GxtCoreLinker |
GXTLogConfiguration |
Configures Sencha GXT client side logging controlled by the gxt.logging.enabled
HandlerManagerContext |
HasActiveWidget |
Implemented by containers that support an active child widget.
HasCellContext |
HasCenterWidget |
A widget that implements this interface contains a widget in the "center"
HasEastWidget |
A widget that implements this interface contains a widget in the "east"
HasErrorHandler |
HasFocusSupport |
Implemented by objects that have focus support.
HasGestureRecognizers |
A widget that implements this interface contains GestureRecognizers
HasHeight |
A class that implements this interface has a height specification.
HasIcon |
Implemented by objects that have icons.
HasItemId |
Implemented by objects that have an item id.
HasLayout |
A widget that implements this interface has the ability to lay out its
HasMargins |
A class that implements this interface has a margin specification.
HasNorthWidget |
A widget that implements this interface contains a widget in the "north"
HasScrollSupport |
Interface for objects that provide scroll support.
HasSize |
A class that implements this interface has a size specification.
HasSouthWidget |
A widget that implements this interface contains a widget in the "south"
HasUiAttributes |
Marker interface for types that may provide dynamic attribute parsing in
HasWestWidget |
A widget that implements this interface contains a widget in the "west"
HasWidth |
A class that implements this interface has a width specification.
HBoxLayoutContainer |
A layout container for horizontal rows of widgets.
HBoxLayoutContainer.HBoxLayoutAlign |
The vertical alignment of the horizontal widgets.
HBoxLayoutContainer.HBoxLayoutContainerAppearance |
HBoxLayoutDefaultAppearance |
HBoxLayoutDefaultAppearance.HBoxLayoutBaseResources |
HBoxLayoutDefaultAppearance.HBoxLayoutStyle |
Header |
A custom widget that supports an icon, text, and tool area.
Header.HeaderAppearance |
The appearance of a header.
HeaderClickEvent |
HeaderClickEvent.HasHeaderClickHandlers |
HeaderClickEvent.HeaderClickHandler |
HeaderContextMenuEvent |
HeaderContextMenuEvent.HasHeaderContextMenuHandlers |
HeaderContextMenuEvent.HeaderContextMenuHandler |
HeaderDefaultAppearance |
HeaderDefaultAppearance.HeaderResources |
HeaderDefaultAppearance.HeaderStyle |
HeaderDefaultAppearance.Template |
HeaderDoubleClickEvent |
HeaderDoubleClickEvent.HasHeaderDoubleClickHandlers |
HeaderDoubleClickEvent.HeaderDoubleClickHandler |
HeaderGroupConfig |
Defines the configuration for a header group.
HeaderMenuItem |
A menu item for headings.
HeaderMenuItem.HeaderMenuItemAppearance |
HeaderMouseDownEvent |
HeaderMouseDownEvent.HasHeaderMouseDownHandlers |
HeaderMouseDownEvent.HeaderMouseDownHandler |
HideEvent |
Fires after a widget is hidden.
HideEvent.HasHideHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
HideEvent events.
HideEvent.HideHandler |
HorizontalLayoutContainer |
A layout container that lays out its children in a single row.
HorizontalLayoutContainer.HorizontalLayoutData |
Specifies parameters that control the layout of the widget in the container.
HtmlEditor |
Provides an HTML-based rich text editor with a tool bar for selecting formatting options, including fonts, text
justification, lists, hyperlinks and text color.
HtmlEditor.HtmlEditorAppearance |
The appearance of this class.
HtmlEditor.HtmlEditorMessages |
The locale-sensitive messages used by this class.
HtmlEditorDefaultAppearance |
HtmlEditorDefaultAppearance.HtmlEditorResources |
HtmlEditorDefaultAppearance.HtmlEditorStyle |
HtmlLayoutContainer |
A layout container that lays out its children using an HTML template.
HtmlStorageProvider |
Simple HTML5 Storage implementation of the state provider.
HttpProxy<C> |
A DataProxy that retrieves data using a RequestBuilder
IconButton |
A simple css styled button with 3 states: normal, over, and disabled.
IconButton.IconButtonAppearance |
IconButton.IconConfig |
IconButtonDefaultAppearance |
IconButtonDefaultAppearance.IconButtonStyle |
IconButtonDefaultAppearance.Template |
IconButtonDefaultAppearance.ToolButtonResources |
IconHelper |
IconProvider<M> |
Provides a icon for the given object.
IdentityValueProvider<T> |
A read-only ValueProvider that simply returns the model as the property value.
ImageHelper |
Info |
Displays a message in the bottom right region of the browser for a specified amount of time.
Info.InfoAppearance |
InfoConfig |
Abstract base class for configuration settings for Info .
InfoConfig.InfoPosition |
Defines the locations the Info is displayed.
InfoDefaultAppearance |
InfoDefaultAppearance.InfoResources |
InfoDefaultAppearance.InfoStyle |
InfoDefaultAppearance.Template |
InputCheckboxCell |
A simple native input checkbox.
Insert |
A custom widget used to show insert locations with drop targets.
Insert.DefaultInsertAppearance |
Insert.DefaultInsertAppearance.InsertResources |
Insert.DefaultInsertAppearance.InsertStyle |
Insert.DefaultInsertAppearance.Template |
Insert.InsertAppearance |
InsertContainer |
A base class for layout containers that can insert widgets.
InsertResizeContainer |
A base class for layout containers that can insert widgets and honor the RequiresResize contract.
IntegerField |
A Field that accepts integer values.
IntegerSpinnerField |
A SpinnerField that accepts integer values.
InvalidEvent |
Fires after a field value marked invalid.
InvalidEvent.HasInvalidHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
InvalidEvent events.
InvalidEvent.InvalidHandler |
IsElement |
Wrap a GWT Element object, allowing non-GWT test code to
IsElementImpl |
IsField<T> |
Item |
The base class for all items that render into menus.
Item.ItemAppearance |
ItemBaseAppearance |
ItemBaseAppearance.ItemResources |
ItemBaseAppearance.ItemStyle |
JsonReader<Result,Base> |
A DataReader implementation that reads JSON data and builds it
into the given AutoBean type, using other types from the given
JsonWriter<M> |
An AutoBeanWriter that writes an auto bean into Json.
