Docs Help

Terms, Icons, and Labels

Many classes have shortcut names used when creating (instantiating) a class with a configuration object. The shortcut name is referred to as an alias (or xtype if the class extends Ext.Component). The alias/xtype is listed next to the class name of applicable classes for quick reference.

Access Levels

Framework classes or their members may be specified as private or protected. Else, the class / member is public. Public, protected, and private are access descriptors used to convey how and when the class or class member should be used.

Member Types

Member Syntax

Below is an example class member that we can disect to show the syntax of a class member (the lookupComponent method as viewed from the Ext.button.Button class in this case).

lookupComponent ( item ) : Ext.Component

Called when a raw config object is added to this container either during initialization of the items config, or when new items are added), or {@link #insert inserted.

This method converts the passed object into an instanced child component.

This may be overridden in subclasses when special processing needs to be applied to child creation.


item :  Object

The config object being added.


The component to be added.

Let's look at each part of the member row:

Member Flags

The API documentation uses a number of flags to further commnicate the class member's function and intent. The label may be represented by a text label, an abbreviation, or an icon.

Class Icons

- Indicates a framework class

- A singleton framework class. *See the singleton flag for more information

- A component-type framework class (any class within the Ext JS framework that extends Ext.Component)

- Indicates that the class, member, or guide is new in the currently viewed version

Member Icons

- Indicates a class member of type config

- Indicates a class member of type property

- Indicates a class member of type method

- Indicates a class member of type event

- Indicates a class member of type theme variable

- Indicates a class member of type theme mixin

- Indicates that the class, member, or guide is new in the currently viewed version

Class Member Quick-Nav Menu

Just below the class name on an API doc page is a row of buttons corresponding to the types of members owned by the current class. Each button shows a count of members by type (this count is updated as filters are applied). Clicking the button will navigate you to that member section. Hovering over the member-type button will reveal a popup menu of all members of that type for quick navigation.

Getter and Setter Methods

Getting and setter methods that correlate to a class config option will show up in the methods section as well as in the configs section of both the API doc and the member-type menus just beneath the config they work with. The getter and setter method documentation will be found in the config row for easy reference.

History Bar

Your page history is kept in localstorage and displayed (using the available real estate) just below the top title bar. By default, the only search results shown are the pages matching the product / version you're currently viewing. You can expand what is displayed by clicking on the button on the right-hand side of the history bar and choosing the "All" radio option. This will show all recent pages in the history bar for all products / versions.

Within the history config menu you will also see a listing of your recent page visits. The results are filtered by the "Current Product / Version" and "All" radio options. Clicking on the button will clear the history bar as well as the history kept in local storage.

If "All" is selected in the history config menu the checkbox option for "Show product details in the history bar" will be enabled. When checked, the product/version for each historic page will show alongside the page name in the history bar. Hovering the cursor over the page names in the history bar will also show the product/version as a tooltip.

Search and Filters

Both API docs and guides can be searched for using the search field at the top of the page.

On API doc pages there is also a filter input field that filters the member rows using the filter string. In addition to filtering by string you can filter the class members by access level and inheritance. This is done using the checkboxes at the top of the page. Note that filtering out private members also filters the API class navigation tree.

Clicking on an empty search field will show your last 10 searches for quick navigation.

API Doc Class Metadata

Each API doc page (with the exception of Javascript primitives pages) has a menu view of metadata relating to that class. This metadata view will have one or more of the following:

Expanding and Collapsing Examples and Class Members

Runnable examples (Fiddles) are expanded on a page by default. You can collapse and expand example code blocks individually using the arrow on the top-left of the code block. You can also toggle the collapse state of all examples using the toggle button on the top-right of the page. The toggle-all state will be remembered between page loads.

Class members are collapsed on a page by default. You can expand and collapse members using the arrow icon on the left of the member row or globally using the expand / collapse all toggle button top-right.