JsoReader<M,Base> |
Simple DataReader implementation to turn JSOs into AutoBeans
KeyNav |
Provides a convenient wrapper for normalized keyboard navigation.
LabelProvider<T> |
LabelProvider's are responsible for returning a label for a given object.
LabelProviderCreator |
LabelProviderSafeHtmlCell<T> |
LabelProviderSafeHtmlRenderer<T> |
LabelToolItem |
A label tool item.
LabelToolItem.LabelToolItemAppearance |
LabelToolItemDefaultAppearance |
LabelToolItemDefaultAppearance.LabelToolItemResources |
LabelToolItemDefaultAppearance.LabelToolItemStyle |
LabelToolItemDefaultAppearance.Template |
Layer |
Wraps a XElement and provides support for shadows and shimming.
Layer.LayerAppearance |
Layer.LayerBaseAppearance |
Layer.LayerBaseAppearanceIe |
Layer.LayerResources |
Layer.LayerResourcesIe |
Layer.LayerStyle |
Layer.LayerStyleIe |
Layer.LayerTemplates |
Layer.LayerTemplatesIe |
Layer.ShadowPosition |
Shadow position enumeration.
Layer.ShimTemplates |
LayoutData |
Marker interface for types that define layout parameters.
LayoutHandler |
LayoutHandler.HasLayoutHandlers |
Linear |
ListField<M,T> |
Adapts a ListView for use as a field which can have a single value selected.
ListFilter<M,V> |
ListLoadConfig |
Load config interface for list based data.
ListLoadConfigBean |
Default ListLoadConfig implementation.
ListLoader<C extends ListLoadConfig,D extends ListLoadResult<?>> |
A Loader subclass which return a list of data.
ListLoadResult<D> |
Load result interface for list based load results.
ListLoadResultBean<Data> |
Default implementation of the ListLoadResult interface.
ListMenu<M,V> |
ListReader<M> |
ListStore<M> |
List -like client side cache for elements.
ListStoreBinding<C,M,D extends List<M>> |
Event handler for the LoadEvent fired when a Loader has
finished loading data.
ListStoreEditor<T> |
ListView<M,N> |
A ListView provides support for displaying a list of data.
ListView.ListViewAppearance<M> |
The appearance of a list view.
ListViewCustomAppearance<M> |
ListViewDefaultAppearance<M> |
ListViewDefaultAppearance.ListViewDefaultResources |
The default resources for the list view.
ListViewDefaultAppearance.ListViewDefaultStyle |
The default styles for the list view.
ListViewDragSource<M> |
Enables a ListView to act as the source of a drag and drop operation.
ListViewDragSource.ListViewDragSourceMessages |
The locale-sensitive messages used by this class.
ListViewDropTarget<M> |
Enables a ListView to act as the target of a drag and drop operation.
ListViewSelectionModel<M> |
ListView selection model.
LiveGridView<M> |
LiveGridView for displaying large amount of data.
LiveGridViewUpdateEvent |
Fires after the rows in the live grid have been updated.
LiveGridViewUpdateEvent.HasLiveGridViewUpdateHandlers |
LiveGridViewUpdateEvent.LiveGridViewUpdateHandler |
LiveToolItem |
A specialized tool item for LiveGridView that shows the current
location and total records.
LiveToolItem.LiveToolItemMessages |
LiveToolItem messages.
Loader<C,M> |
Abstract base class for objects that can load remote data.
LoaderHandler<C,M> |
LoaderHandler.HasLoaderHandlers<C,M> |
LoadEvent<C,M> |
Event type for loader events.
LoadExceptionEvent<C> |
Event type for loader events.
LoadExceptionEvent.HasLoadExceptionHandlers<C> |
LoadExceptionEvent.LoadExceptionHandler<C> |
LoadHandler<C,M> |
LoadHandler.HasLoadHandlers<M,C> |
A loader that implements this interface is a public source of
LoadEvent events.
LoadResultListStoreBinding<C,M,D extends ListLoadResult<M>> |
Event handler for the LoadEvent fired when a Loader has
finished loading data.
LongField |
A Field that accepts long integer values.
LongPressOrTapGestureRecognizer |
LongPressOrTapGestureRecognizer.CellLongPressOrTapGestureRecognizer<T> |
LongPressOrTapGestureRecognizer.LongPressEvent |
LongPressOrTapGestureRecognizer.LongPressEvent.HasLongPressHandlers |
LongPressOrTapGestureRecognizer.LongPressEvent.LongPressHandler |
LongSpinnerField |
A SpinnerField that accepts long values.
MarginData |
Layout parameter that specifies a widget's margins.
Margins |
Represents 4-side margins.
Mask |
Masks a target element by showing a transparent "gray" overlay with support for a message.
Mask.MaskAppearance |
Mask.MaskDefaultAppearance |
Mask.MaskDefaultAppearance.MaskResources |
Mask.MaskDefaultAppearance.MaskStyle |
Mask.MessageTemplates |
MaxDateValidator |
Tests if the value is on the same day or earlier than the specified max date.
MaxDateValidator.MaxDateMessages |
MaximizeEvent |
Fires after a widget is maximized.
MaximizeEvent.HasMaximizeHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
MaximizeEvent events.
MaximizeEvent.MaximizeHandler |
MaxLengthValidator |
MaxLengthValidator.MaxLengthMessages |
MaxNumberValidator<N extends Number> |
MaxNumberValidator.MaxNumberMessages |
MemoryProxy<C,D> |
A DataProxy implementation that simply passes the data specified
in the constructor to the reader when its load method is called.
Menu |
A menu widget.