Desktop -vs- Mobile View

Viewing the docs on narrower screens or browsers will result in a view optimized for a smaller form factor. The primary differences between the desktop and "mobile" view are:

Viewing the Class Source

The class source can be viewed by clicking on the class name at the top of an API doc page. The source for class members can be viewed by clicking on the "view source" link on the right-hand side of the member row.

Sencha Web Application Manager 6.0.0


Sencha Web Application Manager Guide

Sencha Web Application Manager lets you manage user and group access to web apps that run in Sencha Web Application Client. Sencha hosts Sencha Web Application Manager app at

Sencha Web Application Manager enables secure access to an enterprise's authentication and authorization server.

Sencha Web Application Manager Browser Support

The Manager application works on:

  • Chrome (any version)
  • Safari (any version)
  • Firefox version 22 and later
  • Internet Explorer version 10 and later

Client Support

Users obtain their Sencha Web Application Client apps from the Apple App Store, Google Play, or BlackBerry World Apps market.

Sencha Web Application Manager Features

The Manager application side menu contains these buttons:

Dashboard - Monitors organization Sencha Web Application Client usage and user device and location
Applications - Lists, adds, and removes applications
Devices - Lists, assigns device ownership, blocks or deauthorizes a device, and wipes Sencha Web Application Client info from a device
Users - Lists, adds, and removes user access to Sencha Web Application Client
Groups - Lists, adds, and removes group access to Sencha Web Application Client
VPN Services - Manages VPN services
Reports - Provides interactive reports for:
  • Last Seen - Number of users logging in. Lets you filter by duration, date range, platform OS, platform version, and whether the device is owned by the user or the organization. Also lists recent logins.
  • App Launches - Number of app launches with filters for date range, platform OS, platform version, and whether the device is owned by the user or the organization. Also lists the available apps by usage, with columns for when the app was created (made available to your organization).
  • Users - Charts and grids related to user activity within your organization.
  • Devices - Charts and grids related to device activity within your organization (activiations, inactive, blocked).
  • Platform Distribution - Pie chart by device platform with filters for date range, platform OS, platform version, and whether the device is owned by the user or the organization. Also lists current devices.
  • Exports - An area used to export a CSV report of all information making up the preceding charts. Once an export has been made, it becomes a historical record and may be re-downloaded in the future.
Billing - Provides settings for:
  • Subscription Type - Change your Sencha Web Application Manager subscription when your organization adds more users, devices per user, or apps. Paid subscriptions receive Premium forum access and advanced authentication, and the Enterprise subscription comes with Support and Per App VPN. Includes a breakdown of price and features for the different tiers of available Sencha Web Application Manager subscriptions.
  • Account - Area for adding Payment Methods and Billing contact information.
  • History - Log of all past transactions dealing with your Sencha Web Application Manager account.
Settings - Provides settings for:
  • General - Specify organization name, organization code, email method, and email pattern.
  • Security Policy - Specify the maximum idle time before PIN challenge, PIN type, PIN minimum length, lock out after failed PIN attempts, and the maximum time working offline before automatic log out.
  • Authentication - Specify authentication method, Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) configuration, and Identity Provider (IDP) information.
  • Customize - Customize the General "look and feel" of your organization's Sencha Web Application Manager implementation.


These buttons provide additional controls on tabs:

Search current tab.
Plus Icon - Add an entry
Refresh - Refreshes the current screen
Grid View - Grid View is the default view for pages such as Applications, Devices, Groups, etc. Information is laid out in sortable rows and columns.
Map View - Map View shows a global map, which displays the location of all activated devices. This view is available under the Devices tab.


The Dashboard tab allows you to monitor system usage and evaluate active devices.

The initial chart shows user activity for the current month.