Menu.MenuAppearance |
MenuBar |
MenuBar.MenuBarAppearance |
MenuBarBaseAppearance |
MenuBarBaseAppearance.MenuBarResources |
MenuBarBaseAppearance.MenuBarStyle |
MenuBarItem |
MenuBarItem.MenuBarItemAppearance |
MenuBarItemBaseAppearance |
MenuBarItemBaseAppearance.MenuBarItemResources |
MenuBarItemBaseAppearance.MenuBarItemStyle |
MenuBaseAppearance |
MenuBaseAppearance.BaseMenuTemplate |
MenuBaseAppearance.MenuResources |
MenuBaseAppearance.MenuStyle |
MenuItem |
A base class for all menu items that require menu-related functionality (like
sub-menus) and are not static display items.
MenuItem.MenuItemAppearance |
MenuItemBaseAppearance |
MenuItemBaseAppearance.MenuItemResources |
MenuItemBaseAppearance.MenuItemStyle |
MenuItemBaseAppearance.MenuItemTemplate |
MessageBox |
Custom Dialog for displaying information to the user.
MessageBox.MessageBoxAppearance |
MessageBox.MessageBoxIcons |
MessageBoxDefaultAppearance |
MessageBoxDefaultAppearance.MessageBoxBaseStyle |
MessageBoxDefaultAppearance.MessageBoxResources |
MethodCollector |
Intended as a general purpose method collector/provider to be used beyond
just conditional methods.
MinDateValidator |
Tests if the value is on the same day or later than the specified minimum date.
MinDateValidator.MinDateMessages |
MinimizeEvent |
Fires after a widget is minimized.
MinimizeEvent.HasMinimizeHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
MinimizeEvent events.
MinimizeEvent.MinimizeHandler |
MinLengthValidator |
MinLengthValidator.MinLengthMessages |
MinNumberValidator<N extends Number> |
MinNumberValidator.MinNumberMessages |
ModalPanel |
A panel that grays out the view port and displays a widget above it.
ModalPanel.ModalPanelAppearance |
ModalPanel.ModalPanelDefaultAppearance |
ModalPanel.ModalPanelDefaultAppearance.ModalPanelResources |
ModalPanel.ModalPanelDefaultAppearance.ModalPanelStyle |
ModelKeyProvider<T> |
ModelKeyProviders are responsible for returning a unique key for a given
ModelKeyProviderCreator |
This can extend the ValueProviderCreator , as it uses the same basic
tools, except there is no value param, and the object type param is the first
type param in the generated type.
Move |
MoveEvent |
Fires after a widget is moved.
MoveEvent.HasMoveHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
MoveEvent events.
MoveEvent.MoveHandler |
MultiEffect |
MultiLinePromptMessageBox |
A message box that prompts for input with a multiple line text area and OK
and CANCEL buttons.
NestedDivFrame |
NestedDivFrame.NestedDivFrameResources |
Defines the required images of this frame.
NestedDivFrame.NestedDivFrameStyle |
NestedDivFrame.Template |
NorthSouthContainer |
A layout container that supports north (top) and south (bottom) regions.
NumberCell<N extends Number> |
NumberField<N extends Number & Comparable<N>> |
A numeric text field that provides automatic keystroke filtering to disallow
non-numeric characters, and numeric validation to limit the value to a range
of valid numbers.
NumberFilterHandler<V extends Number> |
A FilterHandler that provides support for Number values
and uses a property editor to convert a string representation to a number.
NumberInputCell<N extends Number & Comparable<N>> |
NumberPropertyEditor<N extends Number & Comparable<N>> |
A property editor that converts typed numbers to strings and strings back to
NumberPropertyEditor.BigDecimalPropertyEditor |
NumberPropertyEditor.BigIntegerPropertyEditor |
NumberPropertyEditor.DoublePropertyEditor |
A number property editor for use with Double .
NumberPropertyEditor.FloatPropertyEditor |
A number property editor for use with Float .
NumberPropertyEditor.IntegerPropertyEditor |
A number property editor for use with Integer .
NumberPropertyEditor.LongPropertyEditor |
A number property editor for use with Long .
NumberPropertyEditor.ShortPropertyEditor |
A number property editor for use with Short .
NumericFilter<M,V extends Number & Comparable<V>> |
Filter class for numeric fields.
NumericFilter.NumericFilterMessages |
The locale-sensitive messages used by this class.
OverflowEvent |
Fires before the overflow menu is displayed.
OverflowEvent.HasOverflowHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
OverflowEvent events.
OverflowEvent.OverflowHandler |
Padding |
Represents 4-side padding.
PagingLoadConfig |
A ListLoadConfig with support for limit and offset values.
PagingLoadConfigBean |
Default implementation of the PagingLoadConfig interface.
PagingLoader<C extends PagingLoadConfig,D extends PagingLoadResult<?>> |
A ListLoader subclass which adds support for paged data (offset,
limit, and total count).
PagingLoadResult<Data> |
A LoadResult for paging loaders.
PagingLoadResultBean<Data> |
PagingToolBar |
A specialized toolbar that is bound to a PagingLoader and provides automatic paging controls.
PagingToolBar.PagingToolBarAppearance |
PagingToolBar.PagingToolBarMessages |
PagingToolBarBaseAppearance |
PagingToolBarBaseAppearance.PagingToolBarResources |
Params |
Aggregates both a list of values and a map of named values.
ParseErrorEvent |
ParseErrorEvent.HasParseErrorHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
ParseErrorEvent events.
ParseErrorEvent.ParseErrorHandler |
PasswordField |
A single line input field where the characters are masked to prevent them
from being visible to others.
PasswordInputCell |
PinchAndRotateGestureRecognizer |
PinchAndRotateGestureRecognizer.RotateGestureMoveEvent |
PinchAndRotateGestureRecognizer.RotateGestureMoveEvent.HasRotateGestureMoveHandlers |
PinchAndRotateGestureRecognizer.RotateGestureMoveEvent.RotateGestureMoveHandler |
PlainTabPanel |
A TabPanel with a plain tab bar, with no background behind each tab.
PlainTabPanel.PlainTabPanelAppearance |
PlainTabPanel.PlainTabPanelBottomAppearance |
Point |
Instances of this class represent places on the (x, y) coordinate plane.
PointerEvents |
PointerEventsSupport |
Adapter to support Pointer event registration
PointerEventsSupportImpl |
Base implementation.
PointerType |
Lists the available pointer events types
Popup |
A panel that can be displayed over other widgets.
PortalDropEvent |
Fires after a portlet is dropped.
PortalDropEvent.HasPortalDropHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
PortalDropEvent events.
PortalDropEvent.PortalDropHandler |
PortalLayoutContainer |
A layout container that lays out its children in in multiple columns, each containing zero or more Portlet s.
PortalLayoutContainer.PortalLayoutAppearance |
PortalLayoutDefaultAppearance |
PortalLayoutDefaultAppearance.PortalLayoutResources |
PortalLayoutDefaultAppearance.PortalLayoutStyle |
PortalLayoutDefaultAppearance.PortalLayoutTemplate |
PortalValidateDropEvent |
Fires while a portlet is dragged to a new location.
PortalValidateDropEvent.HasPortalValidateDropHandlers |
PortalValidateDropEvent.PortalValidateDropHandler |
Portlet |
PrecisePoint |
Represents a double precision point on the (x, y) coordinate plane.
PreciseRectangle |
Represents a double precision area in a coordinate system.
PreciseSize |
Instances of this class represent a rectangle's size.
ProgressBar |
An manual mode updateable progress bar widget.
ProgressBarCell |
ProgressBarCell.ProgressBarAppearance |
ProgressBarCell.ProgressBarAppearanceOptions |
ProgressBarDefaultAppearance |
ProgressBarDefaultAppearance.ProgressBarResources |
ProgressBarDefaultAppearance.ProgressBarStyle |
ProgressBarDefaultAppearance.ProgressBarTemplate |
ProgressMessageBox |
PromptMessageBox |
A message box that prompts for input with a single line text field and OK and
CANCEL buttons.
PropertyAccess<T> |
Marker Interface implemented by types that provide access to properties of
bean-like models.
PropertyAccessGenerator |
PropertyDisplayCell<C> |
PropertyEditor<T> |
Abstract base class for property editors.
Provider |
Abstract base class for state provider implementations.
QuickTip |
A specialized tooltip class for tooltips that can be specified in markup.
Radio |
Single radio field.
RadioCell |
RadioCell.RadioAppearance |
RadioDefaultAppearance |
RangeMenu<M,V extends Number & Comparable<V>> |
RangeMenu.RangeItem |
ReconfigureEvent |
ReconfigureEvent.HasReconfigureHandlers |
ReconfigureEvent.ReconfigureHandler |
Rectangle |
Represents an area in a coordinate system.
RefreshEvent |
Fires after a widget's data is refreshed.
RefreshEvent.HasRefreshHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
RefreshEvent events.
RefreshEvent.RefreshHandler |
RegExValidator |
Validates the target value using a regular expression.
RegExValidator.RegExMessages |
Region |
Represents a region in the coordinate system.
RegisterEvent<T> |
Fires after an item is registered.
RegisterEvent.HasRegisterHandlers<T> |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
RegisterEvent events.
RegisterEvent.RegisterHandler<T> |
RemoveEvent |
Fires after a widget is removed from a container.
RemoveEvent.HasRemoveHandlers |
RemoveEvent.RemoveHandler |
RequestFactoryProxy<C,D> |
An abstract request factory proxy that supports processing results using
either a RPC style Callback or a RequestFactory
Resizable |
Applies drag handles to a widget to make it resizable.
Resizable.Dir |
The location of the resize handle in standard compass points.
Resizable.ResizableAppearance |
ResizableBaseAppearance |
ResizableBaseAppearance.ResizableResources |
ResizableBaseAppearance.ResizableStyle |
ResizableCell |
Interface for cells that can be sized.
ResizeCell<C> |
AbstractEventCell subclass which implements ResizableCell.
ResizeContainer |
A base class for layout containers that require resize support.
ResizeEndEvent |
Represents the source is resized.
ResizeEndEvent.HasResizeEndHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
ResizeEndEvent events.
ResizeEndEvent.ResizeEndHandler |
ResizeStartEvent |
Fires when a resize starts.
ResizeStartEvent.HasResizeStartHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
ResizeStartEvent events.
ResizeStartEvent.ResizeStartHandler |
RestoreEvent |
Fires after a window is restored.
RestoreEvent.HasRestoreHandlers |
RestoreEvent.RestoreHandler |
RestoreStateEvent<S,O> |
Fires after state has been restored.
RestoreStateEvent.HasRestoreStateHandlers<S,O> |
RestoreStateEvent.RestoreStateHandler<S,O> |
RowClickEvent |
RowClickEvent.HasRowClickHandlers |
RowClickEvent.RowClickHandler |
RowDoubleClickEvent |
RowDoubleClickEvent.HasRowDoubleClickHandlers |
RowDoubleClickEvent.RowDoubleClickHandler |
RowEditorDefaultAppearance |
RowEditorDefaultAppearance.RowEditorResources |
RowEditorDefaultAppearance.RowEditorStyle |
RowEditorDefaultAppearance.Template |
RowExpander<M> |
A ColumnConfig subclass and a ComponentPlugin that adds the ability for each row to be expanded,
showing custom content that spans all the rows columns.
RowExpander.RowExpanderAppearance<M> |
RowExpanderDefaultAppearance<M> |
RowExpanderDefaultAppearance.RowExpanderResources |
RowExpanderDefaultAppearance.RowExpanderStyle |
RowMouseDownEvent |
RowMouseDownEvent.HasRowMouseDownHandlers |
RowMouseDownEvent.RowMouseDownHandler |
RowMouseUpEvent |
RowMouseUpEvent.HasRowMouseUpHandlers |
RowMouseUpEvent.RowMouseUpHandler |
RowNumberer<M> |
A ColumnConfig that provides an automatic row numbering column.
RowNumberer.RowNumbererAppearance |
RowNumbererDefaultAppearance |
Default appearance for the RowNumberer column config.
RowNumbererDefaultAppearance.RowNumbererResources |
RowNumbererDefaultAppearance.RowNumbererStyles |
RowTapEvent |
RowTapEvent.HasRowTapHandlers |
RowTapEvent.RowTapHandler |
RpcProxy<C,D> |
DataProxy implementation that retrieves data using GWT RPC.