This tab lists:

  • Created users - Number of Sencha Web Application Manager users who can participate
  • Active users - Number of Sencha Web Application Manager users currently viewing Sencha Web Application Client
  • Active Devices
    • Device - The device running Sencha Web Application Client and whether the device is simulated or actual.
    • User - User's email address.
    • Last Active - When the user last accessed Sencha Web Application Client and the user's location.
  • Your Subscription - Shows your current subscription level.
  • Support - Provides the most helpful areas for Support, ranging from documentation the forums.

Disable Access to a Lost Device

If a user loses a mobile device, you can disable Sencha Web Application Client access to the device by clicking the "block" icon found within the user's profile:


You are prompted to be sure you want to immediately terminate the user's session.

Blocking a user's device sends this message to Sencha Web Application Client device:

This user has had their access
revoked indefinitely by an


To reactivate the device:

  1. Click the Users tab.
  2. Click the user's email address.
  3. Unclick the "Block" check icon.


Sencha Web Application Manager prompts to be sure you want to unblock the device.

Note: Blocking the device only affects the one device. The user can access Sencha Web Application Client from another device.

You can also remove all Sencha Web Application Client data from a device by Wiping the device, or you can also remove Sencha Web Application Client data and deauthorize the device. For more information, see Device Information menu.

Applications Tab

The Applications tab lists all apps that can run on a Sencha Web Application Client. Click an application to view more information about the application. You can give each user a different set of applications within your organization.

The first application you set for a user becomes the first screen they see when they log into Sencha Web Application Client. As administrator, you can use a web page as the starting application, for example, as a welcome screen with ways for users to get help or learn how to use their client.

The Applications tab lists:

  • Name - Application name
  • Groups - Number of groups in which the application is permitted use
  • Members - Number of users who are permitted to use the application
  • Modified - Last modification date of the application

Application Information Menu

View the HTML web applications that can run in Sencha Web Application Client app. The web applications can be served using HTTP or HTTPS.

Info tab:

Lists application information:

  • Name - Application's name
  • App URL - Where the application is served from
  • Icon URL - Application icon's URL
  • Description - Application's description
  • Created - Application creation date
  • API Access - Application's API access to the device

Invoke tab:

  • Invokes - Application's from which this application may receive invokes
  • Invokable(s) - Applications which have the potential to invoke this application

Groups tab:

Lists group information about the application:

  • Name - Groups for which this application is assigned

Versions tab:

Allows creation and management of application versions

Analytics tab:

  • Recent launches - Line chart depicting the number of recent (last 30 days) launches
  • Recent events - Pie chart with a breakdown of recent events grouped by type
  • Top users - A grid showing the top users of this application

Log tab:

  • Grid/Filter controls - Shows developer application events generated by this appication, filterable by date range and platform

Add an App

The Add an App menu lets you bring a web app into Sencha Web Application Client environment so that the app can be accessed by Sencha Web Application Clients.


  • Name - Specify the name of the app as it will appear on theApplications tab and on Sencha Web Application Client.
  • App URL - The URL of the app. This can be anHTTP or HTTPS address.
  • Icon URL - The URL of the icon for the app.This can be an HTTP or HTTPS address.
  • Description - Description of the app. Thisdescription appears on the Applications tab andin Sencha Web Application Client.
  • Invokable only - If checked, the app will not be displayed, and will be invokable only.

Note: To give users access to an app, see Add an App to a Group (you need to add an app to a group, and then add the user to the group).

Devices Tab

Lists, assigns device ownership, blocks a device, and wipes Sencha Web Application Client info from a device.


  • Click the Refresh arrow to update the devices list.
  • Search for a device.
  • Click the "Map View" icon to view the devices last known location on a map.


  • Device - Device name
  • User - Device's owner - This name is set on theUsers tab
  • Platform - The device platform the user has registered (Android, iOS, etc)
  • Client - Client Version installed on user's device
  • Ownership - How you designate the device - canbe Unknown, Employee, or Corporate
  • Last Active - Last use of Sencha Web Application Client by the device

Device Information

Click a device to view and edit device information. This menu also lets you wipe Sencha Web Application Client organization data from a device.