SafeHtmlTemplatesCreator |
SaveStateEvent<S,O> |
Fires after state has been saved.
SaveStateEvent.HasSaveStateHandlers<S,O> |
SaveStateEvent.SaveStateHandler<S,O> |
ScriptTagProxy<C> |
A DataProxy that reads a data from a URL which may be in a
domain other than the originating domain of the running page.
Scroll |
Represents the left and top scroll values.
Scroll |
ScrollGestureRecognizer |
GestureRecognizer to handle scrolling gestures
ScrollGestureRecognizer.ScrollDirection |
ScrollGestureRecognizer.ScrollGestureCancelEvent |
ScrollGestureRecognizer.ScrollGestureCancelEvent.HasScrollGestureCancelHandlers |
ScrollGestureRecognizer.ScrollGestureCancelEvent.ScrollGestureCancelHandler |
ScrollGestureRecognizer.ScrollGestureEndEvent |
ScrollGestureRecognizer.ScrollGestureEndEvent.HasScrollGestureEndHandlers |
ScrollGestureRecognizer.ScrollGestureEndEvent.ScrollGestureEndHandler |
ScrollGestureRecognizer.ScrollGestureMoveEvent |
ScrollGestureRecognizer.ScrollGestureMoveEvent.HasScrollGestureMoveHandlers |
ScrollGestureRecognizer.ScrollGestureMoveEvent.ScrollGestureMoveHandler |
ScrollSupport |
Interface for objects that support scrolling.
ScrollSupport.ScrollMode |
Scroll enumeration.
SelectEvent |
Fires after a item is selected.
SelectEvent.HasSelectHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
SelectEvent events.
SelectEvent.SelectHandler |
SelectionChangedEvent<M> |
Fires after the selection changes.
SelectionChangedEvent.HasSelectionChangedHandlers<M> |
SelectionChangedEvent.SelectionChangedHandler<M> |
SeparatorMenuItem |
Adds a separator bar to a menu, used to divide logical groups of menu items.
SeparatorMenuItem.SeparatorMenuItemAppearance |
SeparatorMenuItemBaseAppearance |
SeparatorMenuItemBaseAppearance.SeparatorMenuItemResources |
SeparatorMenuItemBaseAppearance.SeparatorMenuItemStyle |
SeparatorMenuItemBaseAppearance.SeparatorMenuItemTemplate |
SeparatorToolItem |
A tool bar separator.
SeparatorToolItem.SeparatorToolItemAppearance |
SeparatorToolItemDefaultAppearance |
SeparatorToolItemDefaultAppearance.SeparatorToolItemResources |
SeparatorToolItemDefaultAppearance.SeparatorToolItemStyle |
SeparatorToolItemDefaultAppearance.Template |
Shim |
Supports placing a shim over the client window, and optionally just over
ShortField |
A Field that accepts short integer values.
ShortSpinnerField |
A SpinnerField that accepts short values.
ShowContextMenuEvent |
Fires after a widget's context menu is shown.
ShowContextMenuEvent.HasShowContextMenuHandler |
ShowContextMenuEvent.ShowContextMenuHandler |
ShowEvent |
Fires after a widget is shown.
ShowEvent.HasShowHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
ShowEvent events.
ShowEvent.ShowHandler |
SideErrorHandler |
SideErrorHandler.SideErrorResources |
SideErrorHandler.SideErrorStyle |
SideErrorHandler.SideErrorTooltipAppearance |
Marker interface to indicate that we want a slightly different appearance than usual, to indicate that this is an
error, and not help text.
SimpleComboBox<T> |
A combo box that creates and manages a ListStore of <T>
SimpleContainer |
SimpleContainer takes one child and sizes it to match the container size.
SimpleSafeHtmlCell<C> |
SingleStyleEffect |
Size |
Instances of this class represent a rectangle's size.
Slide |
SlideIn |
SlideOut |
Slider |
Lets the user select a value by sliding an indicator within a bounded range.
SliderBaseAppearance |
SliderBaseAppearance.SliderResources |
SliderBaseAppearance.SliderStyle |
SliderCell |
SliderCell.HorizontalSliderAppearance |
SliderCell.SliderAppearance |
SliderCell.VerticalSliderAppearance |
SliderHorizontalBaseAppearance |
SliderHorizontalBaseAppearance.SliderHorizontalResources |
SliderHorizontalBaseAppearance.SliderHorizontalStyle |
SliderHorizontalBaseAppearance.SliderHorizontalTemplate |
SliderVerticalBaseAppearance |
SliderVerticalBaseAppearance.BaseSliderVerticalStyle |
SliderVerticalBaseAppearance.SliderVerticalResources |
SliderVerticalBaseAppearance.SliderVerticalTemplate |
SortChangeEvent |
SortChangeEvent.HasSortChangeHandlers |
SortChangeEvent.SortChangeHandler |
SortDir |
Sort direction enumeration.
SortInfo |
Aggregates sort field and sort direction.
SortInfoBean |
Aggregates sort field and sort direction.
SpinnerField<N extends Number & Comparable<N>> |
A single line input field with up / down arrows that enable incrementing / decrementing a numeric value.
SpinnerField.SpinnerMessages |
The locale-sensitive messages used by this class.
SpinnerFieldCell<N extends Number & Comparable<N>> |
A numeric cell with up / down arrows that increment / decrement the value.
SpinnerFieldCell.SpinnerFieldAppearance |
SpinnerFieldDefaultAppearance |
SpinnerFieldDefaultAppearance.SpinnerFieldResources |
SpinnerFieldDefaultAppearance.SpinnerFieldStyle |
SplitBar |
Creates a draggable splitter on the side of a widget.
SplitBar.SplitBarAppearance |
SplitBarDefaultAppearance |
SplitBarDefaultAppearance.SplitBarResources |
SplitBarDefaultAppearance.SplitBarStyle |
SplitBarDragEvent |
Represents the after layout event.
SplitBarDragEvent.HasSplitBarDragHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
SplitBarDragEvent events.