Device Information:

  • Device - Device type taken from the device's data provided in the connection.
  • Model - Device Model.
  • Platform - Device Platform.
  • Client - Sencha Web Application Client version number.
  • Ownership - How you classify the device - set this value by clicking Edit.
  • Access
    • Status - Whether or not this device is currently blocked.
    • Last Active - Last use of Sencha Web Application Client by the device

Device Actions:

  • Wipe Device - Removes all Sencha Client organizational data from the device - the user is logged out of Sencha Web Application Client, but the user can just log back in on this device.

  • Block Device - Removes the ability of the device of a user to access Sencha Web Application Client. The user is logged out of Sencha Web Application Client. You must unblock the device before the user can log in again on the same device.

  • Deauthorize Device - Removes the ability for the device to be logged into Sencha Web Application Client, wipes its Sencha Web Application Client data, and logs the user out of the current organization. You must reauthorize the user before the user can log in again on the same device.

The De-authorize prompt changes to Authorize. Note The user continues to have the same group affiliation while unauthorized, and after being reauthorized, regains access to the same apps as previously accessed.

Note: De-authorizing a device removes a device from a user's device quota. If a user's quota is available, a device can be brought back to access Sencha Web Application Client. Without quota, a deauthorized device cannot be returned to service.

Quota depends on the Subscription setting. If your organization has a Team or Workforce subscription, users can have up to 5 devices each; therefore, with these subscriptions, if a user has 4 or fewer devices, you can restore a deauthorized device. If your organization has an Enterprise subscription, users can have any number of devices, so you can always restore a deauthorized device with an Enterprise subscription.

Edit Device Info

Edit device information to change the ownership, block a device, or wipe (remove) Sencha Web Application Client data from a device.


  • Ownership - Set as needed to Unknown, Employee, or Corporate
  • Access
    • Status - Whether or not this device is currently blocked
    • Last Active - Last use of Sencha Web Application Client by the device
  • Actions
    • Wipe - Remotely wipe device
    • Block - Block device access to account
    • Deauthorize - Removes the ability for the device to be logged into Sencha Web Application Client, wipes its Sencha Web Application Client data, and logs the user out of the current organization
    • Save - If you make a change, click Done to complete the change
    • Cancel - Exit back to Devices tab

Users Tab

Lists which users can log into Sencha Web Application Client and run applications. You can also use this tab to add users, block users, change a login password, and remove a user.

Note: To give users access to an app, see Add an App to a Group (you need to add an app to a group, and then add the user to the group).



  • Click a user name to view more information about the user.
  • Click the invite icon to invite a user.
  • Search for a user or user information.


  • Name - User name
  • Group - Total groups to which user belongs
  • Last Active - When the user last used Sencha Web Application Client

User Information Menu

Click a user in the Users tab to view information.


Info tab:

  • Email - User's email address
  • Name - User's real name
  • Title - User's title in the organization
  • Account
    • Status - Whether the user is allowed or disallowed
    • Last Active - When user last used Sencha Web Application Client on their device
    • Registered - Initial user registration date
  • Account Actions
    • Change Password - Change user's password
    • Block - Block user's access
    • Remove - Remove user from a Sencha Web Application Manager account

Groups tab:

  • Name - Groups to which the user belongs
  • Actions
    • Edit - Add or remove user to/from groups

Devices tab:

  • Device - Device name
  • User - User type
  • Platform - Device platform
  • Client - Sencha Web Application Client version
  • Ownership - User's device ownership level
  • Last active - When user last used Sencha Web Application Client on their device, and the user's location

Activity tab:

  • Application launches - Total running counts of launches per application
  • Recent activity - Total launch count per day over the last 30 days

Log tab:

  • Grid/Filter controls - Displays developer application event information for the selected user, filterable by date range and platform OS

Invite Users

Click the plus icon on the Users tab to invite a user to participate in Sencha Web Application Client. You can add additional users from the Invite Users menu, specifying each address separately and click the plus icon to add the address to the list of invitees.

The users you invite receive an email with information about how to obtain the Client app and how to log into Sencha Web Application Client. The emails are sent from Sencha Web Application Manager as do not reply messages.

To invite a user:

  1. Click the Invite button
  2. Type the user's email address and click the plus symbol
  3. If needed, delete an address and re-type
  4. Add each address you want to invite and click the plus symbol
  5. Click Invite

You can invite a user more than once if needed.

To import a list of users:

  1. Click the "Invite" button
  2. Click the "Import" button on the far right
  3. Point the resulting system file screen to a CSV (line break delimited file)
  4. Click Invite
  5. This should populate the user window with the parsed values from your import file

CSV File Structure

Sencha Web Application Manager's import tool anticipates a CSV delmited by line breaks. Ensure that your file is structured as follows:

Sample Code

Remove a User

To remove a user:

  1. Click the Users tab in Sencha Web Application Manager.
  2. Click the user in the list.
  3. Click Remove button.

Groups Tab

Groups lets you organize users into organizational units, such as support, accounting, management, development, and so on, and assign each group specific apps for their exclusive use.

The Groups tab creates or removes a group. Applications can be associated with a group or a user.


  • Name - Group name
  • Apps - Number of apps to which the group has access
  • Members - Number of users in a group
  • Modified - When the group was last modified
  • Actions
    • Search - Search for group
    • Create - Add a new group

Adding a New Group


To add a new group:

  1. Click the Create icon on the Groups tab
  2. Specify a group name
  3. Specify a description of the group

Add an App to a Group

To give users access to an application, you first add an app to a group, and then add the user to the group.

To add an app to a group:

  1. Click the Groups tab.

  2. Click the group to which you want the user to belong.

  3. Click the Applications tab and click Edit:


  4. Click Create to add a new application (see Add an App).

  5. Otherwise choose from the existing unchecked applications and check the apps you want for the group and click Save:


Add a User to a Group

  1. Click the the group to which you want to add a user.

  2. Click the Members tab.

  3. Click Edit tab

  4. Click Invite to invite new users, or check the checkbox next to a user's name who is already in Sencha Web Application Manager.

  5. If you choose to add existing users, check one or more users to add to the group:

  6. When finished, click Save.

VPN Services Tab

The VPN Services tab lets you add or change the VPN service provider.


This tab lists:

  • Name - VPN service name
  • Modified - When the VPN service was last modified
  • Create Icon - Add a VPN Service

Configure VPN Service


To add a VPN service:

  1. Click the Create icon
  2. Specify a Service Name for the display on the VPN Services tab
  3. Specify the URL of the server that authenticates your VPN service access
  4. Click OK

To modify a VPN service:

  1. Click the VPN Name that you want to modify
  2. Click the Edit Button on the resulting info tab
  3. Make your adjustments
  4. Click OK

To add an application to a VPN service:

  1. Click the VPN Name to which you want to add your application
  2. Click the Applications tab
  3. Click the Edit Button on the resulting tab
  4. Check an existing application that is currently unchecked
  5. Click Save

Reports Tab

Provides interactive reports for:

Last Seen

Number of users logging in. Lets you filter by duration, date range, platform OS, and ownership. Also lists recent logins.


App Launches

Number of app launches with filters for date range, platform OS, and ownership. Also lists the available apps by usage, with columns for when the app was created (made available to your organization).



Line chart showing user(s) activity (application launches) over time, along with a grid showing user activity details (launch date, application, device used, etc). Filterable on a per-user basis, with controls for date range, platform OS, and device ownership.



Line chart showing device activiations over time (last year), a list of blocked devices, and a list of inactivate devices modifiable by preset inactivate time periods (1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year).


Platform Distribution

Pie chart by device platform with filters for date range, platform OS, and device ownership. Also lists current devices.