SplitBarDragEvent.SplitBarDragHandler |
SplitButton |
A split button that provides a built-in dropdown arrow that can fire an event
separately from the default click event of the button.
SplitButton.SplitButtonAppearance |
SplitButtonCell |
StartEditEvent<M> |
StartEditEvent.HasStartEditHandlers<M> |
StartEditEvent.StartEditHandler<M> |
StateManager |
This is the global state manager.
StateManagerGenerator |
Status |
A widget that displays a status message and icon, typically used in a tool
Status.BoxStatusAppearance |
Status.StatusAppearance |
StatusDefaultAppearance |
StatusDefaultAppearance.StatusResources |
StatusDefaultAppearance.StatusStyle |
StatusDefaultAppearance.Template |
StatusProxy |
A custom widget used to display the status of the drag operation and
information about the data being dragged.
StatusProxy.StatusProxyAppearance |
StatusProxyBaseAppearance |
StatusProxyBaseAppearance.StatusProxyResources |
StatusProxyBaseAppearance.StatusProxyStyle |
StatusProxyBaseAppearance.StatusProxyTemplates |
StorageReadProxy<C> |
A DataProxy that retrieves data from HTML5 browser based storage.
StorageWriteProxy<K,V> |
Proxy to push key/value string pairs into local html5 browser storage.
StorageWriteProxy.Entry<K,V> |
Defines a key / value pair.
Store<M> |
Store is a client-side cache for collections of data.
Store.Change<M,V> |
Represents a change that can occur to a given model.
Store.PropertyChange<M,V> |
ValueProvider-based change impl - takes a ValueProvider and the new value
to be changed.
Store.StoreFilter<M> |
Defines the interface for store filters.
Store.StoreSortInfo<M> |
Sort information for a Store to use.
StoreAddEvent<M> |
Indicates that an element has been added to the Store, and is visible under
the current filter settings.
StoreAddEvent.HasStoreAddHandlers<M> |
A class that implements this interface is a public source of
StoreAddEvent .
StoreAddEvent.StoreAddHandler<M> |
StoreClearEvent<M> |
Indicates that the data in the Store has been cleared, and that corresponding
views should be cleared as well.
StoreClearEvent.HasStoreClearHandler<M> |
A class that implements this interface is a public source of
StoreClearEvent .
StoreClearEvent.StoreClearHandler<M> |
StoreDataChangeEvent<M> |
Indicates that the items in the store have been replaced.
StoreDataChangeEvent.HasStoreDataChangeHandlers<M> |
StoreDataChangeEvent.StoreDataChangeHandler<M> |
StoreEvent<M,H extends> |
Abstract supertype for events that come from a store, making it clear that
the source of the event is a Store.
StoreFilterEvent<M> |
Indicates that the Store has had its filtering properties changed, resulting
in changes in what data is visible.
StoreFilterEvent.HasStoreFilterHandlers<M> |
StoreFilterEvent.StoreFilterHandler<M> |
StoreFilterField<T> |
An abstract base class for an input field that can be bound to one or more
stores to filter values, thus affecting the values displayed in any widgets
associated with those stores.
StoreFilterField.StoreFilterFieldAppearance |
StoreFilterFieldDefaultAppearance |
StoreFilterFieldDefaultAppearance.StoreFilterFieldResources |
StoreFilterFieldDefaultAppearance.StoreFilterFieldStyle |
StoreHandlers<M> |
Handler interface for common store events.
StoreHandlers.HasStoreHandlers<M> |
A class that implements this interface is a public source of
common store events.
StoreRecordChangeEvent<M> |
Indicates that a Record object in the Store has been changed in some way.
StoreRecordChangeEvent.HasStoreRecordChangeHandlers<M> |
StoreRecordChangeEvent.StoreRecordChangeHandler<M> |
StoreRemoveEvent<M> |
Indicates that an element that was visible has been removed from the Store.
StoreRemoveEvent.HasStoreRemoveHandler<M> |
StoreRemoveEvent.StoreRemoveHandler<M> |
StoreSelectionModel<M> |
Defines the interface for store based selection models.
StoreSortEvent<M> |
Indicates that the store sort properties have changed.
StoreSortEvent.HasStoreSortHandler<M> |
A class that implements this interface is a public source of
StoreSortEvent .
StoreSortEvent.StoreSortHandler<M> |
StoreUpdateEvent<M> |
Indicates that changes to one or more Store.Record s have been committed, so
the changes have affected the underlying model.
StoreUpdateEvent.HasStoreUpdateHandlers<M> |
StoreUpdateEvent.StoreUpdateHandler<M> |
StringComboBox |
A combo box that displays a drop down list of Strings, optionally allowing
the user to type arbitrary values in the combo box text field and adding
these to the drop down list.
StringComboBoxCell |
A combo box cell for use with strings, providing optional support for
entering arbitrary text and adding that text to the drop down.
StringFilter<M> |
A string filter.
StringFilter.StringFilterMessages |
The locale-sensitive messages used by this class.
StringFilterHandler |
StringLabelProvider<T> |
A concrete LabelProvider implementation that simple calls
toString on the target object.
Style |
Defines GXT public constants and enumerations.
Style.Anchor |
Style.AnchorAlignment |
Style.Direction |
Direction enumeration.
Style.HideMode |
HideMode enumeration.
Style.HorizontalAlignment |
Horizontal alignment enumeration.
Style.LayoutRegion |
Layout out regions.
Style.Orientation |
Orientation enumeration.
Style.ScrollDir |
Scroll direction enumeration.
Style.ScrollDirection |
Scroll direction enumeration.
Style.SelectionMode |
Selection mode enumeration.
Style.Side |
Style.VerticalAlignment |
Vertical alignment enumerations.
StyleInjectorHelper |
Utility methods for injecting styles.
SubmitCompleteEvent |
Fired when a form has been submitted successfully.
SubmitCompleteEvent.HasSubmitCompleteHandlers |
SubmitCompleteEvent.SubmitCompleteHandler |
SubmitEvent |
Fired when the form is submitted.
SubmitEvent.HasSubmitHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
SubmitEvent events.