Export a CSV report of all information making up the preceding charts. Once an export has been made, it becomes a historical record and may be re-downloaded in the future.




Lets you change your Sencha Web Application Manager subscription, which depends on how many users, users per device, and apps your organization requires.


To upgrade or downgrade, click Downgrade or Upgrade for the subscription option you require.



Information about your Sencha Web Application Manager subscription:

  • Credit Card Number - The number of the credit card to use to bill for your Sencha Web Application Manager subscription.
  • Security Code - The 3-digit security code on the back of your credit card.
  • Expires - When your credit card expires.
  • Billing Contact - The name, address, country, and state of the person whohandles billing for your organization.
  • Contact Information - Who to contact who is responsible for maintaining Sencha Web Application Manager subscription.


The history tab provides a log of all of your account transactions. This log includes:

  • Date - Date of transaction
  • Description - Description of charge
  • Amount - Total amount charged against your account
  • Status - Current status of transaction

Settings Tab

The Settings section allows you to modify general information, manage your security policy, set authentication requirements, and customize the look and feel of the view.

Settings sections:

General Settings

Lets you set:

  • Organization Name - Any string.
  • Organization Code - A string you receive from Sencha after you registeryour organization with Sencha
  • Created - The date on which the organization was established.
  • Email Method - Native email pattern or Good Enterprise email pattern.
  • Email Pattern - Indicates how to resolve mailto links per the email method you select. A Native pattern starts with mailto,whereas a Good Enterprise pattern starts with the gdmailto or ggmailto value.

Security Policy

Note: When you change any of the options in the Security Policy, all users are sent a notice when they log in that they need to change their PIN.

Lets you set:

Challenge Settings

  • PIN Type (combobox):
    None (not recommended)Users don't use a PIN to access Sencha Web Application Client. Only use this setting during debugging.-
    Digits onlyRequire users to enter a numeric PIN. The numeric keypad appears and only permits values of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9.1234
    Letters onlyRequire users to specify a PIN consisting of at least 4 letters. Users see the device's default keyboard. abcdef
    Letters and numbersRequire users to enter a PIN consisting of at least 4 letters and numbers. Users see the device's default keyboard. a1b2c3d4
    Letters, numbers, and special charactersRequire a secure PIN that has a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters. A PIN must consist of at least 4 characters, have at least one number, letter, and special character, and can be any length. Users see the device's default keyboard. !MyP1n
  • PIN Minimum Length - The least number of numbers a user can enter to be authenticated in Sencha Web Application Client. The default is 6 digits.
  • PIN lock after (attempts) - The number of tries a user gets to supply the correct PIN value before being locked out. The default is 10 attempts. If a user is locked out, the user must re-enter their username and password to gain access to Sencha Web Application Client. The minimum is 2 tries.
  • PIN required after - How long a user can perform other activities outside the Client app before being reprompted for a PIN. For example, a presses the Home button on their mobile device to exit Sencha Web Application Client. If the Session Duration is set to 5 minutes, the user has up to 5 minutes before Sencha Web Application Client reprompts for a PIN upon returning to Sencha Web Application Client. The trade-off is that Sencha Web Application Client data is more vulnerable during the Session Duration interval should the device be lost or stolen, but the duration gives users more time to perform other activities before being reprompted when returning to Sencha Web Application Client. The duration can be set to minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months.

User/Device Policies

  • Max duration Working Offline - Maximum duration that an offline user can perform otheractivities outside Sencha Web Application Client before being automatically logged off. A user isoffline when there is not data connection to a device either by a phone carrier or by wifi. The duration is set in minutes.weeks, or months.
  • Server session duration - The duration for which your server session will persist.The session duration is set in minutes.
  • Block rooted devices - Disallow devices from joining Sencha Web Application Client if they are detected as having been rooted.