SubmitEvent.SubmitHandler |
SubTreeStoreBinding<M,T extends TreeStore.TreeNode<M>> |
Event handler for the LoadEvent fired when a Loader has
finished loading data.
SummaryColumnConfig<M,N> |
SummaryRenderer<M> |
Returns the rendered content for a summary row.
SummaryType<N,O extends Number> |
Calculates the value of a summary column.
SummaryType.AvgSummaryType<N> |
SummaryType.CountSummaryType<V> |
SummaryType.MaxSummaryType<N> |
SummaryType.MinSummaryType<N> |
SummaryType.SumSummaryType<N> |
Supports |
Determines information about the current platform the application is running on.
TabItemConfig |
Config object which controls the content and behavior of a widget in a
TableFrame |
Frame implementation that creates the frame using a 3 x 3 HTML
TableFrame.TableFrameResources |
TableFrame.TableFrameStyle |
TableFrame.Template |
TabPanel |
A basic tab container.
TabPanel.TabPanelAppearance |
TabPanel.TabPanelBottomAppearance |
TabPanel.TabPanelMessages |
TabPanelBaseAppearance |
TabPanelBaseAppearance.ItemTemplate |
TabPanelBaseAppearance.TabPanelResources |
TabPanelBaseAppearance.TabPanelStyle |
TabPanelBaseAppearance.Template |
TapGestureRecognizer |
TapGestureRecognizer.CellTapGestureRecognizer<T> |
TapGestureRecognizer.TapCancelEvent |
TapGestureRecognizer.TapCancelEvent.HasTapCancelHandlers |
TapGestureRecognizer.TapCancelEvent.TapCancelHandler |
TapGestureRecognizer.TapGestureEvent |
TapGestureRecognizer.TapGestureEvent.HasTapGestureHandlers |
TapGestureRecognizer.TapGestureEvent.TapGestureHandler |
TapGestureRecognizer.TapGestureStartEvent |
TapGestureRecognizer.TapGestureStartEvent.HasTapGestureStartHandlers |
TapGestureRecognizer.TapGestureStartEvent.TapGestureStartHandler |
TargetContext |
TemplateInfoConfig<T> |
TextArea |
A multiple line text input field.
TextAreaDefaultAppearance |
TextAreaDefaultAppearance.TextAreaResources |
TextAreaDefaultAppearance.TextAreaStyle |
TextAreaInputCell |
TextAreaInputCell.Resizable |
TextAreaInputCell.TextAreaAppearance |
TextAreaInputCell.TextAreaCellOptions |
TextButton |
A text button.
TextButtonCell |
TextField |
A single line input field.
TextFieldDefaultAppearance |
TextFieldDefaultAppearance.TextFieldResources |
TextFieldDefaultAppearance.TextFieldStyle |
TextInputCell |
TextInputCell.TextFieldAppearance |
TextMetrics |
Provides precise pixel measurements for blocks of text so that you can determine exactly how high and wide, in
pixels, a given block of text will be.
ThemeStyles |
Common theme specific styles.
ThemeStyles.Styles |
ThemeStyles.ThemeAppearance |
TimeField |
Provides a time input field with a time dropdown and automatic time
TimeFieldCell |
Tip |
This is the base class for ToolTip that provides the basic layout and
positioning that all tip-based classes require.
Tip.TipAppearance |
TipDefaultAppearance |
TipDefaultAppearance.TipDefaultTemplate |
TipDefaultAppearance.TipDivFrameResources |
TipDefaultAppearance.TipNestedDivFrameStyle |
TipDefaultAppearance.TipResources |
TipDefaultAppearance.TipStyle |
TitleErrorHandler |
ToggleButton |
A 2-state toggle button.
ToggleButtonCell |
ToggleGroup |
Group HasValue<Boolean> implementers like checkboxes and radios so they can be controlled as a group.
ToolBar |
A standard tool bar.
ToolBar.ToolBarAppearance |
ToolBarBaseAppearance |
ToolBarBaseAppearance.ToolBarBaseStyle |
ToolButton |
Tools |
Tools.ToolResources |
Tools.ToolStyle |
ToolsTestingImpl |
ToolTip |
A standard tooltip implementation for providing additional information when hovering over a target element.
ToolTipConfig |
Configuration information for a tool tip.
ToolTipConfig.ToolTipRenderer<T> |
ToolTipErrorHandler |
ToStringValueProvider<T> |
A read-only ValueProvider implementation that simply call
Object.toString() on the target model.
TouchConstants |
TODO make up a generator that reads from config-properties instead
TouchData |
TouchData.Type |
TouchEventToGestureAdapter |
Adapter to add gesture support to an existing widget without extending it.
Tree<M,C> |
A Tree provides support for displaying hierarchical data.
Tree.CheckCascade |
Check cascade enum.
Tree.CheckNodes |
Check nodes enum.
Tree.CheckState |
Tree.Joint |
Joint enum.
Tree.TreeAppearance |
Tree.TreeNode<M> |
Maintains the internal state of nodes contained in the tree.
TreeBaseAppearance |
TreeBaseAppearance.TreeBaseStyle |
TreeBaseAppearance.TreeResources |
TreeDragSource<M> |
Enables a Tree to act as the source of a drag and drop operation.
TreeDropTarget<M> |
Enables a Tree to act as the target of a drag and drop operation.
TreeDropTarget.TreeDropTargetResources |
The tree drop target resources.
TreeGrid<M> |
A TreeGrid provides support for displaying and editing hierarchical data where each item may contain multiple
TreeGrid.TreeGridNode<M> |
TreeGridDragSource<M> |
Enables a TreeGrid to act as the source of a drag and drop operation.
TreeGridDropTarget<M> |
Enables a TreeGrid to act as the target of a drag and drop operation.
TreeGridDropTarget.TreeGridDropTargetResources |
The tree drop target resources.
TreeGridFilters<M> |
Applies filters to the rows in a grid.
TreeGridSelectionModel<M> |
TreeGridStateHandler<M> |
Watches the expanded state of the tree grid, and stores it under the given key.
TreeGridView<M> |
A GridView subclass that adds tree related view features.
TreeLoader<M> |
Default implementation of the TreeLoader interface.