  1. Users receive an alert if they choose a PIN that doesn'tmeet the requirements you set for PIN type or length.
  2. A PIN requiring letters can consist of any character on a device's keyboard including international characters.
  3. Security policy settings on the PIN Type slider are minimum requirements. Other characters can be set as needed, for example, a number or special character can be set in an alphabetic PIN.
  4. If you change a value in the security policy, a message may display indicating that a value changed. However, the value is not changed in the security policy until you click the Save button.


Lets you set:

  • Authentication Method
    • Invite Only - Indicates that you can only add user access to Sencha Web Application Client by an email invitation.
    • SAML 2.0 - Indicates that users are given access to Sencha Web Application Client by virtue of access through SAML. If SAML, users are automatically added to the user list in Sencha Web Application Manager and assigned to the Default group if it exists. The Default group is automatically created when an organization is created.
      • SAML Configuration - Identity Provider (IDP) Config:
        • Endpoint URL - Indicate the URL for how to access the IDP.
        • Certificate - List the IDP certificate. Use this syntax:
              -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
          Insert your certificate here
          -----END CERTIFICATE-----
        • Attribute Presets - Custom, OneLogin (single sign-on), or Active Directory Federation Services 2.0.
        • Email Attribute - Specify the email address of your IDP.
        • First Name Attribute - Specify the first name of the IDP.
        • Last Name Attribute - Specify the last name of the IDP.
    • LDAP - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is an open, vendor-neutral, industry standard application protocol for accessing and maintaining distributed directory information services over an Internet Protocol network.
      • Server
      • Use SSL
      • BaseDN
      • Admin Login
      • Admin Password
      • Attributes Presets
      • User Login Template
      • User Filter
      • Email Attribute
      • First Name Attribute
      • Last Name Attribute
      • Group Filter
      • Group Name Attribute


    The Integrations section under Authentication allows you to import LDIF files in order to quickly add users to your Sencha Web Application organization. LDIF records must contain an email field for our import system to properly map the record to a user. Each record may optionally contain fields for:

    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Group Name

    Upon clicking the "Import LDIF" button, you will be asked to point to your local LDIF file. You will additionally be asked to help us map your email (required), first name, last name, and group name attributes to fit your naming schemes. For instance, many LDIF records contain a field called "mail" that contains the user's email value. If this is your case, you would add "mail" as the "Email attribute".

    Once you confirm your field mappings and file name, you can click "OK" and Sencha Web Application Manager will automatically generate user accounts for the correspoding LDIF records.


    The Customize section allows administrators to modify the look and feel of Sencha Web Application Client.

    You can read more about customizing Sencha Web Application Manager by reviewing our customization guide.


    The API section allows administrators to create, delete, and edit API keys and secrets. These pieces allow applications to utilize the Administration API in addition to application push notifications.

    Known Issues

    The following issues affect use of Sencha Web Application Client applications and Sencha Web Application Manager:

    1. iOS Sencha Web Application Client (iOS 6): Bookmarks may not be accessible after being created. <!-- BROW-1676 -->
    2. iOS Sencha Web Application Client (iOS 6 iPhone 4): History in a new tab may not persist between tabs. <!-- BROW-1577 -->
    3. iOS Sencha Web Application Client (iOS 7 iPad Air): Cannot add a favorite in a newtab. 4. <!-- BROW-1351 -->
    4. Sencha Web Application Manager: If you add a user and SAML is enabled, users are automatically added to the Default group. If this group is removed or its namechanged, the user is not added to a group and must be added manually to ensure that the user has access to apps. <!-- BROW-1761 -->

Sencha Web Application Manager 6.0.0

Ext JS
Sencha Test
Sencha Themer
IDE Plugins
Sencha Inspector
Sencha Fiddle

Sencha Test

2.0.0 EA 1.0.3



Sencha Themer

Sencha Themer


5.x EA 4.x 3.x

IDE Plugins

IDE Plugins

Sencha Inspector

Sencha Inspector

Sencha Fiddle

Sencha Fiddle