TreeSelectionModel<M> |
Tree selection model.
TreeStateHandler<M> |
Watches the expanded state of the tree, and stores it under the given key.
TreeStateHandler.TreeState |
TreeStore<M> |
A Store for hierarchical data.
TreeStore.TreeNode<T> |
Simple interface to allow data to be imported/exported from a TreeStore,
complete with the structure of the tree.
TreeStoreRemoveEvent<M> |
Indicates that an element that was visible has been removed from the Store.
TreeStyle |
Style information for Trees.
TreeView<M> |
TreeView.TreeViewRenderMode |
TriggerClickEvent |
Fires after the trigger is clicked.
TriggerClickEvent.HasTriggerClickHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
TriggerClickEvent events.
TriggerClickEvent.TriggerClickHandler |
TriggerField<T> |
An abstract base class for an input field and a clickable trigger.
TriggerFieldCell<T> |
A base cell for an input field and a clickable trigger.
TriggerFieldCell.TriggerFieldAppearance |
TriggerFieldDefaultAppearance |
TriggerFieldDefaultAppearance.TriggerFieldResources |
TriggerFieldDefaultAppearance.TriggerFieldStyle |
TwinTriggerClickEvent |
Fires after the twin trigger is clicked.
TwinTriggerClickEvent.HasTwinTriggerClickHandlers |
TwinTriggerClickEvent.TwinTriggerClickHandler |
TwinTriggerField<T> |
An abstract base class for an input field and two clickable triggers.
TwinTriggerFieldCell<T> |
TwinTriggerFieldCell.TwinTriggerFieldAppearance |
TwinTriggerFieldDefaultAppearance |
TwinTriggerFieldDefaultAppearance.TwinTriggerFieldResources |
TwinTriggerFieldDefaultAppearance.TwinTriggerFieldStyle |
UnregisterEvent<T> |
Fires after an item is unregistered.
UnregisterEvent.HasUnregisterHandlers<T> |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
UnregisterEvent events.
UnregisterEvent.UnregisterHandler<T> |
UpdateEvent |
Fires when the source is updated.
UpdateEvent.HasUpdateHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
UpdateEvent events.
UpdateEvent.UpdateHandler |
UrlEncodingWriter<M> |
Encodes an object into a format that can be used for a GET query string or a
POST url-encoded body.
UrlEncodingWriter.UrlEncodingAppender |
A URL Encoding Appender provides support for appending a field and value to
a URL encoded value.
Util |
Various utility functions.
Validator<T> |
Defines the interface for object that can validate an editor's value.
ValidEvent |
Fires after a field value is marked valid.
ValidEvent.HasValidHandlers |
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of
ValidEvent events.
ValidEvent.ValidHandler |
ValueBaseField<T> |
Abstract base class for fields that have a single value.
ValueBaseFieldDefaultAppearance |
ValueBaseFieldDefaultAppearance.ValueBaseFieldResources |
ValueBaseFieldDefaultAppearance.ValueBaseFieldStyle |
ValueBaseInputCell<T> |
A FieldCell which has an input element.
ValueBaseInputCell.ValueBaseFieldAppearance |
ValueProvider<T,V> |
Returns the property value of the target object.
ValueProviderCreator |
ValueProviderCreator.RequiredReadability |
VBoxLayoutContainer |
A layout container for vertical columns of widgets.
VBoxLayoutContainer.VBoxLayoutAlign |
Alignment enumeration for horizontal alignment.
Version |
Contains the current codes release information.
VerticalLayoutContainer |
A layout container that lays out its children in a single column.
VerticalLayoutContainer.VerticalLayoutData |
Specifies parameters that control the layout of the widget in the container.
ViewData |
The ViewData for this cell.
Viewport |
A LayoutContainer that fills the browser window and monitors window resizing.
Viewport.ViewportAppearance |
ViewportDefaultAppearance |
ViewportDefaultAppearance.ViewportResources |
ViewportDefaultAppearance.ViewportStyle |
ViewportDefaultAppearance.ViewportTemplate |
ViewReadyEvent |
ViewReadyEvent.HasViewReadyHandlers |
ViewReadyEvent.ViewReadyHandler |
WidgetComponent |
Creates a widget from a widget.
Window |
A specialized content panel intended for use as an application window.
Window.WindowAppearance |
Window.WindowMessages |
WindowManager |
An object that represents a group of Widget instances and provides
z-order management and window activation behavior.
Provides additional static methods that allow you to manipulate the browser's
Document Object Model (DOM).
Actual implementation of any XDOM methods that require the use of fields to track state.
XElement |
Adds additional features and functionality to the GWT Element class.
XElement.VisMode |
VisMode enumeration.
XEvent |
XMessages |
Default locale-sensitive messages.
XmlReader<M,Base> |
A DataReader implementation that reads XML data and build it
into the given AutoBean type, using other types from the given
XmlReader.XmlSplittable |
A Splittable for XML data.
XmlWriter<M> |
A AutoBeanWriter that outputs XML.
XTemplateParser |
Parses out the contents of a given XTemplate, with a result intended for use
in one or more SafeHtmlTemplates interfaces, to handle the html replacement
XTemplateParser.ContainerTemplateChunk |
XTemplateParser.ContentChunk |
XTemplateParser.ContentChunk.ContentType |
XTemplateParser.ControlChunk |
XTemplateParser.TemplateChunk |
XTemplateParser.TemplateModel |
XTemplates |
A tag interface for declaring methods that accept objects and convert them into HTML based
on an associated template.
XTemplates.Formatter<T> |
A simple interface to facilitate creation of custom formatters.
XTemplates.FormatterFactories |
XTemplates.FormatterFactory |
Declares that a class may act as a factory to provide formatter instances.
XTemplates.FormatterFactoryMethod |
Allows methods to be called on a factory other than 'getFormat'.
XTemplates.TemplateCondition |
Defines a single method on an object that should be accessible from within XTemplate
conditional statements.
XTemplates.TemplateConditions |
XTemplates.XTemplate |
Indicates the string that should be used when generating the template.
XTemplatesGenerator |
XWindow |